V92: Drowning and submersion due to accident on board watercraft, without accident to watercraft
V92.0: Drowning and submersion due to fall off watercraft

Drowning and submersion due to fall from gangplank of watercraft
Drowning and submersion due to fall overboard watercraft

hitting head on object or bottom of body of water due to fall from watercraft (V94.0-)
V92.00: Drowning and submersion due to fall off merchant ship
V92.01: Drowning and submersion due to fall off passenger ship
V92.02: Drowning and submersion due to fall off fishing boat
V92.03: Drowning and submersion due to fall off other powered watercraft
V92.04: Drowning and submersion due to fall off sailboat
V92.05: Drowning and submersion due to fall off canoe or kayak
V92.06: Drowning and submersion due to fall off (nonpowered) inflatable craft
V92.07: Drowning and submersion due to fall off water-skis
V92.08: Drowning and submersion due to fall off other unpowered watercraft
V92.09: Drowning and submersion due to fall off unspecified watercraft

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