Persistence, persistent (congenital) 759.89
specified type NEC 173.49 - - - - -
squamous cell carcinoma 173.42 - - - - -
scapular region (see also Neoplasm, skin, trunk) 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
scrotum 187.7 198.82 233.6 222.4 236.6 239.5
shoulder 173.60 198.2 232.6 216.6 238.2 239.2
basal cell carcinoma 173.61 - - - - -
specified type NEC 173.69 - - - - -
squamous cell carcinoma 173.62 - - - - -
sole (foot) (see also Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower) 173.70 198.2 232.7 216.7 238.2 239.2
specified sites NEC 173.80 198.2 232.8 216.8 232.8 239.2
basal cell carcinoma 173.81 - - - - -
specified type NEC 173.89 - - - - -
squamous cell carcinoma 173.82 - - - - -
specified type NEC, unspecified site 173.99 - - - - -
squamous cell carcinoma, unspecified site 173.92 - - - - -
submammary fold (see also Neoplasm, skin, trunk) 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
supraclavicular region (see also Neoplasm, skin, neck) 173.40 198.2 232.4 216.4 238.2 239.2
temple (see also Neoplasm, skin, face) 173.30 198.2 232.3 216.3 238.2 239.2
thigh (see also Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower) 173.70 198.2 232.7 216.7 238.2 239.2
thoracic wall (see also Neoplasm, skin, trunk) 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
thumb (see also Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper) 173.60 198.2 232.6 216.6 238.2 239.2
toe (see also Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower) 173.70 198.2 232.7 216.7 238.2 239.2
tragus (see also Neoplasm, skin, ear) 173.20 198.2 232.2 216.2 238.2 239.2
trunk 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
basal cell carcinoma 173.51 - - - - -
specified type NEC 173.59 - - - - -
squamous cell carcinoma 173.52 - - - - -
umbilicus (see also Neoplasm, skin, trunk) 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
vulva 184.4 198.82 233.32 221.2 236.3 239.5
wrist (see also Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper) 173.60 198.2 232.6 216.6 238.2 239.2
skull 170.0 198.5 - 213.0 238.0 239.2
soft parts or tissues­see Neoplasm, connective tissue
specified site NEC 195.8 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
spermatic cord 187.6 198.82 233.6 222.8 236.6 239.5
sphenoid 160.5 197.3 231.8 212.0 235.9 239.1
bone 170.0 198.5 - 213.0 238.0 239.2
sinus 160.5 197.3 231.8 212.0 235.9 239.1
anal 154.2 197.5 230.5 211.4 235.5 239.0
of Oddi 156.1 197.8 230.8 211.5 235.3 239.0
spine, spinal (column) 170.2 198.5 - 213.2 238.0 239.2
bulb 191.7 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
coccyx 170.6 198.5 - 213.6 238.0 239.2
cord (cervical) (lumbar) (sacral) (thoracic) 192.2 198.3 - 225.3 237.5 239.7
dura mater 192.3 198.4 - 225.4 237.6 239.7
lumbosacral 170.2 198.5 - 213.2 238.0 239.2
membrane 192.3 198.4 - 225.4 237.6 239.7
meninges 192.3 198.4 - 225.4 237.6 239.7
nerve (root) 171.9 198.89 - 215.9 238.1 239.2
pia mater 192.3 198.4 - 225.4 237.6 239.7
root 171.9 198.89 - 215.9 238.1 239.2
sacrum 170.6 198.5 - 213.6 238.0 239.2
spleen, splenic NEC 159.1 197.8 230.9 211.9 235.5 239.0
flexure (colon) 153.7 197.5 230.3 211.3 235.2 239.0
stem, brain 191.7 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
Stensen's duct 142.0 198.89 230.0 210.2 235.0 239.0
sternum 170.3 198.5 - 213.3 238.0 239.2
stomach 151.9 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
antrum (pyloric) 151.2 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
body 151.4 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
cardia 151.0 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
cardiac orifice 151.0 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
contiguous sites 151.8 - - - - -
corpus 151.4 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
fundus 151.3 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
greater curvature NEC 151.6 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
lesser curvature NEC 151.5 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
prepylorus 151.1 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
pylorus 151.1 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
wall NEC 151.9 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
