Hydrops 782.3
abdominis 789.59
amnii (complicating pregnancy) (see also Hydramnios) 657
articulorum intermittens (see also Rheumatism, palindromic) 719.3
cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
congenital - see Hydrops, fetalis
endolymphatic (see also Disease, Ménière's) 386.00
fetal, fetalis or newborn 778.0
due to
alpha thalassemia 282.43
isoimmunization 773.3
not due to isoimmunization 778.0
gallbladder 575.3
idiopathic (fetus or newborn) 778.0
joint (see also Effusion, joint) 719.0
labyrinth (see also Disease, Ménière's) 386.00
meningeal NEC 331.4
nutritional 262
pericardium - see Pericarditis
pleura (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
renal (see also Nephrosis) 581.9
spermatic cord (see also Hydrocele) 603.9
