Macacus ear 744.29
Machado-Joseph disease 334.8
Machupo virus hemorrhagic fever 078.7
Macleod's syndrome (abnormal transradiancy, one lung) 492.8
Macrocephalia, macrocephaly 756.0
Macrocheilia (congenital) 744.81
Macrochilia (congenital) 744.81
Macrocolon (congenital) 751.3
Macrocornea 743.41
Macrocytic - see condition
Macrocytosis 289.89
Macrodactylia, macrodactylism (fingers) (thumbs) 755.57
Macrodontia 520.2
Macroencephaly 742.4
Macrogenia 524.05
Macrogenitosomia (female) (male) (praecox) 255.2
Macrogingivae 523.8
Macroglobulinemia (essential) (idiopathic) (monoclonal) (primary) (syndrome) (Waldenström's) 273.3
Macroglossia (congenital) 750.15
Macrognathia, macrognathism (congenital) 524.00
Macrogyria (congenital) 742.4
Macrohydrocephalus (see also Hydrocephalus) 331.4
Macromastia (see also Hypertrophy, breast) 611.1
Macrophage activation syndrome 288.4
Macropsia 368.14
Macrosigmoid 564.7
Macrospondylitis, acromegalic 253.0
Macrostomia (congenital) 744.83
Macrotia (external ear) (congenital) 744.22
Maculae ceruleae 132.1
Macules and papules 709.8
Maculopathy, toxic 362.55
Madarosis 374.55
Madness (see also Psychosis) 298.9
Maduromycosis (actinomycotic) 039.9
Maffucci's syndrome (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4
Magenblase syndrome 306.4
Main en griffe (acquired) 736.06
Major - see condition
Malabar itch 110.9
Malabsorption 579.9
Malacia, bone 268.2
Malacosteon 268.2
Maladaptation - see Maladjustment
Maladie de Roger 745.4
Malaise 780.79
Malakoplakia - see Malacoplakia
Malaria, malarial (fever) 084.6
Malassez's disease (testicular cyst) 608.89
Malassimilation 579.9
Maldescent, testis 752.51
Maldevelopment - see also Anomaly, by site
Male type pelvis 755.69
Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly
Malfunction - see also Dysfunction
Malgaigne's fracture (closed) 808.43
Malibu disease 919.8
Malignancy (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Malignant - see condition
Malingerer, malingering V65.2
Mallet, finger (acquired) 736.1
Malleus 024
Mallory's bodies 034.1
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 530.7
Malnutrition (calorie) 263.9
Malocclusion (teeth) 524.4
Malposture 729.90
Malpresentation, fetus (see also Presentation, fetal) 652.9
MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) 200.3
Malta fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
Maltosuria 271.3
Maltreatment (of)
Malt workers' lung 495.4
Malum coxae senilis 715.25
Malunion, fracture 733.81
Mammillitis (see also Mastitis) 611.0
Mammitis (see also Mastitis) 611.0
Mammoplasia 611.1
Mangled NEC (see also nature and site of injury) 959.9
Mania (monopolar) (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0
Manic-depressive insanity, psychosis, reaction, or syndrome (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
Manifestations, rheumatoid
Mankowsky's syndrome (familial dysplastic osteopathy) 731.2
Mannoheptulosuria 271.8
Mannosidosis 271.8
Mansonellosis 125.5
Manual - see condition
Maple bark disease 495.6
Maple bark-strippers' lung 495.6
Maple syrup (urine) disease or syndrome 270.3
Marable's syndrome (celiac artery compression) 447.4
Marasmus 261
Marburg disease (virus) 078.89
Marchand multiple nodular hyperplasia (liver) 571.5
Marchesani (-Weill) syndrome (brachymorphism and ectopia lentis) 759.89
Marchiafava (-Bignami) disease or syndrome 341.8
Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) 283.2
Marcus Gunn's syndrome (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8
Marie-Bamberger disease or syndrome (hypertrophic) (pulmonary) (secondary) 731.2
Marie-Charcôt-Tooth neuropathic atrophy, muscle 356.1
Marie-Strümpell arthritis or disease (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0
Marihuana, marijuana
Marion's disease (bladder neck obstruction) 596.0
Marital conflict V61.10
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis VI) 277.5
Marriage license examination V70.3
Marrow (bone)
Marseilles fever 082.1
Marsh's disease (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0
Marshall's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31
Marsh fever (see also Malaria) 084.6