anterior NEC 151.8 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
posterior NEC 151.8 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0
stroma, endometrial 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
stump, cervical 180.8 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
subcutaneous (nodule) (tissue) NEC ­ see Neoplasm, connective tissue
subdural 192.1 198.4 - 225.2 237.6 239.7
subglottis, subglottic 161.2 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
sublingual 144.9 198.89 230.0 210.3 235.1 239.0
gland or duct 142.2 198.89 230.0 210.2 235.0 239.0
submandibular gland 142.1 198.89 230.0 210.2 235.0 239.0
submaxillary gland or duct 142.1 198.89 230.0 210.2 235.0 239.0
submental 195.0 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
subpleural 162.9 197.0 - 212.3 235.7 239.1
substernal 164.2 197.1 - 212.5 235.8 239.89
sudoriferous, sudoriparous gland, site unspecified 173.90 198.2 232.9 216.9 238.2 239.2
specified site­see Neoplasm, skin
supraclavicular region 195.0 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
supraglottis 161.1 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
suprarenal (capsule) (cortex) (gland) (medulla) 194.0 198.7 234.8 227.0 237.2 239.7
suprasellar (region) 191.9 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
sweat gland (apocrine) (eccrine), site unspecified 173.90 198.2 232.9 216.9 238.2 239.2
specified site­see Neoplasm, skin
sympathetic nerve or nervous system NEC 171.9 198.89 - 215.9 238.1 239.2
symphysis pubis 170.6 198.5 - 213.6 238.0 239.2
synovial membrane ­ see Neoplasm, connective tissue
tapetum, brain 191.8 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
tarsus (any bone) 170.8 198.5 - 213.8 238.0 239.2
temple (skin) (see also Neoplasm, skin, face) 173.30 198.2 232.3 216.3 238.2 239.2
bone 170.0 198.5 - 213.0 238.0 239.2
lobe or pole 191.2 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
region 195.0 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
skin (see also Neoplasm, skin, face) 173.30 198.2 232.3 216.3 238.2 239.2
tendon (sheath)­see Neoplasm, connective tissue
tentorium (cerebelli) 192.1 198.4 - 225.2 237.6 239.7
testis, testes (descended) (scrotal) 186.9 198.82 233.6 222.0 236.4 239.5
ectopic 186.0 198.82 233.6 222.0 236.4 239.5
retained 186.0 198.82 233.6 222.0 236.4 239.5
undescended 186.0 198.82 233.6 222.0 236.4 239.5
thalamus 191.0 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
thigh NEC* 195.5 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
thorax, thoracic (cavity) (organs NEC) 195.1 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
duct 171.4 198.89 - 215.4 238.1 239.2
wall NEC 195.1 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
throat 149.0 198.89 230.0 210.9 235.1 239.0
thumb NEC* 195.4 198.89 232.6 229.8 238.8 239.89
thymus (gland) 164.0 198.89 - 212.6 235.8 239.89
contiguous sites with heart and mediastinum 164.8 - - - - -
thyroglossal duct 193 198.89 234.8 226 237.4 239.7
thyroid (gland) 193 198.89 234.8 226 237.4 239.7
cartilage 161.3 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
tibia (any part) 170.7 198.5 - 213.7 238.0 239.2
toe NEC* 195.5 198.89 232.7 229.8 238.8 239.89
tongue 141.9 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
anterior (two-thirds) NEC 141.4 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
dorsal surface 141.1 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
ventral surface 141.3 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
base (dorsal surface) 141.0 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
border (lateral) 141.2 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
contiguous sites 141.8 - - - - -
dorsal surface NEC 141.1 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
fixed part NEC 141.0 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
foreamen cecum 141.1 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
frenulum linguae 141.3 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
junctional zone 141.5 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
margin (lateral) 141.2 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
midline NEC 141.1 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
