Hypertension, hypertensive (arterial) (arteriolar) (crisis) (degeneration) (disease) (essential) (fluctuating) (idiopathic) (intermittent) (labile) (low renin) (orthostatic) (paroxysmal) (primary) (systemic) (uncontrolled) (vascular) 401.0 401.1 401.9
chronic kidney disease
stage I through stage IV, or unspecified 403.00 403.10 403.90
stage V or end stage renal disease 403.01 403.11 403.91
heart involvement (conditions classifiable to 429.0-429.3, 429.8, 429.9 due to hypertension) (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.00 402.10 402.90
with kidney involvement ­ see Hypertension, cardiorenal
renal (kidney) involvement (only conditions classifiable to 585, 587) (excludes conditions classifiable to 584) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90
with heart involvement ­ see Hypertension, cardiorenal failure (and sclerosis) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.01 403.11 403.91
sclerosis without failure (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90
accelerated (see also Hypertension, by type, malignant) 401.0 - -
antepartum ­ see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
borderline - - 796.2
cardiorenal (disease) 404.00 404.10 404.90
chronic kidney disease
stage I through stage IV, or unspecified 404.00 404.10 404.90
and heart failure 404.01 404.11 404.91
stage V or end stage renal disease 404.02 404.12 404.92
and heart failure 404.03 404.13 404.93
heart failure 404.01 404.11 404.91
and chronic kidney disease 404.01 404.11 404.91
stage I through stage IV or unspecified 404.01 404.11 404.91
stage V or end stage renal disease 404.03 404.13 404.93
cardiovascular disease (arteriosclerotic) (sclerotic) 402.00 402.10 402.90
heart failure 402.01 402.11 402.91
renal involvement (conditions classifiable to 403) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90
cardiovascular renal (disease) (sclerosis) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.9
cerebrovascular disease NEC 437.2 437.2 437.2
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 642.2 642.0 642.9
albuminuria (and edema) (mild) - - 642.4
severe - - 642.5
chronic kidney disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
and heart disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
edema (mild) - - 642.4
severe - - 642.5
heart disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
and chronic kidney disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
renal disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
and heart disease 642.2 642.2 642.2
chronic 642.2 642.0 642.0
with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia 642.7 642.7 642.7
fetus or newborn 760.0 760.0 760.0
essential - 642.0 642.0
with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia - 642.7 642.7
fetus or newborn 760.0 760.0 760.0
fetus or newborn 760.0 760.0 760.0
gestational - - 642.3
pre-existing 642.2 642.0 642.0
with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia 642.7 642.7 642.7
fetus or newborn 760.0 760.0 760.0
secondary to renal disease 642.1 642.1 642.1
with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia 642.7 642.7 642.7
fetus or newborn 760.0 760.0 760.0
transient - - 642.3
due to
aldosteronism, primary 405.09 405.19 405.99
brain tumor 405.09 405.19 405.99
bulbar poliomyelitis 405.09 405.19 405.99
kidney 405.09 405.19 405.99
ureter 405.09 405.19 405.99
coarctation, aorta 405.09 405.19 405.99
Cushing's disease 405.09 405.19 405.99
glomerulosclerosis (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90
periarteritis nodosa 405.09 405.19 405.99
pheochromocytoma 405.09 405.19 405.99
polycystic kidney(s) 405.09 405.19 405.99
polycythemia 405.09 405.19 405.99
porphyria 405.09 405.19 405.99
pyelonephritis 405.09 405.19 405.99
renal (artery)
aneurysm 405.01 405.11 405.91
anomaly 405.01 405.11 405.91
embolism 405.01 405.11 405.91
fibromuscular hyperplasia 405.01 405.11 405.91
occlusion 405.01 405.11 405.91
stenosis 405.01 405.11 405.91
thrombosis 405.01 405.11 405.91
encephalopathy 437.2 437.2 437.2
gestational (transient) NEC - - 642.3
Goldblatt's 440.1 440.1 440.1
heart (disease) (conditions classifiable to 429.0-429.3, 429.8, 429.9 due to hypertension) 402.00 402.10 402.90
heart failure 402.01 402.11 402.91
hypertensive kidney disease (conditions classifiable to 403) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90
renal sclerosis (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90
intracranial, benign - 348.2 -
intraocular - - 365.04
kidney 403.00 403.10 403.90
chronic kidney disease
stage I through stage IV, or unspecified 403.00 403.10 403.90
stage V or end stage renal disease 403.01 403.11 403.91
heart involvement (conditions classifiable to 429.0-429.3, 429.8, 429.9 due to hypertension) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90
hypertensive heart (disease) (conditions classifiable to 402) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.00 404.10 404.90
lesser circulation - - 416.0
necrotizing 401.0 - -
ocular - - 365.04
pancreatic duct - code to underlying condition
chronic pancreatitis - - 577.1
portal (due to chronic liver disease) - - 572.3
postoperative 997.91
psychogenic - - 306.2
puerperal, postpartum ­ see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
pulmonary (artery) (secondary) - - 416.8
cor pulmonale (chronic) - - 416.8
acute - - 415.0
right heart ventricular strain/failure - - 416.8
acute - - 415.0
idiopathic 416.0
primary 416.0
of newborn 747.83
secondary - - 416.8
renal (disease) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90
renovascular NEC 405.01 405.11 405.91
secondary NEC 405.09 405.19 405.99
due to
aldosteronism, primary 405.09 405.19 405.99
brain tumor 405.09 405.19 405.99
bulbar poliomyelitis 405.09 405.19 405.99
kidney 405.09 405.19 405.99
ureter 405.09 405.19 405.99
coarctation, aorta 405.09 405.19 405.99
Cushing's disease 405.09 405.19 405.99
glomerulosclerosis (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.00 403.10 403.90
periarteritis nodosa 405.09 405.19 405.99
pheochromocytoma 405.09 405.19 405.99
polycystic kidney(s) 405.09 405.19 405.99
polycythemia 405.09 405.19 405.99
porphyria 405.09 405.19 405.99
pyelonephritis 405.09 405.19 405.99
renal (artery)
aneurysm 405.01 405.11 405.91
anomaly 405.01 405.11 405.91
embolism 405.01 405.11 405.91
fibromuscular hyperplasia 405.01 405.11 405.91
occlusion 405.01 405.11 405.91
stenosis 405.01 405.11 405.91
thrombosis 405.01 405.11 405.91
transient - - 796.2
of pregnancy - - 642.3
venous, chronic (asymptomatic) (idiopathic) - - 459.30
complication, NEC - - 459.39
inflammation - - 459.32
with ulcer - - 459.33
ulcer - - 459.31
with inflammation - - 459.33
due to
deep vein thrombosis (see also Syndrome, postphlebitic) - - - 459.10
