Gout, gouty 274.9
specified manifestations NEC 274.89
tophi (tophus) 274.03
acute 274.01
arthritis 274.00
acute 274.01
arthropathy 274.00
acute 274.01
chronic (without mention of tophus (tophi)) 274.02
with tophus (tophi) 274.03
attack 274.01
chronic 274.02
tophaceous 274.03
degeneration, heart 274.82
diathesis 274.9
eczema 274.89
episcleritis 274.89 [379.09]
external ear (tophus) 274.81
flare 274.01
glomerulonephritis 274.10
iritis 274.89 [364.11]
joint 274.00
kidney 274.10
lead 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
nephritis 274.10
neuritis 274.89 [357.4]
phlebitis 274.89 [451.9]
rheumatic 714.0
saturnine 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
spondylitis 274.00
synovitis 274.00
syphilitic 095.8
tophi 274.03
ear 274.81
heart 274.82
specified site NEC 274.82
