Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
accommodation 367.53
ampulla of Vater (see also Disease, gallbladder) 576.8
anus, ani (sphincter) (reflex) 564.6
psychogenic 306.4
artery NEC 443.9
basilar 435.0
carotid 435.8
cerebral 435.9
specified artery NEC 435.8
retinal (see also Occlusion, retinal, artery) 362.30
vertebral 435.1
vertebrobasilar 435.3
Bell's 351.0
bladder (sphincter, external or internal) 596.89
bowel 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
bronchus, bronchiole 519.11
cardia 530.0
cardiac - see Angina
carpopedal (see also Tetany) 781.7
cecum 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
cerebral (arteries) (vascular) 435.9
specified artery NEC 435.8
cerebrovascular 435.9
cervix, complicating delivery 661.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.7
ciliary body (of accommodation) 367.53
colon 564.1
psychogenic 306.4
common duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8
compulsive 307.22
conjugate 378.82
convergence 378.84
coronary (artery) - see Angina
diaphragm (reflex) 786.8
psychogenic 306.1
duodenum, duodenal (bulb) 564.89
esophagus (diffuse) 530.5
psychogenic 306.4
facial 351.8
fallopian tube 620.8
gait 781.2
gastrointestinal (tract) 536.8
psychogenic 306.4
glottis 478.75
hysterical 300.11
psychogenic 306.1
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
reflex through recurrent laryngeal nerve 478.75
habit 307.20
chronic 307.22
transient (of childhood) 307.21
heart - see Angina
hourglass - see Contraction, hourglass
hysterical 300.11
infantile (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
internal oblique, eye 378.51
intestinal 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
larynx, laryngeal 478.75
hysterical 300.11
psychogenic 306.1
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
levator palpebrae superioris 333.81
lightning (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
mobile 781.0
muscle 728.85
back 724.8
psychogenic 306.0
nerve, trigeminal 350.1
nervous 306.0
nodding 307.3
infantile (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
occupational 300.89
oculogyric 378.87
ophthalmic artery 362.30
orbicularis 781.0
perineal 625.8
peroneo-extensor (see also Flat, foot) 734
pharynx (reflex) 478.29
hysterical 300.11
psychogenic 306.1
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
pregnant uterus, complicating delivery 661.4
psychogenic 306.0
pylorus 537.81
adult hypertrophic 537.0
congenital or infantile 750.5
psychogenic 306.4
rectum (sphincter) 564.6
psychogenic 306.4
retinal artery NEC (see also Occlusion, retina, artery) 362.30
sacroiliac 724.6
salaam (infantile) (see also Epilepsy) 345.6
saltatory 781.0
sigmoid 564.9
psychogenic 306.4
sphincter of Oddi (see also Disease, gallbladder) 576.5
stomach 536.8
neurotic 306.4
throat 478.29
hysterical 300.11
psychogenic 306.1
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
tic 307.20
chronic 307.22
transient (of childhood) 307.21
tongue 529.8
torsion 333.6
trigeminal nerve 350.1
postherpetic 053.12
ureter 593.89
urethra (sphincter) 599.84
uterus 625.8
complicating labor 661.4
affecting fetus or newborn 763.7
vagina 625.1
psychogenic 306.51
vascular NEC 443.9
vasomotor NEC 443.9
vein NEC 459.89
vesical (sphincter, external or internal) 596.89
viscera 789.0
