Naffziger's syndrome 353.0
Naga sore (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9
Nägele's pelvis 738.6
Nager-de Reynier syndrome (dysostosis mandibularis) 756.0
Nail - see also condition
Nanism, nanosomia (see also Dwarfism) 259.4
Nanukayami 100.89
Napkin rash 691.0
Narcissism 301.81
Narcolepsy 347.00
Narcotism (chronic) (see also Dependence) 304.9
NARP (ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa syndrome) 277.87
Narrowness, abnormal, eyelid 743.62
Nasal - see condition
Nasolacrimal - see condition
Nasopharyngeal - see also condition
Nasopharyngitis (acute) (infective) (subacute) 460
Nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal - see condition
Natal tooth, teeth 520.6
Nausea (see also Vomiting) 787.02
Naval - see condition
Neapolitan fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
Near drowning 994.1
Near-syncope 780.2
Nearsightedness 367.1
Nebécourt's syndrome 253.3
Nebula, cornea (eye) 371.01
Necator americanus infestation 126.1
Necatoriasis 126.1
Neck - see condition
Necrencephalus (see also Softening, brain) 437.8
Necrobacillosis 040.3
Necrobiosis 799.89
Necrodermolysis 695.15
Necrolysis, toxic epidermal 695.15
Necrophilia 302.89
Necrosis, necrotic
Necrospermia 606.0
Necrotizing angiitis 446.0
Negativism 301.7
Neglect (child) (newborn) NEC 995.52
Negri bodies 071
Neisserian infection NEC - see Gonococcus
Nematodiasis NEC (see also Infestation, Nematode) 127.9
Neoformans cryptococcus infection 117.5
Neonatal - see also condition
Neonatorum - see condition
Nephralgia 788.0
Nephritis, nephritic (albuminuric) (azotemic) (congenital) (degenerative) (diffuse) (disseminated) (epithelial) (familial) (focal) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (nonsuppurative, excretory) (uremic) 583.9
Nephroblastoma (M8960/3) 189.0
Nephrocalcinosis 275.49
Nephrocystitis, pustular (see also Pyelitis) 590.80
Nephrolithiasis (congenital) (pelvis) (recurrent) 592.0
Nephroma (M8960/3) 189.0
Nephronephritis (see also Nephrosis) 581.9
Nephronopthisis 753.16
Nephropathy (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Nephroptosis (see also Disease, renal) 593.0
Nephropyosis (see also Abscess, kidney) 590.2
Nephrorrhagia 593.81
Nephrosclerosis (arteriolar) (arteriosclerotic) (chronic) (hyaline) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
Nephrosis, nephrotic (Epstein's) (syndrome) 581.9
Nephrosonephritis hemorrhagic (endemic) 078.6
Nephrostomy status V44.6
Nerve - see condition
Nerves 799.21
Nervous (see also condition) 799.21
Nervousness 799.21
Nesidioblastoma (M8150/0)
Netherton's syndrome (ichthyosiform erythroderma) 757.1
Nettle rash 708.8
Nettleship's disease (urticaria pigmentosa) 757.33
Neumann's disease (pemphigus vegetans) 694.4
Neuralgia, neuralgic (acute) (see also Neuritis) 729.2
Neurapraxia - see Injury, nerve, by site
Neurasthenia 300.5
Neurilemmoma (M9560/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Neurilemmosarcoma (M9560/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Neurilemoma - see Neurilemmoma
Neurinoma (M9560/0) - see Neurilemmoma
Neurinomatosis (M9560/1) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
Neuritis (see also Neuralgia) 729.2
Neuroangiomatosis, encephalofacial 759.6
Neuroastrocytoma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Neuro-avitaminosis 269.2
Neuroblastoma (M9500/3)
Neurochorioretinitis (see also Chorioretinitis) 363.20
Neurocirculatory asthenia 306.2
Neurocytoma (M9506/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
Neurodermatitis (circumscribed) (circumscripta) (local) 698.3
Neuroencephalomyelopathy, optic 341.0
Neuroendocrine tumor - see Tumor, neuroendocrine
Neuroepithelioma (M9503/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Neurofibroma (M9540/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Neurofibromatosis (multiple) (M9540/1) 237.70
