Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
Note In general, cysts are not neoplastic and are classified to the appropriate category for disease of the specified anatomical site. This generalization does not apply to certain types of cysts which are neoplastic in nature, for example, dermoid, nor does it apply to cysts of certain structures, for example, branchial cleft, which are classified as developmental anomalies. The following listing includes some of the most frequently reported sites of cysts as well as qualifiers which indicate the type of cyst. The latter qualifiers usually are not repeated under the anatomical sites. Since the code assignment for a given site may vary depending upon the type of cyst, the coder should refer to the listings under the specified type of cyst before consideration is given to the site.
accessory, fallopian tube 752.11
adenoid (infected) 474.8
adrenal gland 255.8
congenital 759.1
air, lung 518.89
allantoic 753.7
alveolar process (jaw bone) 526.2
amnion, amniotic 658.8
anterior chamber (eye) 364.60
exudative 364.62
implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61
parasitic 360.13
anterior nasopalatine 526.1
antrum 478.19
anus 569.49
apical (periodontal) (tooth) 522.8
appendix 543.9
arachnoid, brain 348.0
arytenoid 478.79
auricle 706.2
Baker's (knee) 727.51
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.2
Bartholin's gland or duct 616.2
bile duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8
bladder (multiple) (trigone) 596.89
Blessig's 362.62
blood, endocardial (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
blue dome 610.0
bone (local) 733.20
aneurysmal 733.22
jaw 526.2
developmental (odontogenic) 526.0
fissural 526.1
latent 526.89
solitary 733.21
unicameral 733.21
brain 348.0
congenital 742.4
hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
third ventricle (colloid) 742.4
branchial (cleft) 744.42
branchiogenic 744.42
breast (benign) (blue dome) (pedunculated) (solitary) (traumatic) 610.0
involution 610.4
sebaceous 610.8
broad ligament (benign) 620.8
embryonic 752.11
bronchogenic (mediastinal) (sequestration) 518.89
congenital 748.4
buccal 528.4
bulbourethral gland (Cowper's) 599.89
bursa, bursal 727.49
pharyngeal 478.26
calcifying odontogenic (M9301/0) 213.1
upper jaw (bone) 213.0
canal of Nuck (acquired) (serous) 629.1
congenital 752.41
canthus 372.75
carcinomatous (M8010/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
cartilage (joint) - see Derangement, joint
cauda equina 336.8
cavum septi pellucidi NEC 348.0
celomic (pericardium) 746.89
cerebellopontine (angle) - see Cyst, brain
cerebellum - see Cyst, brain
cerebral - see Cyst, brain
cervical lateral 744.42
cervix 622.8
embryonal 752.41
nabothian (gland) 616.0
chamber, anterior (eye) 364.60
exudative 364.62
implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61
parasitic 360.13
chiasmal, optic NEC (see also Lesion, chiasmal) 377.54
chocolate (ovary) 617.1
choledochal (congenital) 751.69
acquired 576.8
choledochus 751.69
chorion 658.8
choroid plexus 348.0
chyle, mesentery 457.8
ciliary body 364.60
exudative 364.64
implantation 364.61
primary 364.63
clitoris 624.8
coccyx (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20
third ventricle (brain) 742.4
thyroid gland - see Goiter
colon 569.89
common (bile) duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8
congenital NEC 759.89
adrenal glands 759.1
epiglottis 748.3
esophagus 750.4
fallopian tube 752.11
kidney 753.10
multiple 753.19
single 753.11
larynx 748.3
liver 751.62
lung 748.4
mediastinum 748.8
ovary 752.0
