Conditions involving the integument and temperature regulation of newborn (P80-P83)
P83: Other conditions of integument specific to newborn

congenital malformations of skin and integument (Q80-Q84)
hydrops fetalis due to hemolytic disease (P56.-)
neonatal skin infection (P39.4)
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (L00)

cradle cap (L21.0)
diaper [napkin] dermatitis (L22)
P83.0: Sclerema neonatorum
P83.1: Neonatal erythema toxicum
P83.2: Hydrops fetalis not due to hemolytic disease
P83.3: Other and unspecified edema specific to newborn
P83.4: Breast engorgement of newborn
P83.5: Congenital hydrocele
P83.6: Umbilical polyp of newborn
P83.8: Other specified conditions of integument specific to newborn
P83.9: Condition of the integument specific to newborn, unspecified

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