Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 640-649, 651-679: 0 unspecified as to episode of care 1 delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition 2 delivered, with mention of postpartum complication 3 antepartum condition or complication 4 postpartum condition or complication
abdominal (ectopic) 633.00
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.01
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
abnormal NEC 646.9
ampullar - see Pregnancy, tubal
biochemical 631.0
broad ligament - see Pregnancy, cornual
cervical - see Pregnancy, cornual
chemical 631.0
combined (extrauterine and intrauterine) - see Pregnancy, cornual
complicated (by) 646.9
abnormal, abnormality NEC 646.9
cervix 654.6
cord (umbilical) 663.9
glucose tolerance (conditions classifiable to 790.21-790.29) 648.8
pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9
pelvis (bony) 653.0
perineum or vulva 654.8
placenta, placental (vessel) 656.7
cervix 654.4
placenta 641.1
without hemorrhage 641.0
uterus 654.4
size, fetus 653.5
uterus (congenital) 654.0
abscess or cellulitis
bladder 646.6
genitourinary tract (conditions classifiable to 590, 595, 597, 599.0, 614.0-614.5, 614.7-614.9, 615) 646.6
kidney 646.6
urinary tract NEC 646.6
adhesion, pelvic peritoneal 648.9
air embolism 673.0
albuminuria 646.2
with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
amnionitis 658.4
amniotic fluid embolism 673.1
anemia (conditions classifiable to 280-285) 648.2
appendicitis 648.9
atrophy, yellow (acute) (liver) (subacute) 646.7
bacilluria, asymptomatic 646.5
bacteriuria, asymptomatic 646.5
bariatric surgery status 649.2
bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0
biliary problems 646.8
bone and joint disorders (conditions classifiable to 720-724 or conditions affecting lower limbs classifiable to 711-719, 725-738) 648.7
breech presentation (buttocks) (complete) (frank) 652.2
with successful version 652.1
cardiovascular disease (conditions classifiable to 390-398, 410-429) 648.6
congenital (conditions classifiable to 745-747) 648.5
cerebrovascular disorders (conditions classifiable to 430-434, 436-437) 674.0
cervicitis (conditions classifiable to 616.0) 646.6
chloasma (gravidarum) 646.8
cholelithiasis 646.8
cholestasis 646.7
chorea (gravidarum) - see Eclampsia, pregnancy
coagulation defect 649.3
conjoined twins 678.1
contraction, pelvis (general) 653.1
inlet 653.2
outlet 653.3
convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) 642.6
with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
current disease or condition (nonobstetric)
abnormal glucose tolerance 648.8
anemia 648.2
biliary tract 646.7
bone and joint (lower limb) 648.7
cardiovascular 648.6
congenital 648.5
cerebrovascular 674.0
diabetes (conditions classifiable to 249 and 250) 648.0
drug dependence 648.3
female genital mutilation 648.9
genital organ or tract 646.6
gonorrheal 647.1
hypertensive 642.2
chronic kidney 642.2
renal 642.1
infectious 647.9
specified type NEC 647.8
liver 646.7
malarial 647.4
nutritional deficiency 648.9
parasitic NEC 647.8
periodontal disease 648.9
renal 646.2
hypertensive 642.1
rubella 647.5
specified condition NEC 648.9
syphilitic 647.0
thyroid 648.1
tuberculous 647.3
urinary 646.6
venereal 647.2
viral NEC 647.6
cystitis 646.6
cystocele 654.4
death of fetus (near term) 656.4
early pregnancy (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
deciduitis 646.6
decreased fetal movements 655.7
diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 249 and 250) 648.0
disorders of liver and biliary tract 646.7
displacement, uterus NEC 654.4
disproportion - see Disproportion
double uterus 654.0
drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304) 648.3
dysplasia, cervix 654.6
early onset of delivery (spontaneous) 644.2
eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (nephritis) (uremia) 642.6
with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
edema 646.1
with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
effusion, amniotic fluid 658.1
delayed delivery following 658.2
air 673.0
amniotic fluid 673.1
blood-clot 673.2
cerebral 674.0
pulmonary NEC 673.2
pyemic 673.3
septic 673.3
emesis (gravidarum) - see Pregnancy, complicated, vomiting
endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 670.1
decidual 646.6
epilepsy 649.4
excessive weight gain NEC 646.1
face presentation 652.4
failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5
false labor (pains) 644.1
fatigue 646.8
fatty metamorphosis of liver 646.7
female genital mutilation 648.9
anemia 678.0
complications from in utero procedure 679.1
conjoined twins 678.1