Neurofibrosarcoma (M9540/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Neurogenic - see also condition
Neuroglioma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Neurolabyrinthitis (of Dix and Hallpike) 386.12
Neurolathyrism 988.2
Neuroleprosy 030.1
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 333.92
Neurolipomatosis 272.8
Neuroma (M9570/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
Neuromyalgia 729.1
Neuromyasthenia (epidemic) 049.8
Neuromyelitis 341.8
Neuromyopathy NEC 358.9
Neuromyositis 729.1
Neuronevus (M8725/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Neuronitis 357.0
Neuroparalytic - see condition
Neuropathy, neuropathic (see also Disorder, nerve) 355.9
Neurophthisis - see also Disorder, nerve
Neuropraxia- see Injury, nerve
Neuroretinitis 363.05
Neurosarcoma (M9540/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Neurosclerosis - see Disorder, nerve
Neurosis, neurotic 300.9
Neurospongioblastosis diffusa 759.5
Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9
Neurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
Neurotmesis - see Injury, nerve, by site
Neurotoxemia - see Toxemia
Neutro-occlusion 524.21
Neutropenia, neutropenic (idiopathic) (pernicious) (primary) 288.00
Neutrophilia, hereditary giant 288.2
Nevocarcinoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma
Nevus (M8720/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Newborn (infant) (liveborn)
Newcastle's conjunctivitis or disease 077.8
Nezelof's syndrome (pure alymphocytosis) 279.13
Niacin (amide) deficiency 265.2
Nicolas-Durand-Favre disease (climatic bubo) 099.1
Nicolas-Favre disease (climatic bubo) 099.1
Nicotinic acid (amide) deficiency 265.2
Niemann-Pick disease (lipid histiocytosis) (splenomegaly) 272.7
Nightmare 307.47
Nipple - see condition
Nisbet's chancre 099.0
Nishimoto (-Takeuchi) disease 437.5
Nitritoid crisis or reaction - see Crisis, nitritoid
Nitrogen retention, extrarenal 788.99
Nitrosohemoglobinemia 289.89
Njovera 104.0
Nocardiasis - see Nocardiosis
Nocardiosis 039.9
Nocturia 788.43
Nocturnal - see also condition
Nodal rhythm disorder 427.89
Nodding of head 781.0
Node(s) - see also Nodules
Nodosities, Haygarth's 715.04
Nodule(s), nodular
Noma (gangrenous) (hospital) (infective) 528.1
Nomadism V60.0
Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia NEC 283.10
Nonclosure - see also Imperfect, closure
Noncompliance with medical treatment V15.81
Nondescent (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital
Nonexanthematous tick fever 066.1
Nonexpansion, lung (newborn) NEC 770.4
Nonimplantation of ovum, causing infertility 628.3
Noninsufflation, fallopian tube 628.2
Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0
Nonovulation 628.0
Nonpatent fallopian tube 628.2
Nonpneumatization, lung NEC 770.4
Nonreflex bladder 596.54
Nonretention of food - see Vomiting
Nonrotation - see Malrotation
Nonsecretion, urine (see also Anuria) 788.5
Nonviability 765.0
Nonvisualization, gallbladder 793.3
Nonvitalized tooth 522.9
Non-working side interference 524.56
Normoblastosis 289.89
Normocytic anemia (infectional) 285.9
Norrie's disease (congenital) (progressive oculoacousticocerebral degeneration) 743.8
North American blastomycosis 116.0
Norwegian itch 133.0
Nose, nasal - see condition
Nosebleed 784.7
Nosomania 298.9
Nosophobia 300.29
Nostalgia 309.89
Notch of iris 743.46
Notched lip, congenital (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10
Notching nose, congenital (tip) 748.1
Novy's relapsing fever (American) 087.1
NPDH (new persistent daily headache) 339.42
Nuchal hitch (arm) 652.8
Nucleus pulposus - see condition
Numbness 782.0
Nuns' knee 727.2
Nutmeg liver 573.8
Nutrition, deficient or insufficient (particular kind of food) 269.9
Nyctalopia (see also Blindness, night) 368.60
Nycturia 788.43
Nymphomania 302.89
Nystagmus 379.50