Martin's disease 715.27
Martin-Albright syndrome (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49
Martorell-Fabre syndrome (pulseless disease) 446.7
Masculinization, female, with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
Masculinovoblastoma (M8670/0) 220
Masochism 302.83
Masons' lung 502
Massive - see condition
Mastalgia 611.71
Mast cell
Masters-Allen syndrome 620.6
Mastitis (acute) (adolescent) (diffuse) (interstitial) (lobular) (nonpuerperal) (nonsuppurative) (parenchymatous) (phlegmonous) (simple) (subacute) (suppurative) 611.0
Mastocytoma (M9740/1) 238.5
Mastocytosis 757.33
Mastodynia 611.71
Mastoid - see condition
Mastoidalgia (see also Otalgia) 388.70
Mastoiditis (coalescent) (hemorrhagic) (pneumococcal) (streptococcal) (suppurative) 383.9
Mastopathy, mastopathia 611.9
Mastoplasia 611.1
Masturbation 307.9
Maternal condition, affecting fetus or newborn
Maternity - see Delivery
Matheiu's disease (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0
Mauclaire's disease or osteochondrosis 732.3
Maxcy's disease 081.0
Maxilla, maxillary - see condition
May (-Hegglin) anomaly or syndrome 288.2
Mayaro fever 066.3
Mazoplasia 610.8
MBD (minimal brain dysfunction), child (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9
MCAD (medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) 277.85
McArdle (-Schmid-Pearson) disease or syndrome (glycogenosis V) 271.0
McCune-Albright syndrome (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59
MCLS (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) 446.1
McQuarrie's syndrome (idiopathic familial hypoglycemia) 251.2
Measles (black) (hemorrhagic) (suppressed) 055.9
Meatitis, urethral (see also Urethritis) 597.89
Meat poisoning - see Poisoning, food
Meatus, meatal - see condition
Meat-wrappers' asthma 506.9
Median - see also condition
Mediastinal shift 793.2
Mediastinitis (acute) (chronic) 519.2
Mediastinopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) 423.9
Mediastinum, mediastinal - see condition
Medical services provided for - see Health, services provided because (of)
Medicine poisoning (by overdose) (wrong substance given or taken in error) 977.9
Medin's disease (poliomyelitis) 045.9
Medulla - see condition
Medullated fibers
Medulloblastoma (M9470/3)
Medulloepithelioma (M9501/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Medullomyoblastoma (M9472/3)
Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 756.83
Megacaryocytic - see condition
Megacolon (acquired) (functional) (not Hirschsprung's disease) 564.7
Megaduodenum 537.3
Megaesophagus (functional) 530.0
Megakaryocytic - see condition
Megalencephaly 742.4
Megalerythema (epidermicum) (infectiosum) 057.0
Megalia, cutis et ossium 757.39
Megaloappendix 751.5
Megalocephalus, megalocephaly NEC 756.0
Megalocornea 743.41
Megalocytic anemia 281.9
Megalodactylia (fingers) (thumbs) 755.57
Megaloduodenum 751.5
Megaloesophagus (functional) 530.0
Megalogastria (congenital) 750.7
Megalomania 307.9
Megalophthalmos 743.8
Megalopsia 368.14
Megalosplenia (see also Splenomegaly) 789.2
Megaloureter 593.89
Megarectum 569.49
Megasigmoid 564.7
Megaureter 593.89
Megrim 346.9
Meibomitis 373.12
Melalgia, nutritional 266.2
Melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.90
Melanemia 275.09
Melanoameloblastoma (M9363/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign
Melanoblastoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma
Melanocarcinoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma
Melanocytoma, eyeball (M8726/0) 224.0
Melanocytosis, neurocutaneous 757.33
Melanoderma, melanodermia 709.09
Melanodontia, infantile 521.05
Melanodontoclasia 521.05
Melanoepithelioma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma
Melanoma (malignant) (M8720/3) 172.9
Melanoplakia 528.9
Melanosarcoma (M8720/3) - see also Melanoma
Melanosis 709.09
Melanuria 791.9
MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) 277.87
Melasma 709.09
Melena 578.1
Melioidosis 025
Melitensis, febris 023.0
Melitococcosis 023.0
Melkersson (-Rosenthal) syndrome 351.8
Mellitus, diabetes - see Diabetes
Melorheostosis (bone) (leri) 733.99
