Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
Abrami's (acquired hemolytic jaundice) 283.9
absorbent system 459.89
accumulation - see Thesaurismosis
acid-peptic 536.8
Acosta's 993.2
Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni) (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Addison's (bronze) (primary adrenal insufficiency) 255.41
anemia (pernicious) 281.0
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6
Addison-Gull - see Xanthoma
adenoids (and tonsils) (chronic) 474.9
adrenal (gland) (capsule) (cortex) 255.9
hyperfunction 255.3
hypofunction 255.41
specified type NEC 255.8
ainhum (dactylolysis spontanea) 136.0
akamushi (scrub typhus) 081.2
Akureyri (epidemic neuromyasthenia) 049.8
Albarrán's (colibacilluria) 791.9
Albers-Schönberg's (marble bones) 756.52
Albert's 726.71
Albright (-Martin) (-Bantam) 275.49
Alibert's (mycosis fungoides) (M9700/3) 202.1
Alibert-Bazin (M9700/3) 202.1
alimentary canal 569.9
alligator skin (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1
acquired 701.1
Almeida's (Brazilian blastomycosis) 116.1
Alpers' 330.8
alpine 993.2
altitude 993.2
alveoli, teeth 525.9
Alzheimer's - see Alzheimer's
amyloid (any site) 277.30
anarthritic rheumatoid 446.5
Anders' (adiposis tuberosa simplex) 272.8
Andersen's (glycogenosis IV) 271.0
Anderson's (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7
Andes 993.2
Andrews' (bacterid) 686.8
angiopastic, angiospasmodic 443.9
cerebral 435.9
with transient neurologic deficit 435.9
vein 459.89
chamber 364.9
horn cell 335.9
specified type NEC 335.8
antral (chronic) 473.0
acute 461.0
anus NEC 569.49
aorta (nonsyphilitic) 447.9
syphilitic NEC 093.89
aortic (heart) (valve) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1
apollo 077.4
aponeurosis 726.90
appendix 543.9
aqueous (chamber) 364.9
arc-welders' lung 503
Armenian 277.31
Arnold-Chiari (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
arterial 447.9
occlusive (see also Occlusion, by site) 444.22
with embolus or thrombus - see Occlusion, by site
due to stricture or stenosis 447.1
specified type NEC 447.8
arteriocardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
arteriolar (generalized) (obliterative) 447.90
specified type NEC 447.8
arteriorenal - see Hypertension, kidney
arteriosclerotic - see also Arteriosclerosis
cardiovascular 429.2
coronary - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
heart - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
vascular - see Arteriosclerosis
artery 447.9
cerebral 437.9
coronary - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
specified type NEC 447.8
arthropod-borne NEC 088.9
specified type NEC 088.89
Asboe-Hansen's (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33
atticoantral, chronic (with posterior or superior marginal perforation of ear drum) 382.2
auditory canal, ear 380.9
Aujeszky's 078.89
auricle, ear NEC 380.30
Australian X 062.4
autoimmune NEC 279.49
hemolytic (cold type) (warm type) 283.0
parathyroid 252.1
thyroid 245.2
aviators' (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
ax(e)-grinders' 502
Ayala's 756.89
Ayerza's (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) 416.0
Azorean (of the nervous system) 334.8
Babington's (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0
back bone NEC 733.90
bacterial NEC 040.89
zoonotic NEC 027.9
specified type NEC 027.8
Baehr-Schiffrin (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6
Baelz's (cheilitis glandularis apostematosa) 528.5
Baerensprung's (eczema marginatum) 110.3
Balfour's (chloroma) 205.3
balloon (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
Baló's 341.1
Bamberger (-Marie) (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2
Bang's (Brucella abortus) 023.1
Bannister's 995.1
Banti's (with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension) - see Cirrhosis, liver
Barcoo (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9
barium lung 503
Barlow (-Möller) (infantile scurvy) 267
barometer makers' 985.0
Barraquer (-Simons) (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6
basal ganglia 333.90
degenerative NEC 333.0
specified NEC 333.89
Basedow's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
basement membrane NEC 583.89
pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture's syndrome) 446.21 [583.81]
Bateman's 078.0
purpura (senile) 287.2
Batten's 330.1 [362.71]
Batten-Mayou (retina) 330.1 [362.71]
Batten-Steinert 359.21
Battey 031.0
Baumgarten-Cruveilhier (cirrhosis of liver) 571.5
bauxite-workers' 503
Bayle's (dementia paralytica) 094.1
Bazin's (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.1
Beard's (neurasthenia) 300.5
Beau's (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
Bechterew's (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0
idiopathic mural endomyocardial disease 425.2
myotonia congenita, recessive form 359.22
Begbie's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Behr's 362.50
Beigel's (white piedra) 111.2
Bekhterev's (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0
Bell's (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0
Bennett's (leukemia) 208.9
Benson's 379.22
Bergeron's (hysteroepilepsy) 300.11
Berlin's 921.3
Bernard-Soulier (thrombopathy) 287.1
Bernhardt (-Roth) 355.1
beryllium 503
Besnier-Boeck (-Schaumann) (sarcoidosis) 135
Best's 362.76
Beurmann's (sporotrichosis) 117.1
Bielschowsky (-Jansky) 330.1
Biermer's (pernicious anemia) 281.0
Biett's (discoid lupus erythematosus) 695.4
bile duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.9
biliary (duct) (tract) 576.9
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
Billroth's (meningocele) (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Binswanger's 290.12
Bird's (oxaluria) 271.8
bird fanciers' 495.2
black lung 500
bladder 596.9
specified NEC 596.89
bleeder's 286.0
Bloch-Sulzberger (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33
Blocq's (astasia-abasia) 307.9
blood (-forming organs) 289.9
specified NEC 289.89
vessel 459.9
Bloodgood's 610.1
Blount's (tibia vara) 732.4
blue 746.9
Bodechtel-Guttmann (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) 046.2
Boeck's (sarcoidosis) 135
bone 733.90
fibrocystic NEC 733.29
jaw 526.2
marrow 289.9
Paget's (osteitis deformans) 731.0
specified type NEC 733.99
von Recklinghausen's (osteitis fibrosa cystica) 252.01
Bonfils' - see Disease, Hodgkin's
Borna 062.9
Bornholm (epidemic pleurodynia) 074.1
Bostock's (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
Bouchard's (myopathic dilatation of the stomach) 536.1
