Laryngotracheitis (acute) (infectional) (viral) (see also Laryngitis) 464.20
with obstruction 464.21
atrophic 476.1
Borrelia vincenti 101
catarrhal 476.1
chronic 476.1
due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, chronic, due to
diphtheritic (membranous) 032.3
due to external agent - see Inflammation, respiratory, upper, due to
H. influenzae 464.20
with obstruction 464.21
hypertrophic 476.1
influenzal (see also Influenza) 487.1
pachydermic 478.75
sicca 476.1
spasmodic 478.75
acute 464.20
with obstruction 464.21
streptococcal 034.0
stridulous 478.75
syphilitic 095.8
congenital 090.5
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, larynx) 012.3
Vincent's 101