oviduct 752.11
pancreas 751.7
periurethral (tissue) 753.8
prepuce NEC 752.69
penis 752.69
sublingual 750.26
submaxillary gland 750.26
thymus (gland) 759.2
tongue 750.19
ureterovesical orifice 753.4
vulva 752.41
conjunctiva 372.75
cornea 371.23
corpora quadrigemina 348.0
albicans (ovary) 620.2
luteum (ruptured) 620.1
Cowper's gland (benign) (infected) 599.89
cranial meninges 348.0
craniobuccal pouch 253.8
craniopharyngeal pouch 253.8
cystic duct (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8
Cysticercus (any site) 123.1
Dandy-Walker 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
dental 522.8
developmental 526.0
eruption 526.0
lateral periodontal 526.0
primordial (keratocyst) 526.0
root 522.8
dentigerous 526.0
mandible 526.0
maxilla 526.0
dermoid (M9084/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
with malignant transformation (M9084/3) 183.0
external area or site (skin) NEC 709.8
iris 364.61
skin 709.8
vagina 623.8
vulva 624.8
mouth 528.4
oral soft tissue 528.4
sacrococcygeal 685.1
with abscess 685.0
developmental of ovary, ovarian 752.0
dura (cerebral) 348.0
spinal 349.2
ear (external) 706.2
echinococcal (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
cervix uteri 752.41
genitalia, female external 752.41
uterus 752.39
vagina 752.41
endometrial 621.8
ectopic 617.9
endometrium (uterus) 621.8
ectopic - see Endometriosis
enteric 751.5
enterogenous 751.5
epidermal (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
epidermoid (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
mouth 528.4
not of skin - see Cyst, by site
oral soft tissue 528.4
epididymis 608.89
epiglottis 478.79
epiphysis cerebri 259.8
epithelial (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
epoophoron 752.11
eruption 526.0
esophagus 530.89
ethmoid sinus 478.19
eye (retention) 379.8
congenital 743.03
posterior segment, congenital 743.54
eyebrow 706.2
eyelid (sebaceous) 374.84
infected 373.13
sweat glands or ducts 374.84
falciform ligament (inflammatory) 573.8
fallopian tube 620.8
congenital 752.11
female genital organs NEC 629.89
fimbrial (congenital) 752.11
fissural (oral region) 526.1
follicle (atretic) (graafian) (ovarian) 620.0
nabothian (gland) 616.0
follicular (atretic) (ovarian) 620.0
dentigerous 526.0
frontal sinus 478.19
gallbladder or duct 575.8
ganglion 727.43
Gartner's duct 752.41
gas, of mesentery 568.89
gingiva 523.8
gland of moll 374.84
globulomaxillary 526.1
graafian follicle 620.0
granulosal lutein 620.2
hemangiomatous (M9121/0) (see also Hemangioma) 228.00
hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
fallopian tube (Morgagni) 752.11
liver NEC 122.8
lung NEC 122.9
Morgagni 752.89
fallopian tube 752.11
specified site NEC 122.9
hymen 623.8
embryonal 752.41
hypopharynx 478.26
hypophysis, hypophyseal (duct) (recurrent) 253.8
cerebri 253.8
implantation (dermoid)
anterior chamber (eye) 364.61
external area or site (skin) NEC 709.8
iris 364.61
vagina 623.8
vulva 624.8
incisor, incisive canal 526.1
inclusion (epidermal) (epithelial) (epidermoid) (mucous) (squamous) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
not of skin - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
intestine (large) (small) 569.89
intracranial - see Cyst, brain
intraligamentous 728.89
knee 717.89
intrasellar 253.8
iris (idiopathic) 364.60
exudative 364.62
implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61
miotic pupillary 364.55
parasitic 360.13
Iwanoff's 362.62
jaw (bone) (aneurysmal) (extravasation) (hemorrhagic) (traumatic) 526.2
developmental (odontogenic) 526.0
fissural 526.1
keratin 706.2