Meloschisis 744.83
Melotia 744.29
Membranacea placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Membranaceous uterus 621.8
Membrane, membranous - see also condition
Membranitis, fetal 658.4
Memory disturbance, loss or lack (see also Amnesia) 780.93
MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) syndromes
Menadione (vitamin K) deficiency 269.0
Menarche, precocious 259.1
Mendacity, pathologic 301.7
Mende's syndrome (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2
Mendelson's syndrome (resulting from a procedure) 997.32
Ménétrier's disease or syndrome (hypertrophic gastritis) 535.2
Ménière's disease, syndrome, or vertigo 386.00
Meninges, meningeal - see condition
Meningioma (M9530/0) - see also Neoplasm, meninges, benign
Meningiomatosis (diffuse) (M9530/1) 237.6
Meningism (see also Meningismus) 781.6
Meningismus (infectional) (pneumococcal) 781.6
Meningitis (basal) (basic) (basilar) (brain) (cerebral) (cervical) (congestive) (diffuse) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (membranous) (metastatic) (nonspecific) (pontine) (progressive) (simple) (spinal) (subacute) (sympathetica) (toxic) 322.9
Meningocele (congenital) (spinal) (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Meningocerebritis - see Meningoencephalitis
Meningococcemia (acute) (chronic) 036.2
Meningococcus, meningococcal (see also condition) 036.9
Meningoencephalitis (see also Encephalitis) 323.9
Meningoencephalocele 742.0
Meningoencephalomyelitis (see also Meningoencephalitis) 323.9
Meningoencephalomyelopathy (see also Meningoencephalomyelitis) 349.9
Meningoencephalopathy (see also Meningoencephalitis) 348.39
Meningoencephalopoliomyelitis (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0
Meningomyelitis (see also Meningoencephalitis) 323.9
Meningomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Meningomyeloneuritis - see Meningoencephalitis
Meningoradiculitis - see Meningitis
Meningovascular - see condition
Meniscocytosis 282.60
Menkes' syndrome - see Syndrome, Menkes'
Menolipsis 626.0
Menometrorrhagia 626.2
Menopause, menopausal (symptoms) (syndrome) 627.2
Menorrhagia (primary) 626.2
Menorrhalgia 625.3
Menoschesis 626.8
Menostaxis 626.2
Menses, retention 626.8
Menstrual - see also Menstruation
Mentagra (see also Sycosis) 704.8
Mental - see also condition
Meralgia paresthetica 355.1
Mercurial - see condition
Mercurialism NEC 985.0
Merergasia 300.9
MERRF syndrome (myoclonus with epilepsy and with ragged red fibers) 277.87
Merkel cell tumor - see Carcinoma, Merkel cell
Merocele (see also Hernia, femoral) 553.00
Meromelia 755.4
Merosmia 781.1
Merycism - see also Vomiting
Merzbacher-Pelizaeus disease 330.0
Mesaortitis - see Aortitis
Mesarteritis - see Arteritis
Mesencephalitis (see also Encephalitis) 323.9
Mesenchymoma (M8990/1) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
Mesentery, mesenteric - see condition
Mesiodens, mesiodentes 520.1
Mesio-occlusion 524.23
Mesocardia (with asplenia) 746.87
Mesocolon - see condition
Mesonephroma (malignant) (M9110/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Mesophlebitis - see Phlebitis
Mesostromal dysgenesis 743.51
Mesothelioma (malignant) (M9050/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Metabolic syndrome 277.7
Metabolism disorder 277.9
Metagonimiasis 121.5
Metagonimus infestation (small intestine) 121.5
Metalliferous miners' lung 503
Metamorphopsia 368.14
Metastasis, metastatic
Metatarsalgia 726.70
Metatarsus, metatarsal - see also condition
Methadone use 304.00
Methemoglobinemia 289.7
Methemoglobinuria (see also Hemoglobinuria) 791.2
Methioninemia 270.4
Metritis (catarrhal) (septic) (suppurative) (see also Endometritis) 615.9
Metropathia hemorrhagica 626.8
Metroperitonitis (see also Peritonitis, pelvic, female) 614.5
Metrorrhagia 626.6
Metrorrhexis - see Rupture, uterus
Metrosalpingitis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
Metrostaxis 626.6
Metrovaginitis (see also Endometritis) 615.9
Mexican fever - see Typhus, Mexican
Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger syndrome 733.99
Meyer-Schwickerath and Weyers syndrome (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89
