Degeneration, degenerative
adrenal (capsule) (gland) 255.8
with hypofunction 255.41
fatty 255.8
hyaline 255.8
infectional 255.8
lardaceous 277.39
amyloid (any site) (general) 277.39
anterior cornua, spinal cord 336.8
anterior labral 840.8
aorta, aortic 440.0
fatty 447.8
valve (heart) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1
arteriovascular - see Arteriosclerosis
artery, arterial (atheromatous) (calcareous) - see also Arteriosclerosis
amyloid 277.39
lardaceous 277.39
medial NEC (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
articular cartilage NEC (see also Disorder, cartilage, articular) 718.0
elbow 718.02
knee 717.5
patella 717.7
shoulder 718.01
spine (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
atheromatous - see Arteriosclerosis
bacony (any site) 277.39
basal nuclei or ganglia NEC 333.0
bone 733.90
brachial plexus 353.0
brain (cortical) (progressive) 331.9
arteriosclerotic 437.0
childhood 330.9
specified type NEC 330.8
congenital 742.4
cystic 348.0
congenital 742.4
familial NEC 331.89
grey matter 330.8
heredofamilial NEC 331.89
alcoholism 303.9 [331.7]
beriberi 265.0 [331.7]
cerebrovascular disease 437.9 [331.7]
congenital hydrocephalus 742.3 [331.7]
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0 [331.7]
Babry's disease 272.7 [330.2]
Gaucher's disease 272.7 [330.2]
Hunter's disease or syndrome 277.5 [330.3]
cerebral 330.1
generalized 272.7 [330.2]
mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [330.3]
myxedema (see also Myxedema) 244.9 [331.7]
neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) 239.9 [331.7]
Niemann-Pick disease 272.7 [330.2]
sphingolipidosis 272.7 [330.2]
vitamin B12 deficiency 266.2 [331.7]
motor centers 331.89
senile 331.2
specified type NEC 331.89
breast - see Disease, breast
Bruch's membrane 363.40
bundle of His 426.50
left 426.3
right 426.4
calcareous NEC 275.49
capillaries 448.9
amyloid 277.39
fatty 448.9
lardaceous 277.39
cardiac (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
valve, valvular - see Endocarditis
cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2
renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
cartilage (joint) - see Derangement, joint
cerebellar NEC 334.9
primary (hereditary) (sporadic) 334.2
cerebral - see Degeneration, brain
cerebromacular 330.1
cerebrovascular 437.1
due to hypertension 437.2
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
cervical plexus 353.2
cervix 622.8
due to radiation (intended effect) 622.8
adverse effect or misadventure 622.8
changes, spine or vertebra (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
chitinous 277.39
chorioretinal 363.40
congenital 743.53
hereditary 363.50
choroid (colloid) (drusen) 363.40
hereditary 363.50
senile 363.41
diffuse secondary 363.42
cochlear 386.8
collateral ligament (knee) (medial) 717.82
lateral 717.81
combined (spinal cord) (subacute) 266.2 [336.2]
with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [336.2]
due to dietary deficiency 281.1 [336.2]
due to vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (dietary) 281.1 [336.2]
conjunctiva 372.50
amyloid 277.39 [372.50]
cornea 371.40
calcerous 371.44
familial (hereditary) (see also Dystrophy, cornea) 371.50
macular 371.55
reticular 371.54
hyaline (of old scars) 371.41
marginal (Terrien's) 371.48
mosaic (shagreen) 371.41
nodular 371.46
peripheral 371.48
senile 371.41
cortical (cerebellar) (parenchymatous) 334.2
alcoholic 303.9 [334.4]
diffuse, due to arteriopathy 437.0
corticobasal 331.6
corticostriatal-spinal 334.8
cretinoid 243
cruciate ligament (knee) (posterior) 717.84
anterior 717.83
cutis 709.3
amyloid 277.39
dental pulp 522.2
disc disease - see Degeneration, intervertebral disc
dorsolateral (spinal cord) - see Degeneration, combined
endocardial 424.90
extrapyramidal NEC 333.90
eye NEC 360.40
macular (see also Degeneration, macula) 362.50
congenital 362.75
hereditary 362.76
fatty (diffuse) (general) 272.8
