998: Other complications of procedures, NEC
fluid overload due to transfusion (blood) (276.61)
TACO (276.61)
transfusion associated circulatory overload (276.61)
998.0 Postoperative shock
Shock during or resulting from a surgical procedure
anaphylactic due to serum (999.41-999.49)
anesthetic (995.4)
electric (994.8)
following abortion (639.5)
obstetric (669.1)
traumatic (958.4)
Collapse, not otherwise specified, during or resulting from a surgical procedure
Failure of peripheral circulation, postoperative
Postoperative endotoxic shock
Postoperative gram-negative shock
Code first underlying infection
Use additional code, to identify severe sepsis (995.92) and any associated acute organ dysfunction, if applicable
Postoperative hypovolemic shock
