Periostitis (circumscribed) (diffuse) (infective) 730.3
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 730: 0 site unspecified 1 shoulder region 2 upper arm 3 forearm 4 hand 5 pelvic region and thigh 6 lower leg 7 ankle and foot 8 other specified sites 9 multiple sites
with osteomyelitis (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.2
acute or subacute 730.0
chronic or old 730.1
albuminosa, albuminosus 730.3
alveolar 526.5
alveolodental 526.5
dental 526.5
gonorrheal 098.89
hyperplastica, generalized 731.2
jaw (lower) (upper) 526.4
monomelic 733.99
orbital 376.02
syphilitic 095.5
congenital 090.0 [730.8]
secondary 091.61
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
yaws (early) (hypertrophic) (late) 102.6
