Fistula (sinus) 686.9
abdomen (wall) 569.81
bladder 596.2
intestine 569.81
ureter 593.82
uterus 619.2
abdominorectal 569.81
abdominosigmoidal 569.81
abdominothoracic 510.0
abdominouterine 619.2
congenital 752.39
abdominovesical 596.2
accessory sinuses (see also Sinusitis) 473.9
actinomycotic - see Actinomycosis
antrum (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
process 522.7
anorectal 565.1
antrobuccal (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
antrum (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
anus, anal (infectional) (recurrent) 565.1
congenital 751.5
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
aortic sinus 747.29
aortoduodenal 447.2
appendix, appendicular 543.9
arteriovenous (acquired) 447.0
brain 437.3
congenital 747.81
ruptured (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
ruptured (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
cerebral 437.3
congenital 747.81
congenital (peripheral) 747.60
brain - see Fistula, arteriovenous, brain, congenital
coronary 746.85
gastrointestinal 747.61
lower limb 747.64
pulmonary 747.39
renal 747.62
specified site NEC 747.69
upper limb 747.63
coronary 414.19
congenital 746.85
heart 414.19
pulmonary (vessels) 417.0
congenital 747.39
surgically created (for dialysis) V45.11
complication NEC 996.73
atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities
embolism 996.74
infection or inflammation 996.62
mechanical 996.1
occlusion NEC 996.74
thrombus 996.74
traumatic - see Injury, blood vessel, by site
artery 447.2
aural 383.81
congenital 744.49
auricle 383.81
congenital 744.49
Bartholin's gland 619.8
bile duct (see also Fistula, biliary) 576.4
biliary (duct) (tract) 576.4
congenital 751.69
bladder (neck) (sphincter) 596.2
into seminal vesicle 596.2
bone 733.99
brain 348.89
arteriovenous - see Fistula, arteriovenous, brain
branchial (cleft) 744.41
branchiogenous 744.41
breast 611.0
puerperal, postpartum 675.1
bronchial 510.0
bronchocutaneous, bronchomediastinal, bronchopleural, bronchopleuromediastinal (infective) 510.0
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.3
bronchoesophageal 530.84
congenital 750.3
buccal cavity (infective) 528.3
canal, ear 380.89
congenital 747.81
with hemorrhage 430
traumatic 900.82
with hemorrhage (see also Hemorrhage, brain, traumatic) 853.0
late effect 908.3
cecosigmoidal 569.81
cecum 569.81
cerebrospinal (fluid) 349.81
cervical, lateral (congenital) 744.41
cervicoaural (congenital) 744.49
cervicosigmoidal 619.1
cervicovesical 619.0
cervix 619.8
chest (wall) 510.0
cholecystocolic (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
cholecystocolonic (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
cholecystoduodenal (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
cholecystoenteric (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
cholecystogastric (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
cholecystointestinal (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
choledochoduodenal 576.4
cholocolic (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
coccyx 685.1
with abscess 685.0
colon 569.81
colostomy 569.69
colovaginal (acquired) 619.1
common duct (bile duct) 576.4
congenital, NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
cornea, causing hypotony 360.32
coronary, arteriovenous 414.19
congenital 746.85
costal region 510.0
cul-de-sac, Douglas' 619.8
cutaneous 686.9
cystic duct (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5
congenital 751.69
cystostomy 596.83
dental 522.7
diaphragm 510.0
bronchovisceral 510.0
pleuroperitoneal 510.0
pulmonoperitoneal 510.0
duodenum 537.4
ear (canal) (external) 380.89
enterocolic 569.81
enterocutaneous 569.81
enteroenteric 569.81
entero-uterine 619.1
congenital 752.39
enterovaginal 619.1
congenital 752.49
enterovesical 596.1
epididymis 608.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.4
esophagobronchial 530.89
congenital 750.3
esophagocutaneous 530.89
esophagopleurocutaneous 530.89
esophagotracheal 530.84
congenital 750.3
esophagus 530.89
congenital 750.4
ethmoid (see also Sinusitis, ethmoidal) 473.2
eyeball (cornea) (sclera) 360.32
eyelid 373.11
fallopian tube (external) 619.2
fecal 569.81
congenital 751.5
from periapical lesion 522.7
frontal sinus (see also Sinusitis, frontal) 473.1
gallbladder 575.5
with calculus, cholelithiasis, stones (see also Cholelithiasis) 574.2
congenital 751.69
gastric 537.4
gastrocolic 537.4
congenital 750.7
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
gastroenterocolic 537.4
gastroesophageal 537.4
gastrojejunal 537.4
gastrojejunocolic 537.4
female 619.9
specified site NEC 619.8
male 608.89
tract-skin (female) 619.2
hepatopleural 510.0
hepatopulmonary 510.0
horseshoe 565.1
ileorectal 569.81
ileosigmoidal 569.81
ileostomy 569.69
ileovesical 596.1
ileum 569.81
in ano 565.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
inner ear (see also Fistula, labyrinth) 386.40
intestine 569.81
intestinocolonic (abdominal) 569.81
intestinoureteral 593.82
intestinouterine 619.1
intestinovaginal 619.1
congenital 752.49
intestinovesical 596.1
involving female genital tract 619.9
digestive-genital 619.1
genital tract-skin 619.2
specified site NEC 619.8
urinary-genital 619.0
ischiorectal (fossa) 566
jejunostomy 569.69
jejunum 569.81
joint 719.80
ankle 719.87
elbow 719.82
