Epilepsy, epileptic (idiopathic) 345.9
Note use the following fifth-digit subclassifications with categories 345.0, 345.1, 345.4-345.9 0 without mention of intractable epilepsy 1 with intractable epilepsy pharmacoresistant (pharmacologically resistant) poorly controlled refractory (medically) treatment resistant
abdominal 345.5
absence (attack) 345.0
akinetic 345.0
psychomotor 345.4
automatism 345.4
autonomic diencephalic 345.5
brain 345.9
Bravais-Jacksonian 345.5
cerebral 345.9
climacteric 345.9
clonic 345.1
clouded state 345.9
coma 345.3
communicating 345.4
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.4
congenital 345.9
convulsions 345.9
cortical (focal) (motor) 345.5
cursive (running) 345.8
cysticercosis 123.1
with behavioral disturbance 345.9 [294.11]
without behavioral disturbance 345.9 [294.10]
due to syphilis 094.89
equivalent 345.5
fit 345.9
focal (motor) 345.5
gelastic 345.8
generalized 345.9
convulsive 345.1
flexion 345.1
nonconvulsive 345.0
grand mal (idiopathic) 345.1
Jacksonian (motor) (sensory) 345.5
Kojevnikoff's, Kojevnikov's, Kojewnikoff's 345.7
laryngeal 786.2
limbic system 345.4
localization related (focal) (partial) and epileptic syndromes
complex partial seizures 345.4
simple partial seizures 345.5
major (motor) 345.1
minor 345.0
mixed (type) 345.9
motor partial 345.5
musicogenic 345.1
myoclonus, myoclonic 345.1
progressive (familial) 345.1
nonconvulsive, generalized 345.0
parasitic NEC 123.9
partial (focalized) 345.5
impairment of consciousness 345.4
memory and ideational disturbances 345.4
without impairment of consciousness 345.5
abdominal type 345.5
motor type 345.5
psychomotor type 345.4
psychosensory type 345.4
secondarily generalized 345.4
sensory type 345.5
somatomotor type 345.5
somatosensory type 345.5
temporal lobe type 345.4
visceral type 345.5
visual type 345.5
peripheral 345.9
petit mal 345.0
photokinetic 345.8
progressive myoclonic (familial) 345.1
psychic equivalent 345.5
psychomotor 345.4
psychosensory 345.4
reflex 345.1
seizure 345.9
senile 345.9
sensory-induced 345.5
sleep (see also Narcolepsy) 347.00
somatomotor type 345.5
somatosensory 345.5
specified type NEC 345.8
status (grand mal) 345.3
focal motor 345.7
petit mal 345.2
psychomotor 345.7
temporal lobe 345.7
symptomatic 345.9
temporal lobe 345.4
tonic (-clonic) 345.1
traumatic (injury unspecified) 907.0
injury specified - see Late, effect (of) specified injury
twilight 293.0
uncinate (gyrus) 345.4
Unverricht (-Lundborg) (familial myoclonic) 345.1
visceral 345.5
visual 345.5