liver 571.8
alcoholic 571.0
localized site - see Degeneration, by site, fatty
placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
globe (eye) NEC 360.40
macular - see Degeneration, macula
grey matter 330.8
heart (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
amyloid 277.39 [425.7]
atheromatous - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
gouty 274.82
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
ischemic 414.9
valve, valvular - see Endocarditis
hepatolenticular (Wilson's) 275.1
hepatorenal 572.4
brain NEC 331.89
spinal cord NEC 336.8
hyaline (diffuse) (generalized) 728.9
localized - see also Degeneration, by site
cornea 371.41
keratitis 371.41
hypertensive vascular - see Hypertension
infrapatellar fat pad 729.31
internal semilunar cartilage 717.3
intervertebral disc 722.6
with myelopathy 722.70
cervical, cervicothoracic 722.4
with myelopathy 722.71
lumbar, lumbosacral 722.52
with myelopathy 722.73
thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.51
with myelopathy 722.72
intestine 569.89
amyloid 277.39
lardaceous 277.39
iris (generalized) (see also Atrophy, iris) 364.59
pigmentary 364.53
pupillary margin 364.54
ischemic - see Ischemia
joint disease (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
multiple sites 715.09
spine (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
kidney (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587
amyloid 277.39 [583.81]
cyst, cystic (multiple) (solitary) 593.2
congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10
fatty 593.89
fibrocystic (congenital) 753.19
lardaceous 277.39 [583.81]
polycystic (congenital) 753.12
adult type (APKD) 753.13
autosomal dominant 753.13
autosomal recessive 753.14
childhood type (CPKD) 753.14
infantile type 753.14
waxy 277.39 [583.81]
kuhnt-Junius (retina) 362.52
labyrinth, osseous 386.8
lacrimal passages, cystic 375.12
lardaceous (any site) 277.39
lateral column (posterior), spinal cord (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
lattice 362.63
lens 366.9
infantile, juvenile, or presenile 366.00
senile 366.10
lenticular (familial) (progressive) (Wilson's) (with cirrhosis of liver) 275.1
striate artery 437.0
lethal ball, prosthetic heart valve 996.02
collateral (knee) (medial) 717.82
lateral 717.81
cruciate (knee) (posterior) 717.84
anterior 717.83
liver (diffuse) 572.8
amyloid 277.39
congenital (cystic) 751.62
cystic 572.8
congenital 751.62
fatty 571.8
alcoholic 571.0
hypertrophic 572.8
lardaceous 277.39
parenchymatous, acute or subacute (see also Necrosis, liver) 570
pigmentary 572.8
toxic (acute) 573.8
waxy 277.39
lung 518.89
lymph gland 289.3
hyaline 289.3
lardaceous 277.39
macula (acquired) (senile) 362.50
atrophic 362.51
Best's 362.76
congenital 362.75
cystic 362.54
cystoid 362.53
disciform 362.52
dry 362.51
exudative 362.52
familial pseudoinflammatory 362.77
hereditary 362.76
hole 362.54
juvenile (Stargardt's) 362.75
nonexudative 362.51
pseudohole 362.54
wet 362.52
medullary - see Degeneration, brain
membranous labyrinth, congenital (causing impairment of hearing) 744.05
meniscus - see Derangement, joint
microcystoid 362.62
mitral - see Insufficiency, mitral
Mönckeberg's (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
moral 301.7
motor centers, senile 331.2
mural (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
heart, cardiac (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
muscle 728.9
fatty 728.9
fibrous 728.9
heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
hyaline 728.9
muscular progressive 728.2
myelin, central nervous system NEC 341.9
myocardium, myocardial (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.1
with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0
active, acute, or subacute 391.2
with chorea 392.0
inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
amyloid 277.39[425.7]
congenital 746.89
fetus or newborn 779.89
gouty 274.82
