Malaria, malarial (fever) 084.6
algid 084.9
any type, with
algid malaria 084.9
blackwater fever 084.8
blackwater 084.8
hemoglobinuric (bilious) 084.8
hemoglobinuria, malarial 084.8
hepatitis 084.9 [573.2]
nephrosis 084.9 [581.81]
pernicious complication NEC 084.9
cardiac 084.9
cerebral 084.9
cardiac 084.9
carrier (suspected) of V02.9
cerebral 084.9
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.4
congenital 771.2
congestion, congestive 084.6
brain 084.9
continued 084.0
estivo-autumnal 084.0
falciparum (malignant tertian) 084.0
hematinuria 084.8
hematuria 084.8
hemoglobinuria 084.8
hemorrhagic 084.6
induced (therapeutically) 084.7
accidental - see Malaria, by type
liver 084.9 [573.2]
malariae (quartan) 084.2
malignant (tertian) 084.0
mixed infections 084.5
monkey 084.4
ovale 084.3
pernicious, acute 084.0
Plasmodium, P.
falciparum 084.0
malariae 084.2
ovale 084.3
vivax 084.1
quartan 084.2
quotidian 084.0
recurrent 084.6
induced (therapeutically) 084.7
accidental - see Malaria, by type
remittent 084.6
specified types NEC 084.4
spleen 084.6
subtertian 084.0
tertian (benign) 084.1
malignant 084.0
tropical 084.0
typhoid 084.6
vivax (benign tertian) 084.1
