Fusion, fused (congenital)
anal (with urogenital canal) 751.5
aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
astragaloscaphoid 755.67
atria 745.5
atrium and ventricle 745.69
auditory canal 744.02
auricles, heart 745.5
binocular, with defective stereopsis 368.33
bone 756.9
cervical spine - see Fusion, spine
choanal 748.0
commissure, mitral valve 746.5
cranial sutures, premature 756.0
cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
mitral 746.5
tricuspid 746.89
ear ossicles 744.04
fingers (see also Syndactylism, fingers) 755.11
hymen 752.42
hymeno-urethral 599.89
causing obstructed labor 660.1
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
joint (acquired) - see also Ankylosis
congenital 755.8
kidneys (incomplete) 753.3
labium (majus) (minus) 752.49
larynx and trachea 748.3
limb 755.8
lower 755.69
upper 755.59
lobe, lung 748.5
lumbosacral (acquired) 724.6
congenital 756.15
surgical V45.4
nares (anterior) (posterior) 748.0
nose, nasal 748.0
nostril(s) 748.0
organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
ossicles 756.9
auditory 744.04
pulmonary valve segment 746.02
pulmonic cusps 746.02
ribs 756.3
sacroiliac (acquired) (joint) 724.6
congenital 755.69
surgical V45.4
skull, imperfect 756.0
spine (acquired) 724.9
arthrodesis status V45.4
congenital (vertebra) 756.15
postoperative status V45.4
sublingual duct with submaxillary duct at opening in mouth 750.26
talonavicular (bar) 755.67
teeth, tooth 520.2
testes 752.89
toes (see also Syndactylism, toes) 755.13
trachea and esophagus 750.3
twins 759.4
urethral-hymenal 599.89
vagina 752.49
valve cusps - see Fusion, cusps, heart valve
ventricles, heart 745.4
vertebra (arch) - see Fusion, spine
vulva 752.49
