795: Other and nonspecific abnormal cytological, histological, immunological and DNA test findings
abnormal cytologic smear of anus and anal HPV (796.70-796.79)
nonspecific abnormalities of red blood cells (790.01-790.09)
795.7 Other nonspecific immunological findings
abnormal tumor markers (795.81-795.89)
elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA] (790.93)
elevated tumor associated antigens (795.81-795.89)
isoimmunization, in pregnancy (656.1-656.2)
affecting fetus or newborn (773.0-773.2)
Inconclusive human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] test (adult) (infant)
This code is ONLY to be used when a test finding is reported as nonspecific. Asymptomatic positive findings are coded to V08. If any HIV infection symptom or condition is present, see code 042. Negative findings are not coded.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS] (042)
asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus, [HIV] infection status (V08)
HIV infection, symptomatic (042)
human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease (042)
positive (status) NOS (V08)
Raised antibody titer
Raised level of immunoglobulins
