Ileitis (chronic) (see also Enteritis) 558.9
infectious 009.0
appendices epiploicae 557.0
bowel 557.0
brain (stem) 434.91
embolic (see also Embolism, brain) 434.11
healed or old without residuals V12.54
iatrogenic 997.02
lacunar 434.91
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
postoperative 997.02
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
thrombotic (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.01
breast 611.89
Brewer's (kidney) 593.81
cardiac (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
cerebellar (see also Infarct, brain) 434.91
embolic (see also Embolism, brain) 434.11
cerebral (see also Infarct, brain) 434.91
aborted 434.91
embolic (see also Embolism, brain) 434.11
thrombotic (see also Infarct, brain) 434.01
chorion 658.8
colon (acute) (agnogenic) (embolic) (hemorrhagic) (nonocclusive) (nonthrombotic) (occlusive) (segmental) (thrombotic) (with gangrene) 557.0
coronary artery (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
cortical 434.91
embolic (see also Embolism) 444.9
fallopian tube 620.8
gallbladder 575.8
heart (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
hepatic 573.4
hypophysis (anterior lobe) 253.8
impending (myocardium) 411.1
intestine (acute) (agnogenic) (embolic) (hemorrhagic) (nonocclusive) (nonthrombotic) (occlusive) (thrombotic) (with gangrene) 557.0
kidney 593.81
lacunar 434.91
liver 573.4
lung (embolic) (thrombotic) 415.19
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with, embolism
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.6
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.6
abortion 639.6
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.6
iatrogenic 415.11
in pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium - see Embolism, obstetrical
postoperative 415.11
septic 415.12
lymph node or vessel 457.8
medullary (brain) - see Infarct, brain
meibomian gland (eyelid) 374.85
mesentery, mesenteric (embolic) (thrombotic) (with gangrene) 557.0
midbrain - see Infarct, brain
myocardium, myocardial (acute or with a stated duration of 8 weeks or less) (with hypertension) 410.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 410: 0 episode unspecified 1 initial episode 2 subsequent episode without recurrence
with symptoms after 8 weeks from date of infarction 414.8
anterior (wall) (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) NEC 410.1
anteroapical (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.1
anterolateral (wall) 410.0
anteroseptal (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.1
apical-lateral 410.5
atrial 410.8
basal-lateral 410.5
chronic (with symptoms after 8 weeks from date of infarction) 414.8
diagnosed on ECG, but presenting no symptoms 412
diaphragmatic wall (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.4
healed or old, currently presenting no symptoms 412
high lateral 410.5
impending 411.1
inferior (wall) (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.4
inferolateral (wall) 410.2
inferoposterior wall 410.3
intraoperative 997.1
lateral wall 410.5
non-Q wave 410.7
non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) 410.7
nontransmural 410.7
papillary muscle 410.8
past (diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation, but currently presenting no symptoms) 412
with symptoms NEC 414.8
posterior (strictly) (true) (wall) 410.6
posterobasal 410.6
conjunctiva 921.1
superficial 918.2
spermatic - see Injury, internal, spermatic cord
spinal - see Injury, spinal, by site
cornea 921.3
abrasion 918.1
due to contact lens 371.82
penetrating - see Injury, eyeball, penetrating
superficial 918.1
due to contact lens 371.82
cortex (cerebral) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
visual 950.3
costal region 959.11
costochondral 959.11
bones - see Fracture, skull, by site
cavity (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nerve - see Injury, nerve, cranial
crushing - see Crush
cutaneous sensory nerve
lower limb 956.4
upper limb 955.5
deep tissue - see Contusion, by site
meaning pressure ulcer 707.25
delivery - see also Birth, injury
maternal NEC 665.9
Descemet's membrane - see Injury, eyeball, penetrating
diaphragm - see Injury, internal, diaphragm
diffuse axonal - see Injury, intracranial
duodenum - see Injury, internal, duodenum