mobile part NEC 141.4 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
posterior (third) 141.0 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
root 141.0 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
surface (dorsal) 141.1 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
base 141.0 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
ventral 141.3 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
tip 141.2 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
tonsil 141.6 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
tonsil 146.0 198.89 230.0 210.5 235.1 239.0
fauces, faucial 146.0 198.89 230.0 210.5 235.1 239.0
lingual 141.6 198.89 230.0 210.1 235.1 239.0
palatine 146.0 198.89 230.0 210.5 235.1 239.0
pharyngeal 147.1 198.89 230.0 210.7 235.1 239.0
pillar (anterior) (posterior) 146.2 198.89 230.0 210.6 235.1 239.0
tonsillar fossa 146.1 198.89 230.0 210.6 235.1 239.0
tooth socket NEC 143.9 198.89 230.0 210.4 235.1 239.0
trachea (cartilage) (mucosa) 162.0 197.3 231.1 212.2 235.7 239.1
contiguous sites with bronchus or lung 162.8 - - - - -
tracheobronchial 162.8 197.3 231.1 212.2 235.7 239.1
contiguous sites with lung 162.8 - - - - -
tragus (see also Neoplasm, skin, ear) 173.20 198.2 232.2 216.2 238.2 239.2
trunk NEC* 195.8 198.89 232.5 229.8 238.8 239.89
tubo-ovarian 183.8 198.82 233.39 221.8 236.3 239.5
tunica vaginalis 187.8 198.82 233.6 222.8 236.6 239.5
turbinate (bone) 170.0 198.5 - 213.0 238.0 239.2
nasal 160.0 197.3 231.8 212.0 235.9 239.1
tympanic cavity 160.1 197.3 231.8 212.0 235.9 239.1
ulna (any part) 170.4 198.5 - 213.4 238.0 239.2
umbilicus, umbilical (see also Neoplasm, skin, trunk) 173.50 198.2 232.5 216.5 238.2 239.2
uncus, brain 191.2 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
unknown site or unspecified 199.1 199.1 234.9 229.9 238.9 239.9
urachus 188.7 198.1 233.7 223.3 236.7 239.4
ureter, ureteral 189.2 198.1 233.9 223.2 236.91 239.5
orifice (bladder) 188.6 198.1 233.7 223.3 236.7 239.4
ureter-bladder (junction) 188.6 198.1 233.7 223.3 236.7 239.4
urethra, urethral (gland) 189.3 198.1 233.9 223.81 236.99 239.5
orifice, internal 188.5 198.1 233.7 223.3 236.7 239.4
urethrovaginal (septum) 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
urinary organ or system NEC 189.9 198.1 233.9 223.9 236.99 239.5
bladder­see Neoplasm, bladder
contiguous sites 189.8 - - - - -
specified sites NEC 189.8 198.1 233.9 223.89 236.99 239.5
utero-ovarian 183.8 198.82 233.39 221.8 236.3 239.5
ligament 183.3 198.82 - 221.0 236.3 239.5
uterosacral ligament 183.4 198.82 - 221.0 236.3 239.5
uterus, uteri, uterine 179 198.82 233.2 219.9 236.0 239.5
adnexa NEC 183.9 198.82 233.39 221.8 236.3 239.5
contiguous sites 183.8 - - - - -
body 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
contiguous sites 182.8 - - - - -
cervix 180.9 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
cornu 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
corpus 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
endocervix (canal) (gland) 180.0 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
endometrium 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
exocervix 180.1 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
external os 180.1 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
fundus 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
internal os 180.0 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
isthmus 182.1 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
ligament 183.4 198.82 - 221.0 236.3 239.5
broad 183.3 198.82 233.39 221.0 236.3 239.5
round 183.5 198.82 - 221.0 236.3 239.5
lower segment 182.1 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
myometrium 182.0 198.82 233.2 219.1 236.0 239.5
squamocolumnar junction 180.8 198.82 233.1 219.0 236.0 239.5
tube 183.2 198.82 233.39 221.0 236.3 239.5
utricle, prostatic 189.3 198.1 233.9 223.81 236.99 239.5
uveal tract 190.0 198.4 234.0 224.0 238.8 239.89
uvula 145.4 198.89 230.0 210.4 235.1 239.0
vagina, vaginal (fornix) (vault) (wall) 184.0 198.82 233.31 221.1 236.3 239.5
vaginovesical 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
septum 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
