Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9
artery 093.89
cerebral or spinal 094.89
bone 095.5
of yaws (late) 102.6
brain 094.89
cauda equina 094.89
central nervous system NEC 094.9
ciliary body 095.8 [364.11]
congenital 090.5
testis 090.5
eyelid 095.8 [373.5]
heart 093.89
intracranial 094.89
iris 095.8 [364.11]
kidney 095.4
larynx 095.8
leptomeninges 094.2
liver 095.3
meninges 094.2
myocardium 093.82
nasopharynx 095.8
neurosyphilitic 094.9
nose 095.8
orbit 095.8
palate (soft) 095.8
penis 095.8
pericardium 093.81
pharynx 095.8
pituitary 095.8
scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
skin 095.8
specified site NEC 095.8
spinal cord 094.89
tongue 095.8
tonsil 095.8
trachea 095.8
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
ulcerative due to yaws 102.4
ureter 095.8
yaws 102.4
bone 102.6
