Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
acoustic nerve 742.8
adrenal (gland) (congenital) 759.1
acquired V45.79
albumin (blood) 273.8
alimentary tract (complete) (congenital) (partial) 751.8
lower 751.5
upper 750.8
alpha-fucosidase 271.8
alveolar process (acquired) 525.8
congenital 750.26
anus, anal (canal) (congenital) 751.2
aorta (congenital) 747.22
aortic valve (congenital) 746.89
appendix, congenital 751.2
arm (acquired) V49.60
above elbow V49.66
below elbow V49.65
congenital (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.20
lower - see Absence, forearm, congenital
upper (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) 755.24
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
forearm (incomplete) 755.23
artery (congenital) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
brain 747.81
cerebral 747.81
coronary 746.85
pulmonary 747.31
umbilical 747.5
atrial septum 745.69
auditory canal (congenital) (external) 744.01
auricle (ear) (with stenosis or atresia of auditory canal), congenital 744.01
bile, biliary duct (common) or passage (congenital) 751.61
bladder (acquired) V45.74
congenital 753.8
bone (congenital) NEC 756.9
marrow 284.9
acquired (secondary) 284.89
congenital 284.09
hereditary 284.09
idiopathic 284.9
skull 756.0
bowel sounds 787.5
brain 740.0
specified part 742.2
breast(s) (acquired) V45.71
congenital 757.6
broad ligament (congenital) 752.19
bronchus (congenital) 748.3
calvarium, calvaria (skull) 756.0
canaliculus lacrimalis, congenital 743.65
carpal(s) (congenital) (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.28
with complete absence of distal elements 755.21
cartilage 756.9
caudal spine 756.13
cecum (acquired) (postoperative) (posttraumatic) V45.72
congenital 751.2
cementum 520.4
cerebellum (congenital) (vermis) 742.2
cervix (acquired) (uteri) V88.01
with remaining uterus V88.03
and uterus V88.01
congenital 752.43
chin, congenital 744.89
cilia (congenital) 743.63
acquired 374.89
circulatory system, part NEC 747.89
clavicle 755.51
clitoris (congenital) 752.49
coccyx, congenital 756.13
cold sense (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
colon (acquired) (postoperative) V45.72
congenital 751.2
lumen - see Atresia
organ or site NEC - see Agenesis
septum - see Imperfect, closure
corpus callosum (congenital) 742.2
cricoid cartilage 748.3
diaphragm (congenital) (with hernia) 756.6
with obstruction 756.6
digestive organ(s) or tract, congenital (complete) (partial) 751.8
acquired V45.79
lower 751.5
upper 750.8
ductus arteriosus 747.89
duodenum (acquired) (postoperative) V45.72
congenital 751.1
ear, congenital 744.09
acquired V45.79
auricle 744.01
external 744.01
inner 744.05
lobe, lobule 744.21
middle, except ossicles 744.03
ossicles 744.04
ossicles 744.04
ejaculatory duct (congenital) 752.89
endocrine gland NEC (congenital) 759.2
epididymis (congenital) 752.89
acquired V45.77
epiglottis, congenital 748.3
epileptic (atonic) (typical) (see also Epilepsy) 345.0
erythrocyte 284.9
erythropoiesis 284.9
congenital 284.01
esophagus (congenital) 750.3
Eustachian tube (congenital) 744.24
extremity (acquired)
congenital (see also Deformity, reduction) 755.4
lower V49.70
upper V49.60
extrinsic muscle, eye 743.69
eye (acquired) V45.78
adnexa (congenital) 743.69
congenital 743.00
muscle (congenital) 743.69
eyelid (fold), congenital 743.62
acquired 374.89
bones NEC 756.0
specified part NEC 744.89
fallopian tube(s) (acquired) V45.77
congenital 752.19
femur, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.34
complete absence of distal elements 755.31
tibia and fibula (incomplete) 755.33
fibrin 790.92
fibrinogen (congenital) 286.3
acquired 286.6
fibula, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.37
complete absence of distal elements 755.31
tibia 755.35
complete absence of distal elements 755.31
femur (incomplete) 755.33
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
finger (acquired) V49.62
congenital (complete) (partial) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.29
meaning all fingers (complete) (partial) 755.21
transverse 755.21
fissures of lungs (congenital) 748.5
foot (acquired) V49.73
congenital (complete) 755.31
forearm (acquired) V49.65
congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.25