kidney (congenital) 753.10
acquired 593.2
calyceal (see also Hydronephrosis) 591
multiple 753.19
pyelogenic (see also Hydronephrosis) 591
simple 593.2
single 753.11
solitary (not congenital) 593.2
labium (majus) (minus) 624.8
sebaceous 624.8
apparatus 375.43
gland or sac 375.12
larynx 478.79
lens 379.39
congenital 743.39
lip (gland) 528.5
liver 573.8
congenital 751.62
hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.8
granulosis 122.0
multilocularis 122.5
lung 518.89
congenital 748.4
giant bullous 492.0
lutein 620.1
lymphangiomatous (M9173/0) 228.1
mouth 528.4
oral soft tissue 528.4
macula 362.54
malignant (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
mammary gland (sweat gland) (see also Cyst, breast) 610.0
mandible 526.2
dentigerous 526.0
radicular 522.8
maxilla 526.2
dentigerous 526.0
radicular 522.8
anterior maxillary 526.1
palatal 526.1
mediastinum (congenital) 748.8
meibomian (gland) (retention) 373.2
infected 373.12
membrane, brain 348.0
meninges (cerebral) 348.0
spinal 349.2
meniscus knee 717.5
mesentery, mesenteric (gas) 568.89
chyle 457.8
gas 568.89
mesonephric duct 752.89
peritoneum 568.89
pleura (peritoneal) 568.89
milk 611.5
miotic pupillary (iris) 364.55
Morgagni (hydatid) 752.89
fallopian tube 752.11
mouth 528.4
Müllerian duct 752.89
appendix testis 608.89
cervix (embryonal) 752.41
fallopian tube 752.11
prostatic utricle 599.89
vagina (embryonal) 752.41
multilocular (ovary) (M8000/1) 239.5
myometrium 621.8
nabothian (follicle) (ruptured) 616.0
nasal sinus 478.19
nasoalveolar 528.4
nasolabial 528.4
nasopalatine (duct) 526.1
anterior 526.1
nasopharynx 478.26
neoplastic (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
benign (M8000/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
uterus 621.8
nervous system - see Cyst, brain
neuroenteric 742.59
neuroepithelial ventricle 348.0
nipple 610.0
nose 478.19
skin of 706.2
odontogenic, developmental 526.0
omentum (lesser) 568.89
congenital 751.8
oral soft tissue (dermoid) (epidermoid) (lymphoepithelial) 528.4
ora serrata 361.19
orbit 376.81
ovary, ovarian (twisted) 620.2
adherent 620.2
chocolate 617.1
albicans 620.2
luteum 620.1
dermoid (M9084/0) 220
developmental 752.0
due to failure of involution NEC 620.2
endometrial 617.1
follicular (atretic) (graafian) (hemorrhagic) 620.0
hemorrhagic 620.2
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
causing obstructed labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
multilocular (M8000/1) 239.5
pseudomucinous (M8470/0) 220
retention 620.2
serous 620.2
theca lutein 620.2
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6
unspecified 620.2
oviduct 620.8
palatal papilla (jaw) 526.1
palate 526.1
fissural 526.1
median (fissural) 526.1
palatine, of papilla 526.1
pancreas, pancreatic 577.2
congenital 751.7
false 577.2
hemorrhagic 577.2
true 577.2
hip 718.85
shoulder 840.7
paramesonephric duct - see Cyst, Müllerian duct
paranephric 593.2
para ovarian 752.11
paraphysis, cerebri 742.4
parasitic NEC 136.9
parathyroid (gland) 252.8
paratubal (fallopian) 620.8
paraurethral duct 599.89
paroophoron 752.11
parotid gland 527.6
mucous extravasation or retention 527.6
parovarian 752.11
pars planus 364.60
exudative 364.64
primary 364.63
pelvis, female
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
causing obstructed labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
penis (sebaceous) 607.89
periapical 522.8
pericardial (congenital) 746.89
acquired (secondary) 423.8
pericoronal 526.0
perineural (Tarlov's) 355.9
periodontal 522.8
lateral 526.0
peripancreatic 577.2
peripelvic (lymphatic) 593.2