death (near term) 656.4
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
deformity 653.7
distress 656.8
hematologic conditions 678.0
thrombocytopenia 678.0
twin to twin transfusion 678.0
reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7
fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1
footling presentation 652.8
with successful version 652.1
gallbladder disease 646.8
gastric banding status 649.2
gastric bypass status for obesity 649.2
genital herpes (asymptomatic) (history of) (inactive) 647.6
goiter 648.1
gonococcal infection (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1
gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1
hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease 642.2
hemorrhage 641.9
accidental 641.2
before 22 completed weeks gestation NEC 640.9
cerebrovascular 674.0
due to
afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect (conditions classifiable to 286.0-286.9) 641.3
leiomyoma, uterine 641.8
marginal sinus (rupture) 641.2
premature separation, placenta 641.2
trauma 641.8
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 640.9
threatened abortion 640.0
unavoidable 641.1
hepatitis (acute) (malignant) (subacute) 646.7
viral 647.6
herniation of uterus 654.4
high head at term 652.5
hydatidiform mole (delivered) (undelivered) 630
hydramnios 657
hydrocephalic fetus 653.6
hydrops amnii 657
hydrorrhea 658.1
hyperemesis (gravidarum) - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
chronic kidney disease 642.2
heart and chronic kidney disease 642.2
heart and renal disease 642.2
heart disease 642.2
renal disease 642.2
hyperthyroidism 648.1
hypothyroidism 648.1
hysteralgia 646.8
icterus gravis 646.7
incarceration, uterus 654.3
incompetent cervix (os) 654.5
infection 647.9
amniotic fluid 658.4
bladder 646.6
genital organ (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.5, 614.7-614.9, 615) 646.6
kidney (conditions classifiable to 590.0-590.9) 646.6
urinary (tract) 646.6
asymptomatic 646.5
infective and parasitic diseases NEC 647.8
bladder 646.6
genital organ (conditions classifiable to 614.0) 646.6
urinary tract NEC 646.6
injury 648.9
obstetrical NEC 665.9
insufficient weight gain 646.8
insulin resistance 648.8
intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
malaria (conditions classifiable to 084) 647.4
malformation, uterus (congenital) 654.0
malnutrition (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 648.9
fetus - see Pregnancy, complicated, malpresentation
uterus or cervix 654.4
malpresentation 652.9
with successful version 652.1
in multiple gestation 652.6
specified type NEC 652.8
marginal sinus hemorrhage or rupture 641.2
maternal complications from in utero procedure 679.0
maternal drug abuse 648.4
maternal obesity syndrome 646.1
menstruation 640.8
mental disorders (conditions classifiable to 290-303, 305.0, 305.2-305.9, 306-316, 317-319) 648.4
mentum presentation 652.4
abortion 632
delivery (at or near term) 656.4
labor (at or near term) 656.4
genital organ or tract (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.5, 614.7-614.9, 615) 646.6
liver (conditions classifiable to 570) 646.7
renal, cortical 646.2
nephritis or nephrosis (conditions classifiable to 580-589) 646.2
with hypertension 642.1
nephropathy NEC 646.2
neuritis (peripheral) 646.4
nutritional deficiency (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 648.9
obesity 649.1
surgery status 649.2
oblique lie or presentation 652.3
with successful version 652.1
obstetrical trauma NEC 665.9
oligohydramnios NEC 658.0
onset of contractions before 37 weeks 644.0
oversize fetus 653.5
papyraceous fetus 646.0
patent cervix 654.5
pelvic inflammatory disease (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.5, 614.7-614.9, 615) 646.6
pelvic peritoneal adhesion 648.9
placenta, placental
abnormality 656.7
abruptio or ablatio 641.2
detachment 641.2
disease 656.7
infarct 656.7
low implantation 641.1
without hemorrhage 641.0
malformation 656.7
malposition 641.1
without hemorrhage 641.0
marginal sinus hemorrhage 641.2
previa 641.1
without hemorrhage 641.0
separation (premature) (undelivered) 641.2
placentitis 658.4
pneumonia 648.9
polyhydramnios 657
post-term 645.1
prolonged 645.2
prediabetes 648.8
pre-eclampsia (mild) 642.4
severe 642.5
superimposed on pre-existing hypertensive disease 642.7
premature rupture of membranes 658.1
with delayed delivery 658.2
ectopic pregnancy V23.42
infertility V23.0
in utero procedure during previous pregnancy V23.86
nonobstetric condition V23.89
poor obstetrical history V23.49
premature delivery V23.41
trophoblastic disease (conditions classifiable to 630) V23.1
prolapse, uterus 654.4
