Neuritis (see also Neuralgia) 729.2
abducens (nerve) 378.54
accessory (nerve) 352.4
acoustic (nerve) 388.5
syphilitic 094.86
alcoholic 357.5
with psychosis 291.1
amyloid, any site 277.39 [357.4]
anterior crural 355.8
arising during pregnancy 646.4
arm 723.4
ascending 355.2
auditory (nerve) 388.5
brachial (nerve) NEC 723.4
due to displacement, intervertebral disc 722.0
cervical 723.4
chest (wall) 353.8
costal region 353.8
cranial nerve - see also Disorder, nerve, cranial
first or olfactory 352.0
second or optic 377.30
third or oculomotor 378.52
fourth or trochlear 378.53
fifth or trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
sixth or abducens 378.54
seventh or facial 351.8
newborn 767.5
eighth or acoustic 388.5
ninth or glossopharyngeal 352.1
tenth or vagus 352.3
eleventh or accessory 352.4
twelfth or hypoglossal 352.5
Déjérine-Sottas 356.0
diabetic 250.6 [357.2]
due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]
diphtheritic 032.89 [357.4]
due to
beriberi 265.0 [357.4]
displacement, prolapse, protrusion, or rupture of intervertebral disc 722.2
cervical 722.0
lumbar, lumbosacral 722.10
thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.11
herniation, nucleus pulposus 722.2
cervical 722.0
lumbar, lumbosacral 722.10
thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.11
endemic 265.0 [357.4]
facial (nerve) 351.8
newborn 767.5
general - see Polyneuropathy
geniculate ganglion 351.1
due to herpes 053.11
glossopharyngeal (nerve) 352.1
gouty 274.89 [357.4]
hypoglossal (nerve) 352.5
ilioinguinal (nerve) 355.8
in diseases classified elsewhere - see Polyneuropathy, in
infectious (multiple) 357.0
intercostal (nerve) 353.8
interstitial hypertrophic progressive NEC 356.9
leg 355.8
lumbosacral NEC 724.4
median (nerve) 354.1
thenar 354.1
multiple (acute) (infective) 356.9
endemic 265.0 [357.4]
multiplex endemica 265.0 [357.4]
nerve root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
oculomotor (nerve) 378.52
olfactory (nerve) 352.0
optic (nerve) 377.30
in myelitis 341.0
meningococcal 036.81
pelvic 355.8
peripheral (nerve) - see also Neuropathy, peripheral
complicating pregnancy or puerperium 646.4
specified nerve NEC - see Mononeuritis
pneumogastric (nerve) 352.3
postchickenpox 052.7
postherpetic 053.19
progressive hypertrophic interstitial NEC 356.9
puerperal, postpartum 646.4
radial (nerve) 723.4
retrobulbar 377.32
syphilitic 094.85
rheumatic (chronic) 729.2
sacral region 355.8
sciatic (nerve) 724.3
due to displacement of intervertebral disc 722.10
serum 999.59
specified nerve NEC - see Disorder, nerve
spinal (nerve) 355.9
root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
subscapular (nerve) 723.4
suprascapular (nerve) 723.4
syphilitic 095.8
thenar (median) 354.1
thoracic NEC 724.4
toxic NEC 357.7
trochlear (nerve) 378.53
ulnar (nerve) 723.4
vagus (nerve) 352.3