Meynert's amentia (nonalcoholic) 294.0
Mibelli's disease 757.39
Mice, joint (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1
Micheli-Rietti syndrome (thalassemia minor) 282.46
Michotte's syndrome 721.5
Micrencephalon, micrencephaly 742.1
Microalbuminuria 791.0
Microaneurysm, retina 362.14
Microangiopathy 443.9
Microcalcification, mammographic 793.81
Microcephalus, microcephalic, microcephaly 742.1
Microcheilia 744.82
Microcolon (congenital) 751.5
Microcornea (congenital) 743.41
Microcytic - see condition
Microdeletions NEC 758.33
Microdontia 520.2
Microdrepanocytosis (thalassemia-Hb-S disease) 282.41
Microencephalon 742.1
Microfilaria streptocerca infestation 125.3
Microgastria (congenital) 750.7
Microgenia 524.06
Microgenitalia (congenital) 752.89
Microglioma (M9710/3)
Microglossia (congenital) 750.16
Micrognathia, micrognathism (congenital) 524.00
Microgyria (congenital) 742.2
Microinfarct, heart (see also Insufficiency, coronary) 411.89
Microlithiasis, alveolar, pulmonary 516.2
Micromastia 611.82
Micromyelia (congenital) 742.59
Micropenis 752.64
Microphakia (congenital) 743.36
Microphthalmia (congenital) (see also Microphthalmos) 743.10
Microphthalmos (congenital) 743.10
Micropsia 368.14
Microsporidiosis 136.8
Microsporon furfur infestation 111.0
Microsporosis (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9
Microstomia (congenital) 744.84
Microthelia 757.6
Microthromboembolism - see Embolism
Microtia (congenital) (external ear) 744.23
Microtropia 378.34
Microvillus inclusion disease (MVD) 751.5
Midplane - see condition
Miescher's disease 709.3
Miescher-Leder syndrome or granulomatosis 709.3
Mieten's syndrome 759.89
Migraine (idiopathic) 346.9
Migrant, social V60.0
Migratory, migrating - see also condition
Mikulicz's disease or syndrome (dryness of mouth, absent or decreased lacrimation) 527.1
Milian atrophia blanche 701.3
Miliaria (crystallina) (rubra) (tropicalis) 705.1
Miliary - see condition
Milium (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2
Milkers' nodes 051.1
Milk-leg (deep vessels) 671.4
Milkman (-Looser) disease or syndrome (osteomalacia with pseudofractures) 268.2
Milky urine (see also Chyluria) 791.1
Millar's asthma (laryngismus stridulus) 478.75
Millard-Gubler paralysis or syndrome 344.89
Millard-Gubler-Foville paralysis 344.89
Miller-Dieker syndrome 758.33
Miller's disease (osteomalacia) 268.2
Miller Fisher's syndrome 357.0
Milles' syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
Mills' disease 335.29
Millstone makers' asthma or lung 502
Milroy's disease (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0
Miners' - see also condition
Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0
Minor - see condition
Minor's disease 336.1
Minot's disease (hemorrhagic disease, newborn) 776.0
Minot-von Willebrand (-Jürgens) disease or syndrome (angiohemophilia) 286.4
Minus (and plus) hand (intrinsic) 736.09
Miosis (persistent) (pupil) 379.42
Mirizzi's syndrome (hepatic duct stenosis) (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2
Mirror writing 315.09
Misadventure (prophylactic) (therapeutic) (see also Complications) 999.9
Misanthropy 301.7
Miscarriage - see Abortion, spontaneous
Mischief, malicious, child (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0
Mismanagement, feeding 783.3
Misplaced, misplacement
Misshapen reconstructed breast 612.0
Missing - see also Absence
Misuse of drugs NEC (see also Abuse, drug, nondependent) 305.9
Mitchell's disease (erythromelalgia) 443.82
Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS syndrome) 277.87
Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome (MNGIE) 277.87
Mitral - see condition
Mittelschmerz 625.2
Mixed - see condition
Mljet disease (mal de Meleda) 757.39
Mobile, mobility
Mobitz heart block (atrioventricular) 426.10
Moeller (-Barlow) disease (infantile scurvy) 267
Mohr's syndrome (types I and II) 759.89
Mola destruens (M9100/1) 236.1
Molarization, premolars 520.2
Molar pregnancy 631.8
Mold(s) in vitreous 117.9
Molding, head (during birth) - omit code