proteinuria (gestational) 646.2
with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
pruritus (neurogenic) 646.8
psychosis or psychoneurosis 648.4
ptyalism 646.8
pyelitis (conditions classifiable to 590.0-590.9) 646.6
renal disease or failure NEC 646.2
with secondary hypertension 642.1
hypertensive 642.2
retention, retained dead ovum 631.8
retroversion, uterus 654.3
Rh immunization, incompatibility, or sensitization 656.1
rubella (conditions classifiable to 056) 647.5
amnion (premature) 658.1
with delayed delivery 658.2
marginal sinus (hemorrhage) 641.2
membranes (premature) 658.1
with delayed delivery 658.2
uterus (before onset of labor) 665.0
salivation (excessive) 646.8
salpingo-oophoritis (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.2) 646.6
septicemia (conditions classifiable to 038.0-038.9) 647.8
postpartum 670.2
puerperal 670.2
smoking 649.0
spasms, uterus (abnormal) 646.8
specified condition NEC 646.8
spotting 649.5
spurious labor pains 644.1
status post
bariatric surgery 649.2
gastric banding 649.2
gastric bypass for obesity 649.2
obesity surgery 649.2
superfecundation 651.9
superfetation 651.9
syphilis (conditions classifiable to 090-097) 647.0
abortion 640.0
premature delivery 644.2
premature labor 644.0
thrombophlebitis (superficial) 671.2
deep 671.3
septic 670.3
thrombosis 671.2
venous (superficial) 671.2
deep 671.3
thyroid dysfunction (conditions classifiable to 240-246) 648.1
thyroiditis 648.1
thyrotoxicosis 648.1
tobacco use disorder 649.0
torsion of uterus 654.4
toxemia - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
transverse lie or presentation 652.3
with successful version 652.1
trauma 648.9
obstetrical 665.9
tuberculosis (conditions classifiable to 010-018) 647.3
cervix 654.6
ovary 654.4
pelvic organs or tissue NEC 654.4
uterus (body) 654.1
cervix 654.6
vagina 654.7
vulva 654.8
unstable lie 652.0
uremia - see Pregnancy, complicated, renal disease
urethritis 646.6
vaginitis or vulvitis (conditions classifiable to 616.1) 646.6
placental vessels 656.7
veins (legs) 671.0
perineum 671.1
vulva 671.1
varicosity, labia or vulva 671.1
venereal disease NEC (conditions classifiable to 099) 647.2
venous complication 671.9
viral disease NEC (conditions classifiable to 042, 050-055, 057-079, 795.05, 795.15, 796.75) 647.6
vomiting (incoercible) (pernicious) (persistent) (uncontrollable) (vicious) 643.9
due to organic disease or other cause 643.8
early - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
late (after 22 completed weeks gestation) 643.2
young maternal age 659.8
complications NEC 646.9
cornual 633.80
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.81
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
death, maternal NEC 646.9
delivered - see Delivery
ectopic (ruptured) NEC 633.90
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.91
abdominal - see Pregnancy, abdominal
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
combined (extrauterine and intrauterine) - see Pregnancy, cornual
ovarian - see Pregnancy, ovarian
specified type NEC 633.80
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.81
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
tubal - see Pregnancy, tubal
examination, pregnancy
negative result V72.41
not confirmed V72.40
positive result V72.42
extrauterine - see Pregnancy, ectopic
fallopian - see Pregnancy, tubal
false 300.11
labor (pains) 644.1
fatigue 646.8
illegitimate V61.6
incidental finding V22.2
in double uterus 654.0
interstitial - see Pregnancy, cornual
intraligamentous - see Pregnancy, cornual
intramural - see Pregnancy, cornual
intraperitoneal - see Pregnancy, abdominal
isthmian - see Pregnancy, tubal
management affected by
abnormal, abnormality
fetus (suspected) 655.9
specified NEC 655.8
placenta 656.7
advanced maternal age NEC 659.6
multigravida 659.6
primigravida 659.5
antibodies (maternal)
anti-c 656.1
anti-d 656.1
anti-e 656.1
blood group (ABO) 656.2
Rh(esus) 656.1
appendicitis 648.9
bariatric surgery status 649.2
coagulation defect 649.3
elderly multigravida 659.6
elderly primigravida 659.5
epilepsy 649.4
fetal (suspected)
abnormality 655.9
abdominal 655.8
acid-base balance 656.8
cardiovascular 655.8
facial 655.8
gastrointestinal 655.8
genitourinary 655.8
heart rate or rhythm 659.7
limb 655.8
specified NEC 655.8
acidemia 656.3
anencephaly 655.0
aneuploidy 655.1
bradycardia 659.7
central nervous system malformation 655.0
chromosomal abnormalities (conditions classifiable to 758.0-758.9) 655.1
damage from
drugs 655.5
obstetric, anesthetic, or sedative 655.5
environmental toxins 655.8
intrauterine contraceptive device 655.8
alcohol addiction 655.4