vallecula (epigiottis) 146.3 198.89 230.0 210.6 235.1 239.0
vascular ­ see Neoplasm, connective tissue
vas deferens 187.6 198.82 233.6 222.8 236.6 239.5
Vater's ampulla 156.2 197.8 230.8 211.5 235.3 239.0
vein, venous ­ see Neoplasm, connective tissue
vena cava (abdominal) (inferior) 171.5 198.89 - 215.5 238.1 239.2
superior 171.4 198.89 - 215.4 238.1 239.2
ventricle (cerebral) (floor) (fourth) (lateral) (third) 191.5 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
cardiac (left) (right) 164.1 198.89 - 212.7 238.8 239.89
ventricular band of larynx 161.1 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
ventriculus ­ see Neoplasm, stomach
vermillion border ­ see Neoplasm, lip
vermis, cerebellum 191.6 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
vertebra (column) 170.2 198.5 - 213.2 238.0 239.2
coccyx 170.6 198.5 - 213.6 238.0 239.2
sacrum 170.6 198.5 - 213.6 238.0 239.2
vesical ­ see Neoplasm, bladder
vesicle, seminal 187.8 198.82 233.6 222.8 236.6 239.5
vesicocervical tissue 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
vesicorectal 195.3 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
vesicovaginal 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
septum 184.9 198.82 233.39 221.9 236.3 239.5
vessel (blood) ­ see Neoplasm, connective tissue
vestibular gland, greater 184.1 198.82 233.32 221.2 236.3 239.5
mouth 145.1 198.89 230.0 210.4 235.1 239.0
nose 160.0 197.3 231.8 212.0 235.9 239.1
Virchow's gland - 196.0 - 229.0 238.8 239.89
viscera NEC 195.8 198.89 234.8 229.8 238.8 239.89
vocal cords (true) 161.0 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
false 161.1 197.3 231.0 212.1 235.6 239.1
vomer 170.0 198.5 - 213.0 238.0 239.2
vulva 184.4 198.82 233.32 221.2 236.3 239.5
vulvovaginal gland 184.4 198.82 233.32 221.2 236.3 239.5
Waldeyer's ring 149.1 198.89 230.0 210.9 235.1 239.0
Wharton's duct 142.1 198.89 230.0 210.2 235.0 239.0
white matter (central) (cerebral) 191.0 198.3 - 225.0 237.5 239.6
windpipe 162.0 197.3 231.1 212.2 235.7 239.1
Wirsung's duct 157.3 197.8 230.9 211.6 235.5 239.0
wolffian (body) (duct)
female 184.8 198.82 233.39 221.8 236.3 239.5
male 187.8 198.82 233.6 222.8 236.6 239.5
womb ­ see Neoplasm, uterus
wrist NEC* 195.4 198.89 232.6 229.8 238.8 239.89
xiphoid process 170.3 198.5 - 213.3 238.0 239.2
Zuckerkandl's organ 194.6 198.89 - 227.6 237.3 239.7
anal membrane 751.2
arteria stapedia 744.04
atrioventricular canal 745.69
bloody ejaculate 792.2
branchial cleft 744.41
bulbus cordis in left ventricle 745.8
canal of Cloquet 743.51
capsule (opaque) 743.51
cilioretinal artery or vein 743.51
cloaca 751.5
communication - see Fistula, congenital
aortic arch 747.21
fallopian tube 752.19
oviduct 752.19
uterine tube 752.19
double aortic arch 747.21
arteriosus 747.0
Botalli 747.0
circulation 747.83
form of cervix (uteri) 752.49
hemoglobin (hereditary) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
pulmonary hypertension 747.83
Botalli 745.5
ovale 745.5
Gartner's duct 752.41
hemoglobin, fetal (hereditary) (HPFH) 282.7
artery (generally incomplete) 743.51
system 743.51
hymen (tag)
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
causing obstructed labor 660.2
lanugo 757.4
posterior cardinal vein 747.49
root with right arch of aorta 747.21
superior vena cava 747.49
Meckel's diverticulum 751.0
mesonephric duct 752.89
fallopian tube 752.11
mucosal disease (middle ear) (with posterior or superior marginal perforation of ear drum) 382.2
nail(s), anomalous 757.5
occiput, anterior or posterior 660.3
fetus or newborn 763.1
omphalomesenteric duct 751.0
organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
atrioventriculare commune 745.69
primum 745.61
secundum 745.5
ovarian rests in fallopian tube 752.19
pancreatic tissue in intestinal tract 751.5
primary (deciduous)
teeth 520.6
vitreous hyperplasia 743.51
pulmonary hypertension 747.83
pupillary membrane 743.46
iris 743.46
Rhesus (Rh) titer (see also Complications, transfusion) 999.70
right aortic arch 747.21
urogenitalis 752.89
venosus with imperfect incorporation in right auricle 747.49
thymus (gland) 254.8
hyperplasia 254.0
thyroglossal duct 759.2
thyrolingual duct 759.2
truncus arteriosus or communis 745.0
tunica vasculosa lentis 743.39