Bouillaud's (rheumatic heart disease) 391.9
Bourneville (-Brissaud) (tuberous sclerosis) 759.5
Bouveret (-Hoffmann) (paroxysmal tachycardia) 427.2
bowel 569.9
functional 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
Bowen's (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
Bozzolo's (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0
Bradley's (epidemic vomiting) 078.82
Brailsford's 732.3
radius, head 732.3
tarsal, scaphoid 732.5
Brailsford-Morquio (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5
brain 348.9
Alzheimer's 331.0
with dementia - see Alzheimer's, dementia
arterial, artery 437.9
arteriosclerotic 437.0
congenital 742.9
degenerative - see Degeneration, brain
inflammatory - see also Encephalitis
late effect - see category 326
organic 348.9
arteriosclerotic 437.0
parasitic NEC 123.9
Pick's 331.11
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 331.11 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 331.11 [294.10]
senile 331.2
braziers' 985.8
breast 611.9
cystic (chronic) 610.1
fibrocystic 610.1
inflammatory 611.0
Paget's (M8540/3) 174.0
puerperal, postpartum NEC 676.3
specified NEC 611.89
Breda's (see also Yaws) 102.9
Breisky's (kraurosis vulvae) 624.09
Bretonneau's (diphtheritic malignant angina) 032.0
Bright's (see also Nephritis) 583.9
arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
Brill's (recrudescent typhus) 081.1
flea-borne 081.0
louse-borne 081.1
Brill-Symmers (follicular lymphoma) (M9690/3) 202.0
Brill-Zinsser (recrudescent typhus) 081.1
Brinton's (leather bottle stomach) (M8142/3) 151.9
Brion-Kayser (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9
beta 272.2
ligament, noninflammatory 620.9
specified NEC 620.8
Brocq's 691.8
atopic (diffuse) neurodermatitis 691.8
dermatitis herpetiformis 694.0
lichen simplex chronicus 698.3
parapsoriasis 696.2
prurigo 698.2
Brocq-Duhring (dermatitis herpetiformis) 694.0
Brodie's (joint) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1
bronchi 519.19
bronchopulmonary 519.19
bronze (Addison's) 255.41
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6
Brown-Séquard 344.89
Bruck's 733.99
Bruck-de Lange (Amsterdam dwarf, intellectual disabilities, and brachycephaly) 759.89
Bruhl's (splenic anemia with fever) 285.8
Bruton's (X-linked agammaglobulinemia) 279.04
buccal cavity 528.9
Buchanan's (juvenile osteochondrosis, iliac crest) 732.1
Buchman's (osteochondrosis juvenile) 732.1
Budgerigar-Fanciers' 495.2
Budinger-Ludloff-Läwen 717.89
Büerger's (thromboangiitis obliterans) 443.1
Bürger-Grütz (essential familial hyperlipemia) 272.3
Burns' (lower ulna) 732.3
bursa 727.9
Bury's (erythema elevatum diutinum) 695.89
Buschke's 710.1
Busquet's (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1
Busse-Buschke (cryptococcosis) 117.5
C2 (see also Alcoholism) 303.9
caffey's (infantile cortical hyperostosis) 756.59
caisson 993.3
calculous 592.9
California 114.0
Calvé (-Perthes) (osteochondrosis, femoral capital) 732.1
Camurati-Engelmann (diaphyseal sclerosis) 756.59
Canavan's 330.0
capillaries 448.9
Carapata 087.1
cardiac - see Disease, heart
cardiopulmonary, chronic 416.9
cardiorenal (arteriosclerotic) (hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
cardiovascular (arteriosclerotic) 429.2
congenital 746.9
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
benign 402.10
malignant 402.00
renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
syphilitic (asymptomatic) 093.9
carotid gland 259.8
Carrión's (Bartonellosis) 088.0
cartilage NEC 733.90
specified NEC 733.99
Castellani's 104.8
cat-scratch 078.3
Cavare's (familial periodic paralysis) 359.3
Cazenave's (pemphigus) 694.4
cecum 569.9
celiac (adult) 579.0
infantile 579.0
cellular tissue NEC 709.9
central core 359.0
cerebellar, cerebellum - see Disease, brain
cerebral (see also Disease, brain) 348.9
arterial, artery 437.9
degenerative - see Degeneration, brain
cerebrospinal 349.9
cerebrovascular NEC 437.9
acute 436
embolic - see Embolism, brain
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
thrombotic - see Thrombosis, brain
arteriosclerotic 437.0
embolic - see Embolism, brain
ischemic, generalized NEC 437.1
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
occlusive 437.1
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
specified type NEC 437.8
thrombotic - see Thrombosis, brain
ceroid storage 272.7
cervix (uteri)
inflammatory 616.0
noninflammatory 622.9
specified NEC 622.8
Chabert's 022.9
Chagas' (see also Trypanosomiasis, American) 086.2
Chandler's (osteochondritis dissecans, hip) 732.7
Charcôt's (joint) 094.0 [713.5]
spinal cord 094.0
Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
Charlouis' (see also Yaws) 102.9
Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
Chédiak-Steinbrinck (-Higashi) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2
cheek, inner 528.9
chest 519.9
Chiari's (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0
Chicago (North American blastomycosis) 116.0
chignon (white piedra) 111.2
chigoe, chigo (jigger) 134.1
childhood granulomatous 288.1
Chinese liver fluke 121.1
chlamydial NEC 078.88
cholecystic (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.9
choroid 363.9
degenerative (see also Degeneration, choroid) 363.40
hereditary (see also Dystrophy, choroid) 363.50
specified type NEC 363.8
Christian's (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89
Christian-Weber (nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis) 729.30
Christmas 286.1
ciliary body 364.9
specified NEC 364.89
circulatory (system) NEC 459.9
chronic, maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
specified NEC 459.89
syphilitic 093.9
congenital 090.5
Civatte's (poikiloderma) 709.09
climacteric 627.2
male 608.89
coagulation factor deficiency (congenital) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9
Coats' 362.12
coccidioidal pulmonary 114.5
acute 114.0
chronic 114.4
primary 114.0
residual 114.4
Cockayne's (microcephaly and dwarfism) 759.89
Cogan's 370.52
agglutinin 283.0
or hemoglobinuria 283.0
paroxysmal (cold) (nocturnal) 283.2
hemagglutinin (chronic) 283.0
collagen NEC 710.9
nonvascular 710.9
specified NEC 710.8
vascular (allergic) (see also Angiitis, hypersensitivity) 446.20
colon 569.9
functional 564.9
congenital 751.3
ischemic 557.0
combined system (of spinal cord) 266.2 [336.2]
with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [336.2]
compressed air 993.3
Concato's (pericardial polyserositis) 423.2
peritoneal 568.82
pleural - see Pleurisy
congenital NEC 799.89