disease NEC 655.4
drug use 655.5
listeriosis 655.4
rubella 655.3
toxoplasmosis 655.4
viral infection 655.3
radiation 655.6
death (near term) 656.4
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
distress 656.8
excessive growth 656.6
growth retardation 656.5
hereditary disease 655.2
hydrocephalus 655.0
intrauterine death 656.4
poor growth 656.5
spina bifida (with myelomeningocele) 655.0
fetal-maternal hemorrhage 656.0
gastric banding status 649.2
gastric bypass status for obesity 649.2
hereditary disease in family (possibly) affecting fetus 655.2
incompatibility, blood groups (ABO) 656.2
Rh(esus) 656.1
insufficient prenatal care V23.7
insulin resistance 648.8
intrauterine death 656.4
isoimmunization (ABO) 656.2
Rh(esus) 656.1
large-for-dates fetus 656.6
light-for-dates fetus 656.5
meconium in liquor 656.8
mental disorder (conditions classifiable to 290-303, 305.0, 305.2-305.9, 306-316, 317-319) 648.4
multiparity (grand) 659.4
obesity 649.1
surgery status 649.2
poor obstetric history V23.49
pre-term labor V23.41
post-term 645.1
prolonged 645.2
post-term pregnancy 645.1
abortion V23.2
habitual 646.3
cesarean delivery 654.2
difficult delivery V23.49
ectopic pregnancy V23.42
forceps delivery V23.49
habitual abortions 646.3
hemorrhage, antepartum or postpartum V23.49
hydatidiform mole V23.1
infertility V23.0
in utero procedure during previous pregnancy V23.86
malignancy NEC V23.89
nonobstetrical conditions V23.89
premature delivery V23.41
recurrent pregnancy loss 646.3
trophoblastic disease (conditions in 630) V23.1
vesicular mole V23.1
prolonged pregnancy 645.2
recurrent pregnancy loss 646.3
small-for-dates fetus 656.5
smoking 649.0
spotting 649.5
suspected conditions not found
amniotic cavity and membrane problem V89.01
cervical shortening V89.05
fetal anomaly V89.03
fetal growth problem V89.04
oligohydramnios V89.01
other specified problem NEC V89.09
placental problem V89.02
polyhydramnios V89.01
tobacco use disorder 649.0
venous complication 671.9
young maternal age 659.8
maternal death NEC 646.9
mesometric (mural) - see Pregnancy, cornual
molar 631.8
hydatidiform (see also Hydatidiform mole) 630
previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.1
previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.49
multiple NEC 651.9
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
specified type NEC 651.8
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
mural - see Pregnancy, cornual
observation NEC V22.1
first pregnancy V22.0
high-risk V23.9
inconclusive fetal viability V23.87
specified problem NEC V23.89
ovarian 633.20
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.21
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
possible, not (yet) confirmed V72.40
post-term 645.1
prolonged 645.2
post-term 645.1
prenatal care only V22.1
first pregnancy V22.0
high-risk V23.9
inconclusive fetal viability V23.87
specified problem NEC V23.89
prolonged 645.2
quadruplet NEC 651.2
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.5
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
quintuplet NEC 651.8
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
resulting from
assisted reproductive technology V23.85
in vitro fertilization V23.85
sextuplet NEC 651.8
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
spurious 300.11
superfecundation NEC 651.9
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
superfetation NEC 651.9
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
supervision (of) (for) - see also Pregnancy, management affected by
multigravida V23.82
primigravida V23.81
high-risk V23.9
inconclusive fetal viability V23.87
insufficient prenatal care V23.7
specified problem NEC V23.89
inconclusive fetal viability V23.87
multiparity V23.3
normal NEC V22.1
first V22.0
obstetric history V23.49
ectopic pregnancy V23.42
pre-term labor V23.41
reproductive history V23.5
abortion V23.2
hydatidiform mole V23.1
infertility V23.0
neonatal death V23.5
stillbirth V23.5
trophoblastic disease V23.1
vesicular mole V23.1
specified problem NEC V23.89
multigravida V23.84
primigravida V23.83
triplet NEC 651.1
with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.4
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
tubal (with rupture) 633.10
with intrauterine pregnancy 633.11
affecting fetus or newborn 761.4
twin NEC 651.0
with fetal loss and retention of one fetus 651.3
affecting fetus or newborn 761.5
conjoined 678.1
following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7
unconfirmed V72.40
undelivered (no other diagnosis) V22.2
with false labor 644.1
high-risk V23.9
specified problem NEC V23.89
unwanted NEC V61.7
