P04: Newborn affected by noxious substances transmitted via placenta or breast milk
P04.1: Newborn affected by other maternal medication

withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction, if applicable (P96.1)

dysmorphism due to warfarin (Q86.2)
fetal hydantoin syndrome (Q86.1)

maternal anesthesia and analgesia in pregnancy, labor and delivery (P04.0)
maternal use of drugs of addiction (P04.4-)
P04.11: Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy
P04.12: Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs
P04.13: Newborn affected by maternal use of anticonvulsants
P04.14: Newborn affected by maternal use of opiates
P04.15: Newborn affected by maternal use of antidepressants
P04.16: Newborn affected by maternal use of amphetamines
P04.17: Newborn affected by maternal use of sedative-hypnotics
P04.1A: Newborn affected by maternal use of anxiolytics
P04.18: Newborn affected by other maternal medication
P04.19: Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified medication

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