conjunctiva 372.9
chlamydial 077.98
specified NEC 077.8
specified type NEC 372.89
viral 077.99
specified NEC 077.8
connective tissue, diffuse (see also Disease, collagen) 710.9
Conor and Bruch's (boutonneuse fever) 082.1
Conradi (-Hünermann) 756.59
Cooley's (erythroblastic anemia) 282.44
Cooper's 610.1
Corbus' 607.1
cork-handlers' 495.3
cornea (see also Keratopathy) 371.9
coronary (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9
congenital 746.85
ostial, syphilitic 093.20
aortic 093.22
mitral 093.21
pulmonary 093.24
tricuspid 093.23
Corrigan's - see Insufficiency, aortic
Cotugno's 724.3
Coxsackie (virus) NEC 074.8
cranial nerve NEC 352.9
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) 046.19
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 046.19 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 046.19 [294.10]
familial 046.19
iatrogenic 046.19
specified NEC 046.19
sporadic 046.19
variant (vCJD) 046.11
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 046.11 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 046.11 [294.10]
Crigler-Najjar (congenital hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4
Crocq's (acrocyanosis) 443.89
Crohn's (intestine) (see also Enteritis, regional) 555.9
Crouzon's (craniofacial dysostosis) 756.0
Cruchet's (encephalitis lethargica) 049.8
Cruveilhier's 335.21
Cruz-Chagas (see also Trypanosomiasis, American) 086.2
crystal deposition (see also Arthritis, due to, crystals) 712.9
Csillag's (lichen sclerosus et atrophicus) 701.0
Curschmann's 359.21
Cushing's (pituitary basophilism) 255.0
breast (chronic) 610.1
kidney, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10
liver, congenital 751.62
lung 518.89
congenital 748.4
pancreas 577.2
congenital 751.7
renal, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10
semilunar cartilage 717.5
cysticercus 123.1
cystine storage (with renal sclerosis) 270.0
cytomegalic inclusion (generalized) 078.5
pneumonia 078.5 [484.1]
congenital 771.1
Daae (-Finsen) (epidemic pleurodynia) 074.1
dancing 297.8
Danielssen's (anesthetic leprosy) 030.1
Darier's (congenital) (keratosis follicularis) 757.39
erythema annulare centrifugum 695.0
vitamin A deficiency 264.8
Darling's (histoplasmosis) (see also Histoplasmosis, American) 115.00
davies' 425.0
de Beurmann-Gougerot (sporotrichosis) 117.1
Débove's (splenomegaly) 789.2
deer fly (see also Tularemia) 021.9
deficiency 269.9
degenerative - see also Degeneration
disc - see Degeneration, intervertebral disc
degos' 447.8
Déjérine (-Sottas) 356.0
Déleage's 359.89
demyelinating, demyelinizating (brain stem) (central nervous system) 341.9
multiple sclerosis 340
specified NEC 341.8
de Quervain's (tendon sheath) 727.04
thyroid (subacute granulomatous thyroiditis) 245.1
Dercum's (adiposis dolorosa) 272.8
Deutschländer's - see Fracture, foot
Devergie's (pityriasis rubra pilaris) 696.4
Devic's 341.0
diaphorase deficiency 289.7
diaphragm 519.4
diarrheal, infectious 009.2
diatomaceous earth 502
Diaz's (osteochondrosis astragalus) 732.5
digestive system 569.9
Di Guglielmo's (erythemic myelosis) (M9841/3) 207.0
Dimitri-Sturge-Weber (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
disc, degenerative - see Degeneration, intervertebral disc
discogenic (see also Disease, intervertebral disc) 722.90
diverticular - see Diverticula
Down's (mongolism) 758.0
Dubini's (electric chorea) 049.8
Dubois' (thymus gland) 090.5
Duchenne's 094.0
locomotor ataxia 094.0
muscular dystrophy 359.1
paralysis 335.22
pseudohypertrophy, muscles 359.1
Duchenne-Griesinger 359.1
ductless glands 259.9
Duhring's (dermatitis herpetiformis) 694.0
Dukes (-Filatov) 057.8
duodenum NEC 537.9
specified NEC 537.89
Duplay's 726.2
Dupré's (meningism) 781.6
Dupuytren's (muscle contracture) 728.6
Durand-Nicolas-Favre (climatic bubo) 099.1
Duroziez's (congenital mitral stenosis) 746.5
Dutton's (trypanosomiasis) 086.9
Eales' 362.18
ear (chronic) (inner) NEC 388.9
middle 385.9
adhesive (see also Adhesions, middle ear) 385.10
specified NEC 385.89
Eberth's (typhoid fever) 002.0
heart 746.2
meaning diabetes 250.4 [581.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
Echinococcus (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
ECHO virus NEC 078.89
Economo's (encephalitis lethargica) 049.8
Eddowes' (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51
Edsall's 992.2
Eichstedt's (pityriasis versicolor) 111.0
Ellis-van Creveld (chondroectodermal dysplasia) 756.55
endocardium - see Endocarditis
endocrine glands or system NEC 259.9
specified NEC 259.8
endomyocardial, idiopathic mural 425.2
Engel-von Recklinghausen (osteitis fibrosa cystica) 252.01
Engelmann's (diaphyseal sclerosis) 756.59
English (rickets) 268.0
Engman's (infectious eczematoid dermatitis) 690.8
enteroviral, enterovirus NEC 078.89
central nervous system NEC 048
epidemic NEC 136.9
epididymis 608.9
epigastric, functional 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
Erb (-Landouzy) 359.1
Erb-Goldflam 358.00
Erdheim-Chester (ECD) 277.89
Erichsen's (railway spine) 300.16
esophagus 530.9
functional 530.5
psychogenic 306.4
Eulenburg's (congenital paramyotonia) 359.29
Eustachian tube 381.9
Evans' (thrombocytopenic purpura) 287.32
external auditory canal 380.9
extrapyramidal NEC 333.90
eye 379.90
anterior chamber 364.9
inflammatory NEC 364.3
muscle 378.9
eyeball 360.9
eyelid 374.9
eyeworm of Africa 125.2
Fabry's (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7
facial nerve (seventh) 351.9
newborn 767.5
Fahr-Volhard (malignant nephrosclerosis) 403.00
fallopian tube, noninflammatory 620.9
specified NEC 620.8
familial periodic 277.31
paralysis 359.3
Fanconi's (congenital pancytopenia) 284.09
Farber's (disseminated lipogranulomatosis) 272.8
fascia 728.9
inflammatory 728.9
Fauchard's (periodontitis) 523.40
Favre-Durand-Nicolas (climatic bubo) 099.1
Favre-Racouchot (elastoidosis cutanea nodularis) 701.8
Fede's 529.0
Feer's 985.0
Felix's (juvenile osteochondrosis, hip) 732.1
Fenwick's (gastric atrophy) 537.89
Fernels' (aortic aneurysm) 441.9
fibrocaseous, of lung (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
fibrocystic - see also Fibrocystic, disease
newborn 277.01
Fiedler's (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0
fifth 057.0
Filatoff's (infectious mononucleosis) 075
Filatov's (infectious mononucleosis) 075
file-cutters' 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
filterable virus NEC 078.89
fish skin 757.1
acquired 701.1
Flajani (-Basedow) (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Flatau-Schilder 341.1
