Fibrosis, fibrotic
adrenal (gland) 255.8
alveolar (diffuse) 516.31
amnion 658.8
anal papillae 569.49
anus 569.49
appendix, appendiceal, noninflammatory 543.9
arteriocapillary - see Arteriosclerosis
bauxite (of lung) 503
biliary 576.8
due to Clonorchis sinensis 121.1
bladder 596.89
interstitial 595.1
localized submucosal 595.1
panmural 595.1
bone, diffuse 756.59
breast 610.3
capillary - see also Arteriosclerosis
lung (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515
cardiac (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
cervix 622.8
chorion 658.8
corpus cavernosum 607.89
cystic (of pancreas) 277.00
gastrointestinal 277.03
pulmonary 277.02
specified NEC 277.09
meconium ileus 277.01
pulmonary exacerbation 277.02
due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
ejaculatory duct 608.89
endocardium (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
endomyocardial (African) 425.0
epididymis 608.89
eye muscle 378.62
graphite (of lung) 503
heart (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
hepatic - see also Cirrhosis, liver
due to Clonorchis sinensis 121.1
hepatolienal - see Cirrhosis, liver
hepatosplenic - see Cirrhosis, liver
infrapatellar fat pad 729.31
interstitial pulmonary, newborn 770.7
intrascrotal 608.89
kidney (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587
liver - see Cirrhosis, liver
lung (atrophic) (capillary) (chronic) (confluent) (massive) (perialveolar) (peribronchial) 515
anthracosilicosis (occupational) 500
anthracosis (occupational) 500
asbestosis (occupational) 501
bagassosis (occupational) 495.1
bauxite 503
berylliosis (occupational) 503
byssinosis (occupational) 504
calcicosis (occupational) 502
chalicosis (occupational) 502
dust reticulation (occupational) 504
farmers' lung 495.0
gannister disease (occupational) 502
graphite 503
pneumonoconiosis (occupational) 505
pneumosiderosis (occupational) 503
siderosis (occupational) 503
silicosis (occupational) 502
tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4
diffuse (idiopathic) (interstitial) 516.31
due to
bauxite 503
fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.4
graphite 503
following radiation 508.1
postinflammatory 515
silicotic (massive) (occupational) 502
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4
lymphatic gland 289.3
median bar 600.90
other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
obstruction 600.91
retention 600.91
mediastinum (idiopathic) 519.3
meninges 349.2
muscle NEC 728.2
iatrogenic (from injection) 999.9
myocardium, myocardial (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
oral submucous 528.8
ovary 620.8
oviduct 620.8
pancreas 577.8
cystic 277.00
gastrointestinal 277.03
pulmonary 277.02
specified NEC 277.09
meconium ileus 277.01
pulmonary exacerbation 277.02
penis 607.89
periappendiceal 543.9
periarticular (see also Ankylosis) 718.5
pericardium 423.1
perineum, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
causing obstructed labor 660.2
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
perineural NEC 355.9
foot 355.6
periureteral 593.89
placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
pleura 511.0
popliteal fat pad 729.31
preretinal 362.56
prostate (chronic) 600.90
other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
obstruction 600.91
retention 600.91
pulmonary (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515
alveolar capillary block 516.8
idiopathic 516.31
diffuse (idiopathic) 516.31
newborn 770.7
radiation - see Effect, adverse, radiation
rectal sphincter 569.49
retroperitoneal, idiopathic 593.4
sclerosing mesenteric (idiopathic) 567.82
scrotum 608.89
seminal vesicle 608.89
senile 797
skin NEC 709.2
spermatic cord 608.89
spleen 289.59
bilharzial (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9
subepidermal nodular (M8832/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
submucous NEC 709.2
oral 528.8
tongue 528.8
syncytium - see Placenta, abnormal
testis 608.89
chronic, due to syphilis 095.8
thymus (gland) 254.8
tunica vaginalis 608.89
ureter 593.89
urethra 599.84
uterus (nonneoplastic) 621.8
bilharzial (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9
neoplastic (see also Leiomyoma, uterus) 218.9
vagina 623.8
valve, heart (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
vas deferens 608.89
vein 459.89
lower extremities 459.89
vesical 595.1
