Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive
airway NEC 519.8
allergic alveolitis NEC 495.9
asthma NEC (see also Asthma) 493.9
bronchiectasis 494.0
with acute exacerbation 494.1
bronchitis (see also Bronchitis, with, obstruction) 491.20
emphysema NEC 492.8
chronic 496
allergic alveolitis NEC 495.5
asthma NEC (see also Asthma) 493.2
bronchiectasis 494.0
with acute exacerbation 494.1
bronchitis (chronic) (see also Bronchitis, chronic, obstructive) 491.20
emphysema NEC 492.8
due to
bronchospasm 519.11
foreign body 934.9
inhalation of fumes or vapors 506.9
laryngospasm 478.75
alimentary canal (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
ampulla of Vater 576.2
with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
aortic (heart) (valve) (see also Stenosis, aortic) 424.1
rheumatic (see also Stenosis, aortic, rheumatic) 395.0
aortoiliac 444.09
aqueduct of Sylvius 331.4
congenital 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
Arnold-Chiari (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
artery (see also Embolism, artery) 444.9
basilar (complete) (partial) (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) 433.0
carotid (complete) (partial) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1
precerebral - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral NEC
retinal (central) (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30
vertebral (complete) (partial) (see also Occlusion, artery, vertebral) 433.2
asthma (chronic) (with obstructive pulmonary disease) 493.2
band (intestinal) 560.81
bile duct or passage (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2
congenital 751.61
jaundice from 751.61 [774.5]
biliary (duct) (tract) 576.2
with calculus 574.51
with cholecystitis (chronic) 574.41
acute 574.31
congenital 751.61
jaundice from 751.61 [774.5]
gallbladder 575.2
with calculus 574.21
with cholecystitis (chronic) 574.11
acute 574.01
bladder neck (acquired) 596.0
congenital 753.6
bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
bronchus 519.19
canal, ear (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50
cardia 537.89
caval veins (inferior) (superior) 459.2
cecum (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
circulatory 459.9
colon (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
sympathicotonic 560.89
common duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2
congenital 751.61
coronary (artery) (heart) - (see also Arteriosclerosis, coronary)
acute (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
without myocardial infarction 411.81
cystic duct (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2
congenital 751.61
device, implant, or graft - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
due to foreign body accidentally left in operation wound 998.4
duodenum 537.3
congenital 751.1
due to
compression NEC 537.3
cyst 537.3
intrinsic lesion or disease NEC 537.3
scarring 537.3
torsion 537.3
ulcer 532.91
volvulus 537.3
ejaculatory duct 608.89
endocardium 424.90
arteriosclerotic 424.99
specified cause, except rheumatic 424.99
esophagus 530.3
Eustachian tube (complete) (partial) 381.60
extrinsic 381.63
intrinsic 381.62
due to
cholesteatoma 381.61
osseous lesion NEC 381.61
polyp 381.61
osseous 381.61
fallopian tube (bilateral) 628.2
fecal 560.32
with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
foramen of Monro (congenital) 742.3
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0
foreign body - see Foreign body
gallbladder 575.2
with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones 574.21
with cholecystitis (chronic) 574.11
acute 574.01
congenital 751.69
jaundice from 751.69 [774.5]
gastric outlet 537.0
gastrointestinal (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
glottis 478.79
hepatic 573.8
duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2
congenital 751.61
icterus (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.8
congenital 751.61
ileocecal coil (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
ileum (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
iliofemoral (artery) 444.81
internal anastomosis - see Complications, mechanical, graft
intestine (mechanical) (neurogenic) (paroxysmal) (postinfectional) (reflex) 560.9
adhesions (intestinal) (peritoneal) 560.81
hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
adynamic (see also Ileus) 560.1
by gallstone 560.31
congenital or infantile (small) 751.1
large 751.2
due to
Ascaris lumbricoides 127.0
mural thickening 560.89
procedure 997.49
involving urinary tract 997.5
impaction 560.32
infantile - see Obstruction, intestine, congenital
due to
fecaliths 777.1
inspissated milk 777.2
meconium (plug) 777.1
in mucoviscidosis 277.01
transitory 777.4
specified cause NEC 560.89
transitory, newborn 777.4
volvulus 560.2
intracardiac ball valve prosthesis 996.02
jaundice (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.8
congenital 751.61
jejunum (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
kidney 593.89
labor 660.9
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
bony pelvis (conditions classifiable to 653.0-653.9) 660.1
deep transverse arrest 660.3
impacted shoulder 660.4
locked twins 660.5
malposition (fetus) (conditions classifiable to 652.0-652.9) 660.0
head during labor 660.3
persistent occipitoposterior position 660.3
soft tissue, pelvic (conditions classifiable to 654.0-654.9) 660.2
canaliculi 375.53
congenital 743.65
punctum 375.52
sac 375.54
lacrimonasal duct 375.56
congenital 743.65
neonatal 375.55
lacteal, with steatorrhea 579.2
laryngitis (see also Laryngitis) 464.01
larynx 478.79
congenital 748.3
liver 573.8
cirrhotic (see also Cirrhosis, liver) 571.5
lung 518.89
asthma - see Asthma
bronchitis (chronic) 491.20
emphysema NEC 492.8
airway, chronic 496
chronic NEC 496
asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
disease, chronic 496
asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
emphysematous 492.8
lymphatic 457.1
fetus or newborn 777.1
in mucoviscidosis 277.01
newborn due to fecaliths 777.1
mediastinum 519.3
mitral (rheumatic) - see Stenosis, mitral
nasal 478.19
duct 375.56
neonatal 375.55
sinus - see Sinusitis
nasolacrimal duct 375.56
congenital 743.65
neonatal 375.55
nasopharynx 478.29
nose 478.19
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia
pancreatic duct 577.8
parotid gland 527.8
pelviureteral junction (see also Obstruction, ureter) 593.4
pharynx 478.29
portal (circulation) (vein) 452
prostate 600.90
other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
obstruction 600.91
retention 600.91
valve (urinary) 596.0
valve (heart) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3
vein, isolated 747.49
pyemic - see Septicemia
pylorus (acquired) 537.0
congenital 750.5
infantile 750.5
rectosigmoid (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
rectum 569.49
renal 593.89
respiratory 519.8
chronic 496
retinal (artery) (vein) (central) (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30
salivary duct (any) 527.8
with calculus 527.5
sigmoid (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9
sinus (accessory) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9
Stensen's duct 527.8
stomach 537.89
acute 536.1
congenital 750.7
submaxillary gland 527.8
with calculus 527.5
thoracic duct 457.1
thrombotic - see Thrombosis
tooth eruption 520.6
trachea 519.19
tracheostomy airway 519.09
tricuspid - see Endocarditis, tricuspid
upper respiratory, congenital 748.8
ureter (functional) 593.4
congenital 753.20
due to calculus 592.1
ureteropelvic junction, congenital 753.21
ureterovesical junction, congenital 753.22
urethra 599.60
congenital 753.6
urinary (moderate) 599.60
organ or tract (lower) 599.60
due to
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) - see category 600
specified NEC 599.69
due to
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) - see category 600
prostatic valve 596.0
specified NEC 599.69
due to
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) - see category 600
uropathy 599.60
uterus 621.8
vagina 623.2
valvular - see Endocarditis
vascular graft or shunt 996.1
atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
embolism 996.74
occlusion NEC 996.74
thrombus 996.74
vein, venous 459.2
caval (inferior) (superior) 459.2
thrombotic - see Thrombosis
vena cava (inferior) (superior) 459.2
ventricular shunt 996.2
vesical 596.0
vesicourethral orifice 596.0
vessel NEC 459.9