flax-dressers' 504
Fleischner's 732.3
flint 502
fluke - see Infestation, fluke
Følling's (phenylketonuria) 270.1
foot and mouth 078.4
foot process 581.3
Forbes' (glycogenosis III) 271.0
Fordyce's (ectopic sebaceous glands) (mouth) 750.26
Fordyce-Fox (apocrine miliaria) 705.82
meaning scarlatina anginosa 034.1
neuralgia (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
Fournier's 608.83
female 616.89
fourth 057.8
Fox (-Fordyce) (apocrine miliaria) 705.82
Francis' (see also Tularemia) 021.9
Franklin's (heavy chain) 273.2
Frei's (climatic bubo) 099.1
Freiberg's (flattening metatarsal) 732.5
Friedländer's (endarteritis obliterans) - see Arteriosclerosis
combined systemic or ataxia 334.0
facial hemihypertrophy 756.0
myoclonia 333.2
Fröhlich's (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8
Frommel's 676.6
frontal sinus (chronic) 473.1
acute 461.1
Fuller's earth 502
fungus, fungous NEC 117.9
Gaisböck's (polycythemia hypertonica) 289.0
gallbladder 575.9
congenital 751.60
Gamna's (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51
Gamstorp's (adynamia episodica hereditaria) 359.3
Gandy-Nanta (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51
Gannister (occupational) 502
Garré's (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1
gastric (see also Disease, stomach) 537.9
gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) 530.81
gastrointestinal (tract) 569.9
amyloid 277.39
functional 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
Gaucher's (adult) (cerebroside lipidosis) (infantile) 272.7
Gayet's (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1
Gee (-Herter) (-Heubner) (-Thaysen) (nontropical sprue) 579.0
generalized neoplastic (M8000/6) 199.0
genital organs NEC
female 629.9
specified NEC 629.89
male 608.9
Gerhardt's (erythromelalgia) 443.82
Gerlier's (epidemic vertigo) 078.81
Gibert's (pityriasis rosea) 696.3
Gibney's (perispondylitis) 720.9
Gierke's (glycogenosis I) 271.0
Gilbert's (familial nonhemolytic jaundice) 277.4
Gilchrist's (North American blastomycosis) 116.0
Gilford (-Hutchinson) (progeria) 259.8
Gilles de la Tourette's (motor-verbal tic) 307.23
Giovannini's 117.9
gland (lymph) 289.9
Glanzmann's (hereditary hemorrhagic thrombasthenia) 287.1
glassblowers' 527.1
Glénard's (enteroptosis) 569.89
Glisson's (see also Rickets) 268.0
membranous, idiopathic 581.1
minimal change 581.3
glycogen storage (Andersen's) (Cori types 1-7) (Forbes') (McArdle-Schmid-Pearson) (Pompe's) (types I-VII) 271.0
cardiac 271.0 [425.7]
generalized 271.0
glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency 271.0
heart 271.0 [425.7]
hepatorenal 271.0
liver and kidneys 271.0
myocardium 271.0 [425.7]
von Gierke's (glycogenosis I) 271.0
Goldflam-Erb 358.00
Goldscheider's (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
Goldstein's (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0
gonococcal NEC 098.0
Goodall's (epidemic vomiting) 078.82
Gordon's (exudative enteropathy) 579.8
Gougerot's (trisymptomatic) 709.1
Gougerot-Carteaud (confluent reticulate papillomatosis) 701.8
Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
graft-versus-host 279.50
acute 279.51
on chronic 279.53
chronic 279.52
grain-handlers' 495.8
Grancher's (splenopneumonia) - see Pneumonia
granulomatous (childhood) (chronic) 288.1
graphite lung 503
Graves' (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Greenfield's 330.0
green monkey 078.89
Griesinger's (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9
grinders' 502
Grisel's 723.5
Gruby's (tinea tonsurans) 110.0
Guertin's (electric chorea) 049.8
Guillain-Barré 357.0
Guinon's (motor-verbal tic) 307.23
Gull's (thyroid atrophy with myxedema) 244.8
Gull and Sutton's - see Hypertension, kidney
gum NEC 523.9
Günther's (congenital erythropoietic porphyria) 277.1
gynecological 629.9
specified NEC 629.89
H 270.0
Haas' 732.3
Habermann's (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2
Haff 985.1
Hageman (congenital factor XII deficiency) (see also Defect, congenital) 286.3
Haglund's (osteochondrosis os tibiale externum) 732.5
Hagner's (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2
Hailey-Hailey (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
hair (follicles) NEC 704.9
specified type NEC 704.8
Hallervorden-Spatz 333.0
Hallopeau's (lichen sclerosus et atrophicus) 701.0
Hamman's (spontaneous mediastinal emphysema) 518.1
hand, foot, and mouth 074.3
Hand-Schüller-Christian (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89
Hanot's - see Cirrhosis, biliary
Hansen's (leprosy) 030.9
benign form 030.1
malignant form 030.0
Harada's 363.22
Harley's (intermittent hemoglobinuria) 283.2
Hart's (pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria) 270.0
Hartnup (pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria) 270.0
Hashimoto's (struma lymphomatosa) 245.2
Hb - see Disease, hemoglobin
heart (organic) 429.9
acute pulmonary edema (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1
hypertensive 402.91
with renal failure 404.92
benign 402.11
with renal failure 404.12
malignant 402.01
with renal failure 404.02
kidney disease - see Hypertension, cardiorenal
rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
active 391.9
with chorea 392.0
inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.90
amyloid 277.39[425.7]
aortic (valve) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1
arteriosclerotic or sclerotic (minimal) (senile) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
artery, arterial - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
atherosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
beer drinkers' 425.5
beriberi 265.0 [425.7]
black 416.0
congenital NEC 746.9
cyanotic 746.9
maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
specified type NEC 746.89
congestive (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
coronary 414.9
cryptogenic 429.9
due to
amyloidosis 277.39[425.7]
beriberi 265.0 [425.7]
cardiac glycogenosis 271.0 [425.7]
Friedreich's ataxia 334.0 [425.8]
gout 274.82
mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [425.7]
myotonia atrophica 359.21 [425.8]
progressive muscular dystrophy 359.1 [425.8]
sarcoidosis 135 [425.8]
fetal 746.9
inflammatory 746.89
fibroid (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
functional 427.9
postoperative 997.1
psychogenic 306.2
glycogen storage 271.0 [425.7]
gonococcal NEC 098.85
gouty 274.82
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
benign 402.10
malignant 402.00
hyperthyroid (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9 [425.7]
