Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes (G80-G83)
G81: Hemiplegia and hemiparesis

This category is to be used only when hemiplegia (complete)(incomplete) is reported without further specification, or is stated to be old or longstanding but of unspecified cause. The category is also for use in multiple coding to identify these types of hemiplegia resulting from any cause.

congenital cerebral palsy (G80.-)
hemiplegia and hemiparesis due to sequela of cerebrovascular disease (I69.05-, I69.15-, I69.25-, I69.35-, I69.85-, I69.95-)
G81.0: Flaccid hemiplegia
G81.1: Spastic hemiplegia
G81.9: Hemiplegia, unspecified

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