foot 719.87
hand 719.84
hip 719.85
knee 719.86
multiple sites 719.89
pelvic region 719.85
shoulder (region) 719.81
specified site NEC 719.88
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, joint
wrist 719.83
kidney 593.89
labium (majus) (minus) 619.8
labyrinth, labyrinthine NEC 386.40
combined sites 386.48
multiple sites 386.48
oval window 386.42
round window 386.41
semicircular canal 386.43
lacrimal, lachrymal (duct) (gland) (sac) 375.61
lacrimonasal duct 375.61
laryngotracheal 748.3
larynx 478.79
lip 528.5
congenital 750.25
lumbar, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [730.8]
lung 510.0
lymphatic (node) (vessel) 457.8
mamillary 611.0
mammary (gland) 611.0
puerperal, postpartum 675.1
mastoid (process) (region) 383.1
maxillary (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
mediastinal 510.0
mediastinobronchial 510.0
mediastinocutaneous 510.0
middle ear 385.89
mouth 528.3
nasal 478.19
sinus (see also Sinusitis) 473.9
nasopharynx 478.29
nipple - see Fistula, breast
nose 478.19
oral (cutaneous) 528.3
maxillary (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
nasal (with cleft palate) (see also Cleft, palate) 749.00
orbit, orbital 376.10
oro-antral (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0
oval window (internal ear) 386.42
oviduct (external) 619.2
palate (hard) 526.89
soft 528.9
pancreatic 577.8
pancreaticoduodenal 577.8
parotid (gland) 527.4
region 528.3
pelvoabdominointestinal 569.81
penis 607.89
perianal 565.1
pericardium (pleura) (sac) (see also Pericarditis) 423.8
pericecal 569.81
perineal - see Fistula, perineum
perineorectal 569.81
perineosigmoidal 569.81
perineo-urethroscrotal 608.89
perineum, perineal (with urethral involvement) NEC 599.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9
ureter 593.82
perirectal 565.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
peritoneum (see also Peritonitis) 567.22
periurethral 599.1
pharyngo-esophageal 478.29
pharynx 478.29
branchial cleft (congenital) 744.41
pilonidal (infected) (rectum) 685.1
with abscess 685.0
pleura, pleural, pleurocutaneous, pleuroperitoneal 510.0
stomach 510.0
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.0
pleuropericardial 423.8
postauricular 383.81
postoperative, persistent 998.6
preauricular (congenital) 744.46
prostate 602.8
pulmonary 510.0
arteriovenous 417.0
congenital 747.39
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pulmonoperitoneal 510.0
rectolabial 619.1
rectosigmoid (intercommunicating) 569.81
rectoureteral 593.82
rectourethral 599.1
congenital 753.8
rectouterine 619.1
congenital 752.39
rectovaginal 619.1
congenital 752.49
old, postpartal 619.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
rectovesical 596.1
congenital 753.8
rectovesicovaginal 619.1
rectovulvar 619.1
congenital 752.49
rectum (to skin) 565.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
renal 593.89
retroauricular 383.81
round window (internal ear) 386.41
salivary duct or gland 527.4
congenital 750.24
sclera 360.32
scrotum (urinary) 608.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.5
semicircular canals (internal ear) 386.43
sigmoid 569.81
vesicoabdominal 596.1
sigmoidovaginal 619.1
congenital 752.49
skin 686.9
ureter 593.82
vagina 619.2
sphenoidal sinus (see also Sinusitis, sphenoidal) 473.3
splenocolic 289.59
stercoral 569.81
stomach 537.4
sublingual gland 527.4
congenital 750.24
gland 527.4
congenital 750.24
region 528.3
thoracic 510.0
duct 457.8
thoracicoabdominal 510.0
thoracicogastric 510.0
thoracicointestinal 510.0
thoracoabdominal 510.0
thoracogastric 510.0
thorax 510.0
thyroglossal duct 759.2
thyroid 246.8
trachea (congenital) (external) (internal) 748.3
tracheoesophageal 530.84
congenital 750.3
following tracheostomy 519.09
arteriovenous (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
brain - see Injury, intracranial
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, by site
typhoid 002.0
umbilical 759.89
umbilico-urinary 753.8
urachal, urachus 753.7
ureter (persistent) 593.82
ureteroabdominal 593.82
ureterocervical 593.82
ureterorectal 593.82
ureterosigmoido-abdominal 593.82
ureterovaginal 619.0
ureterovesical 596.2
urethra 599.1
congenital 753.8
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.3
urethroperineal 599.1
urethroperineovesical 596.2
urethrorectal 599.1
congenital 753.8
urethroscrotal 608.89
urethrovaginal 619.0
urethrovesical 596.2
urethrovesicovaginal 619.0
urinary (persistent) (recurrent) 599.1
uteroabdominal (anterior wall) 619.2
congenital 752.39
uteroenteric 619.1
uterofecal 619.1
uterointestinal 619.1
congenital 752.39
uterorectal 619.1
congenital 752.39
uteroureteric 619.0
uterovaginal 619.8
uterovesical 619.0
congenital 752.39
uterus 619.8
vagina (wall) 619.8
postpartal, old 619.8
vaginocutaneous (postpartal) 619.2
vaginoileal (acquired) 619.1
vaginoperineal 619.2
vesical NEC 596.2
vesicoabdominal 596.2
vesicocervicovaginal 619.0
vesicocolic 596.1
vesicocutaneous 596.2
vesicoenteric 596.1
vesicointestinal 596.1
vesicometrorectal 619.1
vesicoperineal 596.2
vesicorectal 596.1
congenital 753.8
vesicosigmoidal 596.1
vesicosigmoidovaginal 619.1
vesicoureteral 596.2
vesicoureterovaginal 619.0
vesicourethral 596.2
vesicourethrorectal 596.1
vesicouterine 619.0
congenital 752.39
vesicovaginal 619.0
vulvorectal 619.1
congenital 752.49