incompletely diagnosed - see Disease, heart
ischemic (chronic) (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9
acute (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
without myocardial infarction 411.89
with coronary (artery) occlusion 411.81
asymptomatic 412
diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation but currently presenting no symptoms 412
kyphoscoliotic 416.1
mitral (see also Endocarditis, mitral) 394.9
muscular (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
postpartum 674.8
psychogenic (functional) 306.2
pulmonary (chronic) 416.9
acute 415.0
specified NEC 416.8
rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (old) (quiescent) (with chorea) 398.90
active or acute 391.9
with chorea (active) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
specified type NEC 391.8
maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
rheumatoid - see Arthritis, rheumatoid
sclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
senile (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
specified type NEC 429.89
syphilitic 093.89
aortic 093.1
aneurysm 093.0
asymptomatic 093.89
congenital 090.5
thyroid (gland) (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9 [425.7]
thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [425.8]
valve, valvular (obstructive) (regurgitant) - see also Endocarditis
congenital NEC (see also Anomaly, heart, valve) 746.9
pulmonary 746.00
specified type NEC 746.89
vascular - see Disease, cardiovascular
heavy-chain (gamma G) 273.2
Heberden's 715.04
dermatitis exfoliativa 695.89
erythema multiforme exudativum 695.19
maculata et circinata 696.3
rubra 695.89
pilaris 696.4
prurigo 698.2
Heerfordt's (uveoparotitis) 135
Heidenhain's 290.10
with dementia 290.10
Heilmeyer-Schöner (M9842/3) 207.1
Heine-Medin (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
Heller's (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.1
Heller-Döhle (syphilitic aortitis) 093.1
hematopoietic organs 289.9
hemoglobin (Hb) 282.7
with thalassemia 282.49
abnormal (mixed) NEC 282.7
with thalassemia 282.49
AS genotype 282.5
Bart's 282.43
C (Hb-C) 282.7
with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7
elliptocytosis 282.7
Hb-S (without crisis) 282.63
crisis 282.64
vaso-occlusive pain 282.64
sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.63
crisis 282.64
vaso-occlusive pain 282.64
thalassemia 282.49
constant spring 282.7
D (Hb-D) 282.7
with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7
Hb-S (without crisis) 282.68
with crisis 282.69
sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.68
with crisis 282.69
thalassemia 282.49
E (Hb-E) 282.7
with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7
Hb-S (without crisis) 282.68
with crisis 282.69
sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.68
with crisis 282.69
thalassemia 282.47
elliptocytosis 282.7
F (Hb-F) 282.7
G (Hb-G) 282.7
H (Hb-H) 282.43
hereditary persistence, fetal (HPFH) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
high fetal gene 282.7
I thalassemia 282.49
M 289.7
S - see also Disease, sickle-cell, Hb-S
thalassemia (without crisis) 282.41
crisis 282.42
vaso-occlusive pain 282.42
spherocytosis 282.7
unstable, hemolytic 282.7
Zurich (Hb-Zurich) 282.7
hemolytic (fetus) (newborn) 773.2
autoimmune (cold type) (warm type) 283.0
due to or with
ABO (blood group) 773.1
blood (group) (Duffy) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (S) NEC 773.2
Rh (blood group) (factor) 773.0
Rh negative mother 773.0
unstable hemoglobin 282.7
hemorrhagic 287.9
newborn 776.0
Henoch (-Schönlein) (purpura nervosa) 287.0
hepatic - see Disease, liver
hepatolenticular 275.1
heredodegenerative NEC
brain 331.89
spinal cord 336.8
Hers' (glycogenosis VI) 271.0
Herter (-Gee) (-Heubner) (nontropical sprue) 579.0
Herxheimer's (diffuse idiopathic cutaneous atrophy) 701.8
Heubner's 094.89
Heubner-Herter (nontropical sprue) 579.0
high fetal gene or hemoglobin thalassemia (see also Thalassemia) 282.40
Hildenbrand's (typhus) 081.9
hip (joint) NEC 719.95
congenital 755.63
suppurative 711.05
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1 [730.85]
Hippel's (retinocerebral angiomatosis) 759.6
Hirschfeld's (acute diabetes mellitus) (see also Diabetes) 250.0
due to secondary diabetes 249.0
Hirschsprung's (congenital megacolon) 751.3
His (-Werner) (trench fever) 083.1
HIV 042
Hodgkin's (M9650/3) 201.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 201: 0 unspecified site 1 lymph nodes of head, face, and neck 2 intrathoracic lymph nodes 3 intra-abdominal lymph nodes 4 lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb 5 lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb 6 intrapelvic lymph nodes 7 spleen 8 lymph nodes of multiple sites
depletion (M9653/3) 201.7
diffuse fibrosis (M9654/3) 201.7
reticular type (M9655/3) 201.7
predominance (M9651/3) 201.4
lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance (M9651/3) 201.4
mixed cellularity (M9652/3) 201.6
nodular sclerosis (M9656/3) 201.5
cellular phase (M9657/3) 201.5
Hodgson's 441.9
ruptured 441.5
Hoffa (-Kastert) (liposynovitis prepatellaris) 272.8
Holla (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0
homozygous-Hb-S 282.61
hoof and mouth 078.4
hookworm (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9
Horton's (temporal arteritis) 446.5
host-versus-graft (immune or nonimmune cause) 279.50
HPFH (hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
Huchard's (continued arterial hypertension) 401.9
Huguier's (uterine fibroma) 218.9
human immunodeficiency (virus) 042
hunger 251.1
dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica 334.2
herpetic geniculate ganglionitis 053.11
Huntington's 333.4
Huppert's (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0
Hurler's (mucopolysaccharidosis I) 277.5
Hutchinson's, meaning
angioma serpiginosum 709.1
cheiropompholyx 705.81
prurigo estivalis 692.72
Hutchinson-Boeck (sarcoidosis) 135
Hutchinson-Gilford (progeria) 259.8
hyaline (diffuse) (generalized) 728.9
membrane (lung) (newborn) 769
hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9
Hyde's (prurigo nodularis) 698.3
hyperkinetic (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9
heart 429.82
hypertensive (see also Hypertension) 401.9
hypophysis 253.9
hyperfunction 253.1
hypofunction 253.2
iceland (epidemic neuromyasthenia) 049.8
I cell 272.7
ill-defined 799.89
immunologic NEC 279.9
immunoproliferative 203.8
inclusion 078.5
salivary gland 078.5
infancy, early NEC 779.9