Mole (pigmented) (M8720/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Molimen, molimina (menstrual) 625.4
Mollaret's meningitis 047.9
Mollities (cerebellar) (cerebral) 437.8
Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, degeneration, disease, or sclerosis (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20
Monday fever 504
Monday morning dyspnea or asthma 504
Mondini's malformation (cochlea) 744.05
Mondor's disease (thrombophlebitis of breast) 451.89
Mongolian, mongolianism, mongolism, mongoloid 758.0
Monilethrix (congenital) 757.4
Monilia infestation - see Candidiasis
Monkeypox 059.01
Moniliasis - see also Candidiasis
Monoarthritis 716.60
Monoblastic - see condition
Monochromatism (cone) (rod) 368.54
Monocytic - see condition
Monocytopenia 288.59
Monocytosis (symptomatic) 288.63
Monofixation syndrome 378.34
Monomania (see also Psychosis) 298.9
Mononeuritis 355.9
Mononeuropathy (see also Mononeuritis) 355.9
Mononucleosis, infectious 075
Monoplegia 344.5
Monorchism, monorchidism 752.89
Monteggia's fracture (closed) 813.03
Mood swings
Moore's syndrome (see also Epilepsy) 345.5
Mooren's ulcer (cornea) 370.07
Mooser-Neill reaction 081.0
Mooser bodies 081.0
Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis 372.03
Morbilli (see also Measles) 055.9
Morel-Kraepelin disease (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9
Morel-Moore syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3
Morel-Morgagni syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3
Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9
Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3
Moria (see also Psychosis) 298.9
Morning sickness 643.0
Moron 317
Morphea (guttate) (linear) 701.0
Morphine dependence (see also Dependence) 304.0
Morphinism (see also Dependence) 304.0
Morphinomania (see also Dependence) 304.0
Morphoea 701.0
Morquio (-Brailsford) (-Ullrich) disease or syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5
Morris syndrome (testicular feminization) 259.51
Morsus humanus (open wound) - see also Wound, open, by site
Mortification (dry) (moist) (see also Gangrene) 785.4
Morvan's disease 336.0
Mosaicism, mosaic (chromosomal) 758.9
Moschcowitz's syndrome (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6
Mother yaw 102.0
Motion sickness (from travel, any vehicle) (from roundabouts or swings) 994.6
Mottled teeth (enamel) (endemic) (nonendemic) 520.3
Mottling enamel (endemic) (nonendemic) (teeth) 520.3
Mouchet's disease 732.5
Mould(s) (in vitreous) 117.9
Mounier-Kuhn syndrome 748.3
Mouse, joint (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1
Mouth - see condition
Moya Moya disease 437.5
Mozart's ear 744.29
MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) 041.12
MSSA (methicillin susceptible staphylococcus aureus) 041.11
Mucha's disease (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2
Mucha-Haberman syndrome (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2
Mu-chain disease 273.2
Mucinosis (cutaneous) (papular) 701.8
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (acute) (febrile) (infantile) 446.1
Mucoenteritis 564.9
Mucolipidosis I, II, III 272.7
Mucopolysaccharidosis (types 1-6) 277.5
Mucormycosis (lung) 117.7
Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 200.3
Mucositis - see also Inflammation, by site 528.00
Mucous - see also condition
Mucoviscidosis 277.00
Muguet 112.0
Mulberry molars 090.5
Müllerian mixed tumor (M8950/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Multicystic kidney 753.19
Multilobed placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Multinodular prostate 600.10
Multiparity V61.5
Multipartita placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Multiple, multiplex - see also condition
Mumps 072.9
Mumu (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9
Münchausen syndrome 301.51
Münchmeyer's disease or syndrome (exostosis luxurians) 728.11
Mural - see condition
Murmur (cardiac) (heart) (nonorganic) (organic) 785.2
Murri's disease (intermittent hemoglobinuria) 283.2
Muscae volitantes 379.24
Muscle, muscular - see condition
Musculoneuralgia 729.1
Mushrooming hip 718.95