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
ischemic 414.8
rheumatic (see also Degeneration, myocardium, with rheumatic fever) 398.0
syphilitic 093.82
nasal sinus (mucosa) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9
frontal 473.1
maxillary 473.0
nerve - see Disorder, nerve
nervous system 349.89
amyloid 277.39 [357.4]
autonomic (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
fatty 349.89
peripheral autonomic NEC (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
nipple 611.9
nose 478.19
oculoacousticocerebral, congenital (progressive) 743.8
olivopontocerebellar (familial) (hereditary) 333.0
osseous labyrinth 386.8
ovary 620.8
cystic 620.2
microcystic 620.2
pallidal, pigmentary (progressive) 333.0
pancreas 577.8
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9
papillary muscle 429.81
paving stone 362.61
penis 607.89
peritoneum 568.89
pigmentary (diffuse) (general)
localized - see Degeneration, by site
pallidal (progressive) 333.0
secondary 362.65
pineal gland 259.8
pituitary (gland) 253.8
placenta (fatty) (fibrinoid) (fibroid) - see Placenta, abnormal
popliteal fat pad 729.31
posterolateral (spinal cord) (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
pulmonary valve (heart) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3
pulp (tooth) 522.2
pupillary margin 364.54
renal (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587
fibrocystic 753.19
polycystic 753.12
adult type (APKD) 753.13
autosomal dominant 753.13
autosomal recessive 753.14
childhood type (CPKD) 753.14
infantile type 753.14
reticuloendothelial system 289.89
retina (peripheral) 362.60
with retinal defect (see also Detachment, retina, with retinal defect) 361.00
cystic (senile) 362.50
cystoid 362.53
hereditary (see also Dystrophy, retina) 362.70
cerebroretinal 362.71
congenital 362.75
juvenile (Stargardt's) 362.75
macula 362.76
Kuhnt-Junius 362.52
lattice 362.63
macular (see also Degeneration, macula) 362.50
microcystoid 362.62
palisade 362.63
paving stone 362.61
pigmentary (primary) 362.74
secondary 362.65
posterior pole (see also Degeneration, macula) 362.50
secondary 362.66
senile 362.60
cystic 362.53
reticular 362.64
saccule, congenital (causing impairment of hearing) 744.05
sacculocochlear 386.8
senile 797
brain 331.2
cardiac, heart, or myocardium (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
motor centers 331.2
reticule 362.64
retina, cystic 362.50
vascular - see Arteriosclerosis
silicone rubber poppet (prosthetic valve) 996.02
sinus (cystic) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9
polypoid 471.1
skin 709.3
amyloid 277.39
colloid 709.3
spinal (cord) 336.8
amyloid 277.39
column 733.90
combined (subacute) (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [336.2]
dorsolateral (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
familial NEC 336.8
fatty 336.8
funicular (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
heredofamilial NEC 336.8
posterolateral (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
subacute combined - see Degeneration, combined
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 013.8
spine 733.90
spleen 289.59
amyloid 277.39
lardaceous 277.39
stomach 537.89
lardaceous 277.39
strionigral 333.0
sudoriparous (cystic) 705.89
suprarenal (capsule) (gland) 255.8
with hypofunction 255.41
sweat gland 705.89
synovial membrane (pulpy) 727.9
tapetoretinal 362.74
adult or presenile form 362.50
testis (postinfectional) 608.89
thymus (gland) 254.8
fatty 254.8
lardaceous 277.39
thyroid (gland) 246.8
tricuspid (heart) (valve) - see Endocarditis, tricuspid
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
turbinate 733.90
uterus 621.8
cystic 621.8
vascular (senile) - see also Arteriosclerosis
hypertensive - see Hypertension
vitreoretinal (primary) 362.73
secondary 362.66
vitreous humor (with infiltration) 379.21
wallerian NEC - see Disorder, nerve
waxy (any site) 277.39
Wilson's hepatolenticular 275.1