complete absence of distal elements (hand and fingers) 755.21
humerus (incomplete) 755.23
fovea centralis 743.55
fucosidase 271.8
gallbladder (acquired) V45.79
congenital 751.69
gamma globulin (blood) 279.00
genital organs
acquired V45.77
female 752.89
external 752.49
internal NEC 752.89
male 752.89
penis 752.69
genitourinary organs, congenital NEC 752.89
glottis 748.3
gonadal, congenital NEC 758.6
hair (congenital) 757.4
acquired - see Alopecia
hand (acquired) V49.63
congenital (complete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.21
heart (congenital) 759.89
acquired - see Status, organ replacement
heat sense (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
humerus, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.24
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
radius and ulna (incomplete) 755.23
hymen (congenital) 752.49
ileum (acquired) (postoperative) (posttraumatic) V45.72
congenital 751.1
immunoglobulin, isolated NEC 279.03
IgA 279.01
IgG 279.03
IgM 279.02
incus (acquired) 385.24
congenital 744.04
internal ear (congenital) 744.05
intestine (acquired) (small) V45.72
congenital 751.1
large 751.2
large V45.72
congenital 751.2
iris (congenital) 743.45
jaw - see Absence, mandible
jejunum (acquired) V45.72
congenital 751.1
joint (acquired) (following prior explantation of joint prosthesis) (with or without presence of antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer) NEC V88.29
congenital NEC 755.8
hip V88.21
knee V88.22
kidney(s) (acquired) V45.73
congenital 753.0
labium (congenital) (majus) (minus) 752.49
labyrinth, membranous 744.05
lacrimal apparatus (congenital) 743.65
larynx (congenital) 748.3
leg (acquired) V49.70
above knee V49.76
below knee V49.75
congenital (partial) (unilateral) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.31
lower (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) 755.35
complete absence of distal elements (foot and toes) 755.31
thigh (incomplete) 755.33
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
upper - see Absence, femur
lens (congenital) 743.35
acquired 379.31
ligament, broad (congenital) 752.19
limb (acquired)
congenital (complete) (partial) (see also Deformity, reduction) 755.4
lower 755.30
complete 755.31
incomplete 755.32
longitudinal - see Deficiency, lower limb, longitudinal
transverse 755.31
upper 755.20
complete 755.21
incomplete 755.22
longitudinal - see Deficiency, upper limb, longitudinal
transverse 755.21
lower NEC V49.70
upper NEC V49.60
lip 750.26
liver (congenital) (lobe) 751.69
lumbar (congenital) (vertebra) 756.13
isthmus 756.11
pars articularis 756.11
lumen - see Atresia
lung (bilateral) (congenital) (fissure) (lobe) (unilateral) 748.5
acquired (any part) V45.76
mandible (congenital) 524.09
maxilla (congenital) 524.09
menstruation 626.0
metacarpal(s), congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.28
with all fingers, complete 755.21
metatarsal(s), congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.38
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
muscle (congenital) (pectoral) 756.81
ocular 743.69
musculoskeletal system (congenital) NEC 756.9
nail(s) (congenital) 757.5
neck, part 744.89
nerve 742.8
nervous system, part NEC 742.8
neutrophil 288.00
nipple (congenital) 757.6
acquired V45.71
nose (congenital) 748.1
acquired 738.0
nuclear 742.8
ocular muscle (congenital) 743.69
of Corti (congenital) 744.05
or site
acquired V45.79
congenital NEC 759.89
osseous meatus (ear) 744.03
ovary (acquired) V45.77
congenital 752.0
oviduct (acquired) V45.77
congenital 752.19
pancreas (congenital) 751.7
acquired (postoperative) (posttraumatic) V88.11
partial V88.12
total V88.11
parathyroid gland (congenital) 759.2
parotid gland(s) (congenital) 750.21
patella, congenital 755.64
pelvic girdle (congenital) 755.69
penis (congenital) 752.69
acquired V45.77
pericardium (congenital) 746.89
perineal body (congenital) 756.81
phalange(s), congenital 755.4
lower limb (complete) (intercalary) (partial) (terminal) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.39
meaning all toes (complete) (partial) 755.31
transverse 755.31
upper limb (complete) (intercalary) (partial) (terminal) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.29
