Myocarditis (fibroid) (interstitial) (old) (progressive) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.0
rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0
active (see also Myocarditis, acute, rheumatic) 391.2
inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
active (nonrheumatic) 422.90
rheumatic 391.2
with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
acute or subacute (interstitial) 422.90
due to Streptococcus (beta-hemolytic) 391.2
idiopathic 422.91
rheumatic 391.2
with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
specified type NEC 422.99
aseptic of newborn 074.23
bacterial (acute) 422.92
chagasic 086.0
chronic (interstitial) 429.0
congenital 746.89
constrictive 425.4
Coxsackie (virus) 074.23
diphtheritic 032.82
due to or in
Coxsackie (virus) 074.23
diphtheria 032.82
epidemic louse-borne typhus 080 [422.0]
influenza (see also Influenza) 487.8 [422.0]
Lyme disease 088.81 [422.0]
scarlet fever 034.1 [422.0]
toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.3
tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [422.0]
typhoid 002.0 [422.0]
typhus NEC 081.9 [422.0]
eosinophilic 422.91
epidemic of newborn 074.23
Fiedler's (acute) (isolated) (subacute) 422.91
giant cell (acute) (subacute) 422.91
gonococcal 098.85
granulomatous (idiopathic) (isolated) (nonspecific) 422.91
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
idiopathic 422.91
granulomatous 422.91
infective 422.92
influenzal (see also Influenza) 487.8 [422.0]
isolated (diffuse) (granulomatous) 422.91
malignant 422.99
meningococcal 036.43
nonrheumatic, active 422.90
parenchymatous 422.90
pneumococcal (acute) (subacute) 422.92
rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with chorea) 398.0
active or acute 391.2
with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
septic 422.92
specific (giant cell) (productive) 422.91
staphylococcal (acute) (subacute) 422.92
suppurative 422.92
syphilitic (chronic) 093.82
toxic 422.93
rheumatic (see also Myocarditis, acute rheumatic) 391.2
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [422.0]
typhoid 002.0 [422.0]
valvular - see Endocarditis
viral, except Coxsackie 422.91
Coxsackie 074.23
of newborn (Coxsackie) 074.23
