Seizure(s) 780.39
akinetic (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.0
psychomotor 345.4
apoplexy, apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
atonic (see also Epilepsy) 345.0
autonomic 300.11
brain or cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
convulsive (see also Convulsions) 780.39
cortical (focal) (motor) (see also Epilepsy) 345.5
disorder (see also Epilepsy) 345.9
due to stroke 438.89
epilepsy, epileptic (cryptogenic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.9
epileptiform, epileptoid 780.39
focal (see also Epilepsy) 345.5
febrile (simple) 780.31
with status epilepticus 345.3
atypical 780.32
complex 780.32
complicated 780.32
heart - see Disease, heart
hysterical 300.11
Jacksonian (focal) (see also Epilepsy) 345.5
motor type 345.5
sensory type 345.5
migraine triggered 346.0
newborn 779.0
paralysis (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
post traumatic 780.33
recurrent 345.8
epileptic - see Epilepsy
repetitive 780.39
epileptic - see Epilepsy
salaam (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
uncinate (see also Epilepsy) 345.4