ear (auricle) (canal) (drum) (external) 959.09
elbow (and forearm) (and wrist) 959.3
epididymis 959.14
epigastric region 959.12
epiglottis 959.09
epiphyseal, current - see Fracture, by site
esophagus - see Injury, internal, esophagus
Eustachian tube 959.09
extremity (lower) (upper) NEC 959.8
eye 921.9
penetrating eyeball - see Injury, eyeball, penetrating
superficial 918.9
eyeball 921.3
penetrating 871.7
partial loss (of intraocular tissue) 871.2
prolapse or exposure (of intraocular tissue) 871.1
without prolapse 871.0
foreign body (nonmagnetic) 871.6
magnetic 871.5
superficial 918.9
eyebrow 959.09
eyelid(s) 921.1
laceration - see Laceration, eyelid
superficial 918.0
face (and neck) 959.09
fallopian tube - see Injury, internal, fallopian tube
fingers(s) (nail) 959.5
flank 959.19
foot (and ankle) (and knee) (and leg, except thigh) 959.7
forceps NEC 767.9
scalp 767.19
forearm (and elbow) (and wrist) 959.3
forehead 959.09
gallbladder - see Injury, internal, gallbladder
gasserian ganglion 951.2
gastrointestinal tract - see Injury, internal, gastrointestinal tract
genital organ(s)
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with, damage to pelvic organs
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2
external 959.14
fracture of corpus cavernosum penis 959.13
abortion 639.2
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2
internal - see Injury, internal, genital organs
obstetrical trauma NEC 665.9
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
lacrimal 921.1
laceration 870.8
parathyroid 959.09
salivary 959.09
thyroid 959.09
globe (eye) (see also Injury, eyeball) 921.3
grease gun - see Wound, open, by site, complicated
groin 959.19
gum 959.09
mitral (valve) disease 396.1
insufficiency, incompetence, or regurgitation 396.3
stenosis or obstruction 396.1
stenosis or obstruction 395.2
with mitral (valve) disease 396.8
specified cause NEC 424.1
syphilitic 093.22
arterial 447.1
basilar artery 435.0
carotid artery 435.8
cerebral 437.1
coronary (acute or subacute) 411.89
mesenteric 557.1
peripheral 443.9
precerebral 435.9
vertebral artery 435.1
vertebrobasilar 435.3
arteriovenous 459.9
basilar artery 435.0
biliary 575.8
cardiac (see also Insufficiency, myocardial) 428.0
complicating surgery 997.1
due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4
postoperative 997.1
long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
specified during or due to a procedure 997.1
long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2
renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
carotid artery 435.8
cerebral (vascular) 437.9
cerebrovascular 437.9
with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms 435.9
acute 437.1
with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms 435.9
circulatory NEC 459.9
fetus or newborn 779.89
convergence 378.83
coronary (acute or subacute) 411.89
chronic or with a stated duration of over 8 weeks 414.8
corticoadrenal 255.41
dietary 269.9
divergence 378.85
food 994.2
gastroesophageal 530.89
ovary 256.39
testis 257.2
gonadotropic hormone secretion 253.4
heart - see also Insufficiency, myocardial
fetus or newborn 779.89
valve (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
congenital NEC 746.89
hepatic 573.8
idiopathic autonomic 333.0
interocclusal distance of teeth (ridge) 524.36
acute 593.9
chronic 585.9
labyrinth, labyrinthine (function) 386.53
bilateral 386.54
unilateral 386.53
lacrimal 375.15
liver 573.8
lung (acute) (see also Insufficiency, pulmonary) 518.82
following trauma and surgery 518.52
newborn 770.89
mental (congenital) (see also Disability, intellectual) 319
mesenteric 557.1
mitral (valve) 424.0
aortic (valve) disease 396.3
insufficiency, incompetence, or regurgitation 396.3
stenosis or obstruction 396.2
obstruction or stenosis 394.2
with aortic valve disease 396.8
congenital 746.6
rheumatic 394.1
aortic (valve) disease 396.3
insufficiency, incompetence, or regurgitation 396.3
stenosis or obstruction 396.2
obstruction or stenosis 394.2
with aortic valve disease 396.8
active or acute 391.1
with chorea, rheumatic (Sydenham's) 392.0
punctata (palmaris et plantaris) 701.1
scrotal 608.89
seborrheic 702.19
inflamed 702.11
senilis 702.0
solar 702.0
suprafollicularis 757.39
tonsillaris 478.29
vagina 623.1
vegetans 757.39
vitamin A deficiency 264.8