meaning all digits (complete) (partial) 755.21
transverse 755.21
pituitary gland (congenital) 759.2
postoperative - see Absence, by site, acquired
prostate (congenital) 752.89
acquired V45.77
artery 747.31
trunk 747.31
valve (congenital) 746.01
vein 747.49
punctum lacrimale (congenital) 743.65
radius, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) 755.26
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
ulna 755.25
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
humerus (incomplete) 755.23
ray, congenital 755.4
lower limb (complete) (partial) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.38
meaning all rays 755.31
transverse 755.31
upper limb (complete) (partial) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.28
meaning all rays 755.21
transverse 755.21
rectum (congenital) 751.2
acquired V45.79
red cell 284.9
acquired (secondary) 284.81
congenital 284.01
hereditary 284.01
idiopathic 284.9
respiratory organ (congenital) NEC 748.9
rib (acquired) 738.3
congenital 756.3
roof of orbit (congenital) 742.0
round ligament (congenital) 752.89
sacrum, congenital 756.13
salivary gland(s) (congenital) 750.21
scapula 755.59
scrotum, congenital 752.89
seminal tract or duct (congenital) 752.89
acquired V45.77
septum (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure, septum
atrial 745.69
and ventricular 745.7
between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
ventricular 745.3
and atrial 745.7
sex chromosomes 758.81
shoulder girdle, congenital (complete) (partial) 755.59
skin (congenital) 757.39
skull bone 756.0
anencephalus 740.0
encephalocele 742.0
hydrocephalus 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
microcephalus 742.1
spermatic cord (congenital) 752.89
spinal cord 742.59
spine, congenital 756.13
spleen (congenital) 759.0
acquired V45.79
sternum, congenital 756.3
stomach (acquired) (partial) (postoperative) V45.75
with postgastric surgery syndrome 564.2
congenital 750.7
submaxillary gland(s) (congenital) 750.21
superior vena cava (congenital) 747.49
tarsal(s), congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.38
teeth, tooth (congenital) 520.0
with abnormal spacing 524.30
acquired 525.10
with malocclusion 524.30
due to
caries 525.13
extraction 525.10
periodontal disease 525.12
trauma 525.11
tendon (congenital) 756.81
testis (congenital) 752.89
acquired V45.77
thigh (acquired) 736.89
thumb (acquired) V49.61
congenital 755.29
thymus gland (congenital) 759.2
thyroid (gland) (surgical) 246.8
with hypothyroidism 244.0
cartilage, congenital 748.3
congenital 243
tibia, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.36
complete absence of distal elements 755.31
fibula 755.35
complete absence of distal elements 755.31
femur (incomplete) 755.33
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31
toe (acquired) V49.72
congenital (complete) (partial) 755.39
meaning all toes 755.31
transverse 755.31
great V49.71
tongue (congenital) 750.11
tooth, teeth (congenital) 520.0
with abnormal spacing 524.30
acquired 525.10
with malocclusion 524.30
due to
caries 525.13
extraction 525.10
periodontal disease 525.12
trauma 525.11
trachea (cartilage) (congenital) (rings) 748.3
transverse aortic arch (congenital) 747.21
tricuspid valve 746.1
ulna, congenital (complete) (partial) (with absence of distal elements, incomplete) (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.27
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
radius 755.25
complete absence of distal elements 755.21
humerus (incomplete) 755.23
umbilical artery (congenital) 747.5
ureter (congenital) 753.4
acquired V45.74
urethra, congenital 753.8
acquired V45.74
urinary system, part NEC, congenital 753.8
acquired V45.74
uterus (acquired) V88.01
with remaining cervical stump V88.02
and cervix V88.01
congenital 752.31
uvula (congenital) 750.26
vagina, congenital 752.45
acquired V45.77
vas deferens (congenital) 752.89
acquired V45.77
vein (congenital) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
brain 747.81
great 747.49
portal 747.49
pulmonary 747.49
vena cava (congenital) (inferior) (superior) 747.49
ventral horn cell 742.59
ventricular septum 745.3
vermis of cerebellum 742.2
vertebra, congenital 756.13
vulva, congenital 752.49
