Nephropathy (see also Nephritis) 583.9
exudative nephritis 583.89
interstitial nephritis (diffuse) (focal) 583.89
medullary necrosis 583.7
necrosis 583.9
cortical 583.6
medullary or papillary 583.7
papillary necrosis 583.7
specified lesion or cause NEC 583.89
analgesic 583.89
with medullary necrosis, acute 584.7
arteriolar (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
complicating pregnancy 646.2
diabetic 250.4 [583.81]
due to secondary diabetes 249.4 [583.81]
gouty 274.10
specified type NEC 274.19
hereditary amyloid 277.31
hypercalcemic 588.89
hypertensive (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
hypokalemic (vacuolar) 588.89
IgA 583.9
obstructive 593.89
congenital 753.20
phenacetin 584.7
phosphate-losing 588.0
potassium depletion 588.89
proliferative (see also Nephritis, proliferative) 583.0
protein-losing 588.89
salt-losing or salt-wasting (see also Disease, renal) 593.9
sickle-cell (see also Disease, sickle-cell) 282.60 [583.81]
toxic 584.5
vasomotor 584.5
water-losing 588.89
