Palsy (see also Paralysis) 344.9
atrophic diffuse 335.20
Bell's 351.0
newborn 767.5
birth 767.7
brachial plexus 353.0
fetus or newborn 767.6
brain - see also Palsy, cerebral
noncongenital or noninfantile 344.89
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
syphilitic 094.89
congenital 090.49
bulbar (chronic) (progressive) 335.22
pseudo NEC 335.23
supranuclear NEC 344.89
cerebral (congenital) (infantile) (spastic) 343.9
athetoid 333.71
diplegic 343.0
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
hemiplegic 343.1
monoplegic 343.3
noncongenital or noninfantile 437.8
late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
paraplegic 343.0
quadriplegic 343.2
spastic, not congenital or infantile 344.89
syphilitic 094.89
congenital 090.49
tetraplegic 343.2
cranial nerve - see also Disorder, nerve, cranial
multiple 352.6
creeping 335.21
divers' 993.3
Erb's (birth injury) 767.6
facial 351.0
newborn 767.5
glossopharyngeal 352.2
Klumpke (-Déjérine) 767.6
lead 984.9
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
median nerve (tardy) 354.0
peroneal nerve (acute) (tardy) 355.3
progressive supranuclear 333.0
pseudobulbar NEC 335.23
radial nerve (acute) 354.3
seventh nerve 351.0
newborn 767.5
shaking (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0
spastic (cerebral) (spinal) 343.9
hemiplegic 343.1
specified nerve NEC - see Disorder, nerve
supranuclear NEC 356.8
progressive 333.0
ulnar nerve (tardy) 354.2
wasting 335.21
