Colic (recurrent) 789.7
abdomen 789.7
psychogenic 307.89
appendicular 543.9
appendix 543.9
bile duct - see Choledocholithiasis
biliary - see Cholelithiasis
bilious - see Cholelithiasis
common duct - see Choledocholithiasis
Devonshire NEC 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
flatulent 787.3
gallbladder or gallstone - see Cholelithiasis
gastric 536.8
hepatic (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis
hysterical 300.11
adult 789.0
child over 12 months old 789.0
infant 789.7
infantile 789.7
intestinal 789.7
kidney 788.0
lead NEC 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
liver (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis
mucous 564.9
psychogenic 316 [564.9]
nephritic 788.0
Painter's NEC 984.9
pancreas 577.8
psychogenic 306.4
renal 788.0
saturnine NEC 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
spasmodic 789.7
ureter 788.0
urethral 599.84
due to calculus 594.2
uterus 625.8
menstrual 625.3
vermicular 543.9
virus 460
worm NEC 128.9