infective NEC 136.9
inguinal gland 289.9
internal semilunar cartilage, cystic 717.5
intervertebral disc 722.90
with myelopathy 722.70
cervical, cervicothoracic 722.91
with myelopathy 722.71
lumbar, lumbosacral 722.93
with myelopathy 722.73
thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.92
with myelopathy 722.72
intestine 569.9
functional 564.9
congenital 751.3
psychogenic 306.4
lardaceous 277.39
organic 569.9
protozoal NEC 007.9
iris 364.9
specified NEC 364.89
metabolism (see also Hemochromatosis) 275.09
storage (see also Hemochromatosis) 275.03
Isambert's (see also Tuberculosis, larynx) 012.3
Iselin's (osteochondrosis, fifth metatarsal) 732.5
island (scrub typhus) 081.2
itai-itai 985.5
Jadassohn's (maculopapular erythroderma) 696.2
Jadassohn-Pellizari's (anetoderma) 701.3
Jakob-Creutzfeldt (CJD) 046.19
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 046.19 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 046.19 [294.10]
familial 046.19
iatrogenic 046.19
specified NEC 046.19
sporadic 046.19
variant (vCJD) 046.11
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 046.11 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 046.11 [294.10]
Jaksch (-Luzet) (pseudoleukemia infantum) 285.8
Janet's 300.89
Jansky-Bielschowsky 330.1
jaw NEC 526.9
fibrocystic 526.2
Jensen's 363.05
Jeune's (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy) 756.4
Jigger 134.1
Johnson-Stevens (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.13
joint NEC 719.9
ankle 719.97
Charcôt 094.0 [713.5]
degenerative (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
multiple 715.09
spine (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
elbow 719.92
foot 719.97
hand 719.94
hip 719.95
hypertrophic (chronic) (degenerative) (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
spine (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
knee 719.96
Luschka 721.90
multiple sites 719.99
pelvic region 719.95
sacroiliac 724.6
shoulder (region) 719.91
specified site NEC 719.98
spine NEC 724.9
pseudarthrosis following fusion 733.82
sacroiliac 724.6
wrist 719.93
Jourdain's (acute gingivitis) 523.00
Jüngling's (sarcoidosis) 135
Kahler (-Bozzolo) (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0
Kalischer's 759.6
Kaposi's 757.33
lichen ruber 697.8
acuminatus 696.4
moniliformis 697.8
xeroderma pigmentosum 757.33
Kaschin-Beck (endemic polyarthritis) 716.00
ankle 716.07
arm 716.02
lower (and wrist) 716.03
upper (and elbow) 716.02
foot (and ankle) 716.07
forearm (and wrist) 716.03
hand 716.04
leg 716.06
lower 716.06
upper 716.05
multiple sites 716.09
pelvic region (hip) (thigh) 716.05
shoulder region 716.01
specified site NEC 716.08
Katayama 120.2
Kawasaki 446.1
Kedani (scrub typhus) 081.2
kidney (functional) (pelvis) (see also Disease, renal) 593.9
chronic 585.9
requiring chronic dialysis 585.6
I 585.1
II (mild) 585.2
III (moderate) 585.3
IV (severe) 585.4
V 585.5
cystic (congenital) 753.10
multiple 753.19
single 753.11
specified NEC 753.19
fibrocystic (congenital) 753.19
in gout 274.10
polycystic (congenital) 753.12
adult type (APKD) 753.13
autosomal dominant 753.13
autosomal recessive 753.14
childhood type (CPKD) 753.14
infantile type 753.14
Kienböck's (carpal lunate) (wrist) 732.3
Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis) 250.4 [581.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [581.81]
Kinnier Wilson's (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1
kissing 075
Kleb's (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Klinger's 446.4
Klippel's 723.8
Klippel-Feil (brevicollis) 756.16
Knight's 911.1
Köbner's (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
Koenig-Wichmann (pemphigus) 694.4
first (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
second (Freiberg's infraction, metatarsal head) 732.5
patellar 732.4
tarsal navicular (bone) (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
Köhler-Freiberg (infraction, metatarsal head) 732.5
Köhler-Mouchet (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
Köhler-Pellegrini-Stieda (calcification, knee joint) 726.62
Kok 759.89
König's (osteochondritis dissecans) 732.7
Korsakoff's (nonalcoholic) 294.0
alcoholic 291.1
Kostmann's (infantile genetic agranulocytosis) 288.01
Krabbe's 330.0
Kraepelin-Morel (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9
Kraft-Weber-Dimitri 759.6
Kufs' 330.1
Kugelberg-Welander 335.11
Kuhnt-Junius 362.52
Kümmell's (-Verneuil) (spondylitis) 721.7
Kundrat's (lymphosarcoma) 200.1
kuru 046.0
Kussmaul (-Meier) (polyarteritis nodosa) 446.0
Kyasanur Forest 065.2
Kyrle's (hyperkeratosis follicularis in cutem penetrans) 701.1
inflammatory 616.10
noninflammatory 624.9
specified NEC 624.8
labyrinth, ear 386.8
lacrimal system (apparatus) (passages) 375.9
gland 375.00
specified NEC 375.89
Lafora's 333.2
Lagleyze-von Hippel (retinocerebral angiomatosis) 759.6
Lancereaux-Mathieu (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0
Landry's 357.0
Lane's 569.89
lardaceous (any site) 277.39
Larrey-Weil (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0
Larsen (-Johansson) (juvenile osteopathia patellae) 732.4
larynx 478.70
Lasègue's (persecution mania) 297.9
Leber's 377.16
Lederer's (acquired infectious hemolytic anemia) 283.19
Legg's (capital femoral osteochondrosis) 732.1
Legg-Calvé-Perthes (capital femoral osteochondrosis) 732.1
Legg-Calvé-Waldenström (femoral capital osteochondrosis) 732.1
Legg-Perthes (femoral capital osteochrondosis) 732.1
Legionnaires' 482.84
Leigh's 330.8
Leiner's (exfoliative dermatitis) 695.89
Leloir's (lupus erythematosus) 695.4
Lenegre's 426.0
lens (eye) 379.39
Leriche's (osteoporosis, posttraumatic) 733.7
Letterer-Siwe (acute histiocytosis X) (M9722/3) 202.5
Lev's (acquired complete heart block) 426.0
Lewandowski's (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Lewandowski-Lutz (epidermodysplasia verruciformis) 078.19
Lewy body 331.82
with dementia
with behavioral disturbance 331.82 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 331.82 [294.10]
Leyden's (periodic vomiting) 536.2
Libman-Sacks (verrucous endocarditis) 710.0 [424.91]
Lichtheim's (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) 281.0 [336.2]
ligament 728.9
light chain 203.0
Lightwood's (renal tubular acidosis) 588.89
Lignac's (cystinosis) 270.0
Lindau's (retinocerebral angiomatosis) 759.6
Lindau-von Hippel (angiomatosis retinocerebellosa) 759.6
lip NEC 528.5
lipidosis 272.7
lipoid storage NEC 272.7
Lipschütz's 616.50
Little's - see Palsy, cerebral
liver 573.9
alcoholic 571.3
