Ectopic, ectopia (congenital) 759.89
abdominal viscera 751.8
due to defect in anterior abdominal wall 756.79
ACTH syndrome 255.0
adrenal gland 759.1
anus 751.5
auricular beats 427.61
beats 427.60
bladder 753.5
bone and cartilage in lung 748.69
brain 742.4
breast tissue 757.6
cardiac 746.87
cerebral 742.4
cordis 746.87
endometrium 617.9
gallbladder 751.69
gastric mucosa 750.7
gestation - see Pregnancy, ectopic
heart 746.87
hormone secretion NEC 259.3
hyperparathyroidism 259.3
kidney (crossed) (intrathoracic) (pelvis) 753.3
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
causing obstructed labor 660.2
lens 743.37
lentis 743.37
mole - see Pregnancy, ectopic
organ or site NEC - see Malposition, congenital
ovary 752.0
pancreas, pancreatic tissue 751.7
pregnancy - see Pregnancy, ectopic
pupil 364.75
renal 753.3
sebaceous glands of mouth 750.26
ACTH 255.0
adrenal hormone 259.3
adrenalin 259.3
adrenocorticotropin 255.0
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 259.3
epinephrine 259.3
hormone NEC 259.3
norepinephrine 259.3
pituitary (posterior) 259.3
spleen 759.0
testis 752.51
thyroid 759.2
ureter 753.4
ventricular beats 427.69
vesicae 753.5
