Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
adenoids (lymphoid tissue) 474.12
and tonsils 474.10
adrenal (capsule) (cortex) (gland) 255.8
sexual precocity (male) 255.2
virilism, adrenal 255.2
virilization (female) 255.2
congenital 255.2
due to excess ACTH (ectopic) (pituitary) 255.0
medulla 255.8
alpha cells (pancreatic)
gastrin excess 251.5
glucagon excess 251.4
angiolymphoid, with eosinophilia (ALHE) 228.01
appendix (lymphoid) 543.0
artery, fibromuscular NEC 447.8
carotid 447.8
renal 447.3
bone 733.99
marrow 289.9
breast (see also Hypertrophy, breast) 611.1
ductal 610.8
atypical 610.8
carotid artery 447.8
cementation, cementum (teeth) (tooth) 521.5
cervical gland 785.6
cervix (uteri) 622.10
basal cell 622.10
congenital 752.49
endometrium 622.10
polypoid 622.10
chin 524.05
clitoris, congenital 752.49
dentin 521.5
endocervicitis 616.0
endometrium, endometrial (adenomatous) (atypical) (cystic) (glandular) (polypoid) (uterus) 621.30
with atypia 621.33
without atypia
complex 621.32
simple 621.31
benign 621.34
cervix 622.10
epithelial 709.8
focal, oral, including tongue 528.79
mouth (focal) 528.79
nipple 611.89
skin 709.8
tongue (focal) 528.79
vaginal wall 623.0
erythroid 289.9
fascialis ossificans (progressiva) 728.11
fibromuscular, artery NEC 447.8
carotid 447.8
renal 447.3
female 629.89
male 608.89
gingiva 523.8
cystica uteri 621.30
endometrium (uterus) 621.30
interstitialis uteri 621.30
granulocytic 288.69
gum 523.8
hymen, congenital 752.49
islands of Langerhans 251.1
islet cell (pancreatic) 251.9
alpha cells
with excess
gastrin 251.5
glucagon 251.4
beta cells 251.1
juxtaglomerular (complex) (kidney) 593.89
kidney (congenital) 753.3
liver (congenital) 751.69
lymph node (gland) 785.6
lymphoid (diffuse) (nodular) 785.6
appendix 543.0
intestine 569.89
mandibular 524.02
alveolar 524.72
unilateral condylar 526.89
Marchand multiple nodular (liver) - see Cirrhosis, postnecrotic
maxillary 524.01
alveolar 524.71
medulla, adrenal 255.8
myometrium, myometrial 621.2
neuroendocrine cell, of infancy 516.61
nose (lymphoid) (polypoid) 478.19
oral soft tissue (inflammatory) (irritative) (mucosa) NEC 528.9
gingiva 523.8
tongue 529.8
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
ovary 620.8
palate, papillary 528.9
pancreatic islet cells 251.9
with excess
gastrin 251.5
glucagon 251.4
beta 251.1
parathyroid (gland) 252.01
persistent, vitreous (primary) 743.51
pharynx (lymphoid) 478.29
prostate 600.90
other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