acute 571.1
chronic 571.3
chronic 571.9
alcoholic 571.3
cystic, congenital 751.62
drug-induced 573.3
due to
chemicals 573.3
fluorinated agents 573.3
hypersensitivity drugs 573.3
isoniazids 573.3
end stage NEC 572.8
due to hepatitis - see Hepatitis
fibrocystic (congenital) 751.62
glycogen storage 271.0
organic 573.9
polycystic (congenital) 751.62
Lobo's (keloid blastomycosis) 116.2
Lobstein's (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51
locomotor system 334.9
Lorain's (pituitary dwarfism) 253.3
Lou Gehrig's 335.20
Lucas-Championnière (fibrinous bronchitis) 466.0
Ludwig's (submaxillary cellulitis) 528.3
luetic - see Syphilis
lumbosacral region 724.6
lung NEC 518.89
black 500
congenital 748.60
cystic 518.89
congenital 748.4
fibroid (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515
fluke 121.2
oriental 121.2
amyloidosis 277.39 [517.8]
polymyositis 710.4 [517.8]
sarcoidosis 135 [517.8]
Sjögren's syndrome 710.2 [517.8]
syphilis 095.1
systemic lupus erythematosus 710.0 [517.8]
systemic sclerosis 710.1 [517.2]
interstitial (chronic) 515
acute 136.3
respiratory bronchiolitis 516.34
nonspecific, chronic 496
obstructive (chronic) (COPD) 496
bronchitis 491.22
exacerbation NEC 491.21
alveolitis, allergic (see also Alveolitis, allergic) 495.9
asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
bronchiectasis 494.0
with acute exacerbation 494.1
bronchitis (chronic) 491.20
acute bronchitis 491.22
exacerbation (acute) 491.21
decompensated 491.21
with exacerbation 491.21
emphysema NEC 492.8
diffuse (with fibrosis) 496
of childhood, specified NEC 516.69
polycystic 518.89
asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
congenital 748.4
purulent (cavitary) 513.0
restrictive 518.89
rheumatoid 714.81
diffuse interstitial 714.81
specified NEC 518.89
Lutembacher's (atrial septal defect with mitral stenosis) 745.5
Lutz-Miescher (elastosis perforans serpiginosa) 701.1
Lutz-Splendore-de Almeida (Brazilian blastomycosis) 116.1
Lyell's (toxic epidermal necrolysis) 695.15
due to drug
correct substance properly administered 695.15
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9
specific drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
Lyme 088.81
lymphatic (gland) (system) 289.9
channel (noninfective) 457.9
vessel (noninfective) 457.9
specified NEC 457.8
lymphoproliferative (chronic) (M9970/1) 238.79
X linked 759.89
Machado-Joseph 334.8
Madelung's (lipomatosis) 272.8
Madura (actinomycotic) 039.9
mycotic 117.4
Magitot's 526.4
Majocchi's (purpura annularis telangiectodes) 709.1
malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
Malassez's (cystic) 608.89
Malibu 919.8
infected 919.9
malignant (M8000/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.89
Manson's 120.1
maple bark 495.6
maple syrup (urine) 270.3
Marburg (virus) 078.89
Marchiafava (-Bignami) 341.8
Marfan's 090.49
congenital syphilis 090.49
meaning Marfan's syndrome 759.82
Marie-Bamberger (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) (secondary) 731.2
primary or idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39
pulmonary (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) 731.2
Marie-Strümpell (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0
Marion's (bladder neck obstruction) 596.0
Marsh's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Martin's 715.27
mast cell 757.33
systemic (M9741/3) 202.6
mastoid (see also Mastoiditis) 383.9
process 385.9
maternal, unrelated to pregnancy NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 760.9
Mathieu's (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0
Mauclaire's 732.3
Mauriac's (erythema nodosum syphiliticum) 091.3
Maxcy's 081.0
McArdle (-Schmid-Pearson) (glycogenosis V) 271.0
mediastinum NEC 519.3
Medin's (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
Mediterranean 282.40
with hemoglobinopathy 282.49
medullary center (idiopathic) (respiratory) 348.89
Meige's (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0
Meleda 757.39
Ménétrier's (hypertrophic gastritis) 535.2
Ménière's (active) 386.00
cochlear 386.02
cochleovestibular 386.01
inactive 386.04
in remission 386.04
vestibular 386.03
meningeal - see Meningitis
mental (see also Psychosis) 298.9
Merzbacher-Pelizaeus 330.0
mesenchymal 710.9
mesenteric embolic 557.0
metabolic NEC 277.9
metal polishers' 502
metastatic - see Metastasis
Mibelli's 757.39
microdrepanocytic 282.41
microvascular - code to condition
atrophy 751.5
inclusion (MVD) 751.5
Miescher's 709.3
Mikulicz's (dryness of mouth, absent or decreased lacrimation) 527.1
Milkman (-Looser) (osteomalacia with pseudofractures) 268.2
Miller's (osteomalacia) 268.2
Mills' 335.29
Milroy's (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0
Minamata 985.0
Minor's 336.1
Minot's (hemorrhagic disease, newborn) 776.0
Minot-von Willebrand-Jürgens (angiohemophilia) 286.4
Mitchell's (erythromelalgia) 443.82
mitral - see Endocarditis, mitral
Mljet (mal de Meleda) 757.39
Möbius', Moebius' 346.2
Möeller's 267
Möller (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
Mönckeberg's (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
Mondor's (thrombophlebitis of breast) 451.89
Monge's 993.2
Morel-Kraepelin (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9
Morgagni's (syndrome) (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3
Morgagni-Adams-Stokes (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Morquio (-Brailsford) (-Ullrich) (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5
Morton's (with metatarsalgia) 355.6
Morvan's 336.0
motor neuron (bulbar) (mixed type) 335.20
Mouchet's (juvenile osteochondrosis, foot) 732.5
mouth 528.9
Moyamoya 437.5
Mucha's (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2
mu-chain 273.2
mucolipidosis (I) (II) (III) 272.7
Münchmeyer's (exostosis luxurians) 728.11
Murri's (intermittent hemoglobinuria) 283.2
muscle 359.9
inflammatory 728.9
ocular 378.9
musculoskeletal system 729.90
mushroom workers' 495.5
Myà's (congenital dilation, colon) 751.3
mycotic 117.9
myeloproliferative (chronic) (M9960/1) 238.79
myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
primary (idiopathic) 425.4
myoneural 358.9
Naegeli's 287.1
nail 703.9
specified type NEC 703.8
nairobi sheep 066.1
nasal 478.19
cavity NEC 478.19
sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis
navel (newborn) NEC 779.89
delayed separation of umbilical cord 779.83
nemaline body 359.0
neoplastic, generalized (M8000/6) 199.0
nerve - see Disorder, nerve
nervous system (central) 349.9
