Delirium, delirious 780.09
acute 780.09
due to conditions classified elsewhere 293.0
alcoholic 291.0
acute 291.0
chronic 291.1
alcoholicum 291.0
chronic (see also Psychosis) 293.89
due to or associated with physical condition - see Psychosis, organic
drug-induced 292.81
due to conditions classified elsewhere 293.0
eclamptic (see also Eclampsia) 780.39
exhaustion (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9
hysterical 300.11
presenile dementia 290.11
senile dementia 290.3
induced by drug 292.81
manic, maniacal (acute) (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0
recurrent episode 296.1
single episode 296.0
puerperal 293.9
senile 290.3
subacute (psychotic) 293.1
thyroid (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
traumatic - see also Injury, intracranial
lesion, spinal cord - see Injury, spinal, by site
shock, spinal - see Injury, spinal, by site
tremens (impending) 291.0
uremic - see Uremia
alcoholic (acute) 291.0
chronic 291.1
drug 292.0
