Disturbance - see also Disease
absorption NEC 579.9
calcium 269.3
carbohydrate 579.8
fat 579.8
protein 579.8
specified type NEC 579.8
vitamin (see also Deficiency, vitamin) 269.2
acid-base equilibrium 276.9
activity and attention, simple, with hyperkinesis 314.01
amino acid (metabolic) (see also Disorder, amino acid) 270.9
imidazole 270.5
maple syrup (urine) disease 270.3
transport 270.0
assimilation, food 579.9
attention, simple 314.00
with hyperactivity 314.01
auditory, nerve, except deafness 388.5
behavior (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.9
blood clotting (hypoproteinemia) (mechanism) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9
central nervous system NEC 349.9
cerebral nerve NEC 352.9
circulatory 459.9
conduct 312.9
adjustment reaction 309.3
adolescent onset type 312.82
childhood onset type 312.81
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 312.0-312.2: 0 unspecified 1 mild 2 moderate 3 severe
compulsive 312.30
intermittent explosive disorder 312.34
isolated explosive disorder 312.35
kleptomania 312.32
pathological gambling 312.31
pyromania 312.33
hyperkinetic 314.2
intermittent explosive 312.34
isolated explosive 312.35
mixed with emotions 312.4
socialized (type) 312.20
aggressive 312.23
unaggressive 312.21
specified type NEC 312.89
undersocialized, unsocialized
aggressive (type) 312.0
unaggressive (type) 312.1
coordination 781.3
cranial nerve NEC 352.9
deep sensibility - see Disturbance, sensation
digestive 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
electrolyte - see Imbalance, electrolyte
emotions specific to childhood or adolescence 313.9
academic underachievement 313.83
anxiety and fearfulness 313.0
elective mutism 313.23
identity disorder 313.82
jealousy 313.3
misery and unhappiness 313.1
oppositional defiant disorder 313.81
overanxiousness 313.0
sensitivity 313.21
shyness 313.21
social withdrawal 313.22
withdrawal reaction 313.22
involving relationship problems 313.3
mixed 313.89
specified type NEC 313.89
endocrine (gland) 259.9
neonatal, transitory 775.9
specified NEC 775.89
equilibrium 780.4
feeding (elderly) (infant) 783.3
newborn 779.31
nonorganic origin NEC 307.59
psychogenic NEC 307.59
fructose metabolism 271.2
gait 781.2
hysterical 300.11
gastric (functional) 536.9
motility 536.8
psychogenic 306.4
secretion 536.8
gastrointestinal (functional) 536.9
psychogenic 306.4
habit, child 307.9
hearing, except deafness 388.40
heart, functional (conditions classifiable to 426, 427, 428)
due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4
postoperative (immediate) 997.1
long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
psychogenic 306.2
hormone 259.9
innervation uterus, sympathetic, parasympathetic 621.8
keratinization NEC
gingiva 523.10
lip 528.5
oral (mucosa) (soft tissue) 528.79
residual ridge mucosa
excessive 528.72
minimal 528.71
tongue 528.79
labyrinth, labyrinthine (vestibule) 386.9
learning, specific NEC 315.2
memory (see also Amnesia) 780.93
mild, following organic brain damage 310.89
mental (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
associated with diseases classified elsewhere 316
metabolism (acquired) (congenital) (see also Disorder, metabolism) 277.9
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with metabolic disorder
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.4
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.4
amino acid (see also Disorder, amino acid) 270.9
aromatic NEC 270.2
branched-chain 270.3
specified type NEC 270.8
straight-chain NEC 270.7
sulfur-bearing 270.4
transport 270.0
ammonia 270.6
arginine 270.6
argininosuccinic acid 270.6
carbohydrate NEC 271.9
cholesterol 272.9
citrulline 270.6
cystathionine 270.4
fat 272.9
abortion 639.4
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.4
general 277.9
carbohydrate 271.9
iron 275.09
phosphate 275.3
sodium 276.9
glutamine 270.7
glycine 270.7
histidine 270.5
homocystine 270.4
in labor or delivery 669.0
iron 275.09
isoleucine 270.3
leucine 270.3
lipoid 272.9
specified type NEC 272.8
lysine 270.7
methionine 270.4
neonatal, transitory 775.9
specified type NEC 775.89
nitrogen 788.99
ornithine 270.6
phosphate 275.3
phosphatides 272.7
serine 270.7
sodium NEC 276.9
threonine 270.7
tryptophan 270.2
tyrosine 270.2
urea cycle 270.6
valine 270.3
motor 796.1
nervous functional 799.21
neuromuscular mechanism (eye) due to syphilis 094.84
nutritional 269.9
nail 703.8
ocular motion 378.87
psychogenic 306.7
oculogyric 378.87
psychogenic 306.7
oculomotor NEC 378.87
psychogenic 306.7
olfactory nerve 781.1
optic nerve NEC 377.49
oral epithelium, including tongue 528.79
residual ridge mucosa
excessive 528.72
minimal 528.71
personality (pattern) (trait) (see also Disorder, personality) 301.9
following organic brain damage 310.1
polyglandular 258.9
psychomotor 307.9
pupillary 379.49
reflex 796.1
rhythm, heart 427.9
postoperative (immediate) 997.1
long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
psychogenic 306.2
salivary secretion 527.7
sensation (cold) (heat) (localization) (tactile discrimination localization) (texture) (vibratory) NEC 782.0
hysterical 300.11
skin 782.0
smell 781.1
taste 781.1
sensory (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
innervation 782.0
situational (transient) (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9
acute 308.3
sleep 780.50
with apnea - see Apnea, sleep
initiation or maintenance (see also Insomnia) 780.52
nonorganic origin 307.41
nonorganic origin 307.40
specified type NEC 307.49
specified NEC 780.59
nonorganic origin 307.49
wakefulness (see also Hypersomnia) 780.54
nonorganic origin 307.43
sociopathic 301.7
speech NEC 784.59
developmental 315.39
associated with hyperkinesis 314.1
secondary to organic lesion 784.59
stomach (functional) (see also Disturbance, gastric) 536.9
sympathetic (nerve) (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
temperature sense 782.0
hysterical 300.11
eruption 520.6
formation 520.4
structure, hereditary NEC 520.5
touch (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
vascular 459.9
arteriosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis
vasomotor 443.9
vasospastic 443.9
vestibular labyrinth 386.9
vision, visual NEC 368.9
psychophysical 368.16
specified NEC 368.8
subjective 368.10
voice and resonance 784.40
wakefulness (initiation or maintenance) (see also Hypersomnia) 780.54
nonorganic origin 307.43