Mushroom workers' (pickers') lung 495.5
Mutism (see also Aphasia) 784.3
MVD (microvillus inclusion disease) 751.5
MVID (microvillus inclusion disease) 751.5
Myà's disease (congenital dilation, colon) 751.3
Myalgia (intercostal) 729.1
Myasthenia 358.00
Myasthenic 728.87
Mycelium infection NEC 117.9
Mycetismus 988.1
Mycetoma (actinomycotic) 039.9
Mycobacteriosis - see Mycobacterium
Mycobacterium, mycobacterial (infection) 031.9
Mycosis, mycotic 117.9
Mydriasis (persistent) (pupil) 379.43
Myelatelia 742.59
Myelinoclasis, perivascular, acute (postinfectious) NEC 136.9 [323.61]
Myelinosis, central pontine 341.8
Myelitis (ascending) (cerebellar) (childhood) (chronic) (descending) (diffuse) (disseminated) (pressure) (progressive) (spinal cord) (subacute) (see also Encephalitis) 323.9
Myeloblastic - see condition
Myelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Myelocystocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Myelocytic - see condition
Myelocytoma 205.1
Myelodysplasia (spinal cord) 742.59
Myeloencephalitis - see Encephalitis
Myelofibrosis 289.83
Myelogenous - see condition
Myeloid - see condition
Myelokathexis 288.09
Myeloleukodystrophy 330.0
Myelolipoma (M8870/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
Myeloma (multiple) (plasma cell) (plasmacytic) (M9730/3) 203.0
Myelomalacia 336.8
Myelomata, multiple (M9730/3) 203.0
Myelomatosis (M9730/3) 203.0
Myelomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis
Myelomeningocele (spinal cord) (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
Myelo-osteo-musculodysplasia hereditaria 756.89
Myelopathic - see condition
Myelopathy (spinal cord) 336.9
Myelophthisis 284.2
Myeloproliferative disease (M9960/1) 238.79
Myeloradiculitis (see also Polyneuropathy) 357.0
Myeloradiculodysplasia (spinal) 742.59
Myelosarcoma (M9930/3) 205.3
Myelosclerosis 289.89
Myelosis (M9860/3) (see also Leukemia, myeloid) 205.9
Myesthenia - see Myasthenia
Myiasis (cavernous) 134.0
Myoadenoma, prostate 600.20
Myocardial - see condition
Myocardiopathy (congestive) (constrictive) (familial) (idiopathic) (infiltrative) (obstructive) (primary) (restrictive) (sporadic) 425.4
Myocarditis (fibroid) (interstitial) (old) (progressive) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.0
Myocardium, myocardial - see condition
Myocardosis (see also Cardiomyopathy) 425.4
Myoclonia (essential) 333.2
Myoclonus (familial essential) (multifocal) (simplex) 333.2
Myocytolysis 429.1
Myodiastasis 728.84
Myoendocarditis - see also Endocarditis
Myoepithelioma (M8982/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
Myofascitis (acute) 729.1
Myofibroma (M8890/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Myofibrosis 728.2
Myofibrositis (see also Myositis) 729.1
Myogelosis (occupational) 728.89
Myoglobinuria 791.3
Myoglobulinuria, primary 791.3
Myokymia - see also Myoclonus
Myolipoma (M8860/0)
Myoma (M8895/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Myomalacia 728.9
Myometritis (see also Endometritis) 615.9
Myometrium - see condition
Myonecrosis, clostridial 040.0
Myopathy 359.9
Myopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) 423.9
Myopia (axial) (congenital) (increased curvature or refraction, nucleus of lens) 367.1
Myosarcoma (M8895/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Myosis (persistent) 379.42
Myositis 729.1
Myospasia impulsiva 307.23
Myotonia (acquisita) (intermittens) 728.85
Myotonic pupil 379.46
Myriapodiasis 134.1
Mysophobia 300.29
Mytilotoxism 988.0
Myxadenitis labialis 528.5
Myxedema (adult) (idiocy) (infantile) (juvenile) (thyroid gland) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9
Myxochondrosarcoma (M9220/3) - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant
Myxofibroma (M8811/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Myxofibrosarcoma (M8811/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Myxolipoma (M8852/0) (see also Lipoma, by site) 214.9
Myxoliposarcoma (M8852/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Myxoma (M8840/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Myxosarcoma (M8840/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