peritoneum 568.89
chylous 457.8
pharynx (wall) 478.26
pilar 704.41
pilonidal (infected) (rectum) 685.1
with abscess 685.0
malignant (M9084/3) 173.59
pituitary (duct) (gland) 253.8
placenta (amniotic) - see Placenta, abnormal
pleura 519.8
popliteal 727.51
porencephalic 742.4
acquired 348.0
postanal (infected) 685.1
with abscess 685.0
posterior segment of eye, congenital 743.54
postmastoidectomy cavity 383.31
preauricular 744.47
prepuce 607.89
congenital 752.69
primordial (jaw) 526.0
prostate 600.3
pseudomucinous (ovary) (M8470/0) 220
pudenda (sweat glands) 624.8
pupillary, miotic 364.55
sebaceous 624.8
radicular (residual) 522.8
radiculodental 522.8
ranular 527.6
Rathke's pouch 253.8
rectum (epithelium) (mucous) 569.49
renal - see Cyst, kidney
residual (radicular) 522.8
retention (ovary) 620.2
retina 361.19
macular 362.54
parasitic 360.13
primary 361.13
secondary 361.14
retroperitoneal 568.89
sacrococcygeal (dermoid) 685.1
with abscess 685.0
salivary gland or duct 527.6
mucous extravasation or retention 527.6
Sampson's 617.1
sclera 379.19
scrotum (sebaceous) 706.2
sweat glands 706.2
sebaceous (duct) (gland) 706.2
breast 610.8
eyelid 374.84
genital organ NEC
female 629.89
male 608.89
scrotum 706.2
semilunar cartilage (knee) (multiple) 717.5
seminal vesicle 608.89
serous (ovary) 620.2
sinus (antral) (ethmoidal) (frontal) (maxillary) (nasal) (sphenoidal) 478.19
Skene's gland 599.89
skin (epidermal) (epidermoid, inclusion) (epithelial) (inclusion) (retention) (sebaceous) 706.2
breast 610.8
eyelid 374.84
genital organ NEC
female 629.89
male 608.89
neoplastic 216.3
scrotum 706.2
sweat gland or duct 705.89
bone 733.21
kidney 593.2
spermatic cord 608.89
sphenoid sinus 478.19
spinal meninges 349.2
spine (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20
spleen NEC 289.59
congenital 759.0
hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
spring water (pericardium) 746.89
subarachnoid 348.0
intrasellar 793.0
subdural (cerebral) 348.0
spinal cord 349.2
sublingual gland 527.6
mucous extravasation or retention 527.6
submaxillary gland 527.6
mucous extravasation or retention 527.6
suburethral 599.89
suprarenal gland 255.8
suprasellar - see Cyst, brain
sweat gland or duct 705.89
sympathetic nervous system 337.9
synovial 727.40
popliteal space 727.51
Tarlov's 355.9
tarsal 373.2
tendon (sheath) 727.42
testis 608.89
theca-lutein (ovary) 620.2
Thornwaldt's, Tornwaldt's 478.26
thymus (gland) 254.8
thyroglossal (duct) (infected) (persistent) 759.2
thyroid (gland) 246.2
adenomatous - see Goiter, nodular
colloid (see also Goiter) 240.9
thyrolingual duct (infected) (persistent) 759.2
tongue (mucous) 529.8
tonsil 474.8
tooth (dental root) 522.8
trichilemmal (proliferating) 704.42
tubo-ovarian 620.8
inflammatory 614.1
tunica vaginalis 608.89
turbinate (nose) (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20
Tyson's gland (benign) (infected) 607.89
umbilicus 759.89
urachus 753.7
ureter 593.89
ureterovesical orifice 593.89
congenital 753.4
urethra 599.84
urethral gland (Cowper's) 599.89
ligament 620.8
embryonic 752.11
tube 620.8
uterus (body) (corpus) (recurrent) 621.8
embryonal 752.39
utricle (ear) 386.8
prostatic 599.89
utriculus masculinus 599.89
vagina, vaginal (squamous cell) (wall) 623.8
embryonal 752.41
implantation 623.8
inclusion 623.8
vallecula, vallecular 478.79
ventricle, neuroepithelial 348.0
verumontanum 599.89
vesical (orifice) 596.89
vitreous humor 379.29
vulva (sweat glands) 624.8
congenital 752.41
implantation 624.8
inclusion 624.8
sebaceous gland 624.8
vulvovaginal gland 624.8
wolffian 752.89
