Observation (for) V71.9
without need for further medical care V71.9
accident NEC V71.4
at work V71.3
criminal assault V71.6
deleterious agent ingestion V71.89
disease V71.9
cardiovascular V71.7
heart V71.7
mental V71.09
specified condition NEC V71.89
foreign body ingestion V71.89
growth and development variations V21.8
injuries (accidental) V71.4
inflicted NEC V71.6
during alleged rape or seduction V71.5
malignant neoplasm, suspected V71.1
immediately after delivery V24.0
routine follow-up V24.2
high-risk V23.9
inconclusive fetal viability V23.87
specified problem NEC V23.89
normal (without complication) V22.1
with nonobstetric complication V22.2
first V22.0
rape or seduction, alleged V71.5
injury during V71.5
suicide attempt, alleged V71.89
suspected (undiagnosed) (unproven)
abuse V71.81
cardiovascular disease V71.7
child or wife battering victim V71.6
concussion (cerebral) V71.6
condition NEC V71.89
infant - see Observation, suspected, condition, newborn
maternal and fetal
amniotic cavity and membrane problem V89.01
cervical shortening V89.05
fetal anomaly V89.03
fetal growth problem V89.04
oligohydramnios V89.01
other specified problem NEC V89.09
placental problem V89.02
polyhydramnios V89.01
newborn V29.9
cardiovascular disease V29.8
congenital anomaly V29.8
genetic V29.3
infectious V29.0
ingestion foreign object V29.8
injury V29.8
metabolic V29.3
neoplasm V29.8
neurological V29.1
poison, poisoning V29.8
respiratory V29.2
specified NEC V29.8
anthrax V71.82
biologic agent NEC V71.83
SARS V71.83
infectious disease not requiring isolation V71.89
malignant neoplasm V71.1
mental disorder V71.09
neglect V71.81
benign V71.89
malignant V71.1
specified condition NEC V71.89
tuberculosis V71.2
tuberculosis, suspected V71.2