autonomic, peripheral (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
congenital 742.9
inflammatory - see Encephalitis
parasympathetic (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
peripheral NEC 355.9
prion NEC 046.79
specified NEC 349.89
sympathetic (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
vegetative (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
Nettleship's (urticaria pigmentosa) 757.33
Neumann's (pemphigus vegetans) 694.4
neurologic (central) NEC (see also Disease, nervous system) 349.9
peripheral NEC 355.9
neuromuscular system NEC 358.9
Owren's (congenital) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3
Paas' 756.59
Paget's (osteitis deformans) 731.0
with infiltrating duct carcinoma of the breast (M8541/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant
bone 731.0
osteosarcoma in (M9184/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant
breast (M8540/3) 174.0
extramammary (M8542/3) - see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant
anus 154.3
skin 173.59
malignant (M8540/3)
breast 174.0
specified site NEC (M8542/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant
unspecified site 174.0
mammary (M8540/3) 174.0
nipple (M8540/3) 174.0
palate (soft) 528.9
Paltauf-Sternberg 201.9
pancreas 577.9
cystic 577.2
congenital 751.7
fibrocystic 277.00
Panner's 732.3
capitellum humeri 732.3
head of humerus 732.3
tarsal navicular (bone) (osteochondrosis) 732.5
panvalvular - see Endocarditis, mitral
parametrium 629.9
parasitic NEC 136.9
cerebral NEC 123.9
intestinal NEC 129
mouth 112.0
skin NEC 134.9
specified type - see Infestation
tongue 112.0
parathyroid (gland) 252.9
specified NEC 252.8
Parkinson's 332.0
parodontal 523.9
Parrot's (syphilitic osteochondritis) 090.0
Parry's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Parson's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Pavy's 593.6
Paxton's (white piedra) 111.2
Payr's (splenic flexure syndrome) 569.89
menstrual 306.52
micturition 306.53
monoplegic NEC 306.0
motor 307.9
muscle 306.0
musculoskeletal 306.0
neurocirculatory 306.2
obsessive 300.3
occupational 300.89
organ or part of body NEC 306.9
organs of special sense 306.7
paralytic NEC 306.0
phobic 300.20
physical NEC 306.9
pruritic 306.3
rectal 306.4
respiratory (system) 306.1
rheumatic 306.0
sexual (function) 302.70
specified type NEC 302.79
sexual orientation conflict 302.0
skin (allergic) (eczematous) (pruritic) 306.3
sleep 307.40
initiation or maintenance 307.41
persistent 307.42
transient 307.41
movement 780.58
specified type NEC 307.49
sleep terror 307.46
specified part of body NEC 306.8
stomach 306.4
psychomotor NEC 307.9
hysterical 300.11
psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
mixed NEC 300.89
psychophysiologic (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
psychosexual identity (childhood) 302.6
adult-life 302.85
psychosomatic NEC 306.9
allergic NEC
respiratory 306.1
articulation, joint 306.0
cardiovascular (system) 306.2
cutaneous 306.3
digestive (system) 306.4
dysmenorrheic 306.52
dyspneic 306.1
endocrine (system) 306.6
eye 306.7
gastric 306.4
gastrointestinal (system) 306.4
genitourinary (system) 306.50
heart (functional) (rhythm) 306.2
hyperventilatory 306.1
intestinal 306.4
joint 306.0
limb 306.0
lymphatic (system) 306.8
menstrual 306.52
micturition 306.53
monoplegic NEC 306.0
muscle 306.0
musculoskeletal 306.0
neurocirculatory 306.2
organs of special sense 306.7
paralytic NEC 306.0
pruritic 306.3
rectal 306.4
respiratory (system) 306.1
rheumatic 306.0
sexual (function) 302.70
specified type NEC 302.79
skin 306.3
specified part of body NEC 306.8
stomach 306.4
psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9
brief 298.8
purine metabolism NEC 277.2
pyrimidine metabolism NEC 277.2
reactive attachment of infancy or early childhood 313.89
reading, developmental 315.00
reflex 796.1
REM sleep behavior 327.42
renal function, impaired 588.9
specified type NEC 588.89
renal transport NEC 588.89
respiration, respiratory NEC 519.9
due to
aspiration of liquids or solids 508.9
inhalation of fumes or vapors 506.9
smoke inhalation 508.2
psychogenic 306.1
retina 362.9
specified type NEC 362.89
rumination 307.53
sacroiliac joint NEC 724.6
sacrum 724.6
schizo-affective (see also Schizophrenia) 295.7
schizoid, childhood or adolescence 313.22
schizophreniform 295.4
schizotypal personality 301.22
secretion, thyrocalcitonin 246.0
seizure 345.9
recurrent 345.9
epileptic - see Epilepsy
semantic pragmatic 315.39
with autism 299.0
sense of smell 781.1
psychogenic 306.7
separation anxiety 309.21
sexual (see also Deviation, sexual) 302.9
aversion 302.79
desire, hypoactive 302.71
function, psychogenic 302.70
shyness, of childhood and adolescence 313.21
single complement (C1-C9) 279.8
skin NEC 709.9
fetus or newborn 778.9
specified type 778.8
psychogenic (allergic) (eczematous) (pruritic) 306.3
specified type NEC 709.8
vascular 709.1
sleep 780.50
with apnea - see Apnea, sleep
alcohol induced 291.82
arousal 307.46
confusional 327.41
circadian rhythm 327.30
advanced sleep phase type 327.32
alcohol induced 291.82
delayed sleep phase type 327.31
drug induced 292.85
free running type 327.34
in conditions classified elsewhere 327.37
irregular sleep-wake type 327.33
jet lag type 327.35
other 327.39
shift work type 327.36
drug induced 292.85
initiation or maintenance (see also Insomnia) 780.52
nonorganic origin (transient) 307.41
persistent 307.42
nonorganic origin 307.40
specified type NEC 307.49
organic specified type NEC 327.8
periodic limb movement 327.51
specified NEC 780.59
cycle - see Disorder, sleep, circadian rhythm
schedule - see Disorder, sleep, circadian rhythm
social, of childhood and adolescence 313.22
soft tissue 729.90
specified type NEC 729.99
somatization 300.81
somatoform (atypical) (undifferentiated) 300.82
severe 300.81
specified type NEC 300.89
speech NEC 784.59
nonorganic origin 307.9
spine NEC 724.9
ligamentous or muscular attachments, peripheral 720.1
steroid metabolism NEC 255.2
stomach (functional) (see also Disorder, gastric) 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
storage, iron 275.09
stress (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.3
acute 309.81
brief 309.81
chronic (motor or vocal) 309.81
substitution 300.11
suspected - see Observation
synovium 727.9
temperature regulation, fetus or newborn 778.4
temporomandibular joint NEC 524.60
sounds on opening or closing 524.64
disease 094.0
locomotor ataxia 094.0
muscular dystrophy 359.1
pseudohypertrophy, muscles 359.1
paralysis 335.22
syndrome 335.22
