Sprain, strain (joint) (ligament) (muscle) (tendon) 848.9
abdominal wall (muscle) 848.8
Achilles tendon 845.09
acromioclavicular 840.0
ankle 845.00
and foot 845.00
anterior longitudinal, cervical 847.0
arm 840.9
upper 840.9
and shoulder 840.9
astragalus 845.00
atlanto-axial 847.0
atlanto-occipital 847.0
atlas 847.0
axis 847.0
back (see also Sprain, spine) 847.9
breast bone 848.40
broad ligaments - see Injury, internal, broad ligament
calcaneofibular 845.02
carpal 842.01
carpometacarpal 842.11
costal, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3
involving sternum 848.42
ear 848.8
knee 844.9
with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2
semilunar (knee) 844.8
with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2
septal, nose 848.0
thyroid region 848.2
xiphoid 848.49
cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic 847.0
chondrocostal, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3
involving sternum 848.42
chondrosternal 848.42
chronic (joint) - see Derangement, joint
clavicle 840.9
coccyx 847.4
collar bone 840.9
collateral, knee (medial) (tibial) 844.1
lateral (fibular) 844.0
recurrent or old 717.89
lateral 717.81
medial 717.82
coracoacromial 840.8
coracoclavicular 840.1
coracohumeral 840.2
coracoid (process) 840.9
coronary, knee 844.8
costal cartilage, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3
involving sternum 848.42
cricoarytenoid articulation 848.2
cricothyroid articulation 848.2
knee 844.2
old 717.89
anterior 717.83
posterior 717.84
ankle 845.01
shoulder 840.8
dorsal (spine) 847.1
ear cartilage 848.8
elbow 841.9
and forearm 841.9
specified site NEC 841.8
femur (proximal end) 843.9
distal end 844.9
fibula (proximal end) 844.9
distal end 845.00
fibulocalcaneal 845.02
finger(s) 842.10
foot 845.10
and ankle 845.00
forearm 841.9
and elbow 841.9
specified site NEC 841.8
glenoid (shoulder) - (see also SLAP lesion) 840.8
hand 842.10
hip 843.9
and thigh 843.9
humerus (proximal end) 840.9
distal end 841.9
iliofemoral 843.0
infraspinatus 840.3
acetabulum 843.9
pubic junction 848.5
sacral junction 846.1
collateral, ankle 845.01
semilunar cartilage 844.8
with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2
old 717.5
finger 842.13
toe 845.13
ischiocapsular 843.1
jaw (cartilage) (meniscus) 848.1
old 524.69
knee 844.9
and leg 844.9
old 717.5
lateral 717.81
medial 717.82
anterior 717.83
posterior 717.84
late effect - see Late, effects (of), sprain
lateral collateral, knee 844.0
old 717.81
leg 844.9
and knee 844.9
ligamentum teres femoris 843.8
low back 846.9
lumbar (spine) 847.2
lumbosacral 846.0
chronic or old 724.6
mandible 848.1
old 524.69
maxilla 848.1
medial collateral, knee 844.1
old 717.82
jaw 848.1
old 524.69
knee 844.8
with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2
old 717.5
mandible 848.1
old 524.69
specified site NEC 848.8
metacarpal 842.10
distal 842.12
proximal 842.11
metacarpophalangeal 842.12
metatarsal 845.10
metatarsophalangeal 845.12
midcarpal 842.19
midtarsal 845.19
multiple sites, except fingers alone or toes alone 848.8
neck 847.0
nose (septal cartilage) 848.0
occiput from atlas 847.0
old - see Derangement, joint
orbicular, hip 843.8
patella(r) 844.8
old 717.89
pelvis 848.5
finger 842.10
toe 845.10
radiocarpal 842.02
radiohumeral 841.2
radioulnar 841.9
distal 842.09
radius, radial (proximal end) 841.9
and ulna 841.9
distal 842.09
collateral 841.0
distal end 842.00
recurrent - see Sprain, by site
rib (cage), without mention of injury to sternum 848.3
involving sternum 848.42
rotator cuff (capsule) 840.4
round ligament - see also Injury, internal, round ligament
femur 843.8
sacral (spine) 847.3
sacrococcygeal 847.3
sacroiliac (region) 846.9
chronic or old 724.6
ligament 846.1
specified site NEC 846.8
sacrospinatus 846.2
sacrospinous 846.2
sacrotuberous 846.3
scaphoid bone, ankle 845.00
scapula(r) 840.9
semilunar cartilage (knee) 844.8
with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2
old 717.5
septal cartilage (nose) 848.0
shoulder 840.9
and arm, upper 840.9
blade 840.9
specified site NEC 848.8
spine 847.9
cervical 847.0
coccyx 847.4
dorsal 847.1
lumbar 847.2
lumbosacral 846.0
chronic or old 724.6
sacral 847.3
sacroiliac (see also Sprain, sacroiliac) 846.9
chronic or old 724.6
thoracic 847.1
sternoclavicular 848.41
sternum 848.40
subglenoid - (see also SLAP lesion) 840.8
subscapularis 840.5
supraspinatus 840.6
jaw 848.1
old 524.69
mandibular 848.1
old 524.69
pubis 848.5
talofibular 845.09
tarsal 845.10
tarsometatarsal 845.11
temporomandibular 848.1
old 524.69
ligamentum femoris 843.8
major or minor 840.8
thigh (proximal end) 843.9
and hip 843.9
distal end 844.9
thoracic (spine) 847.1
thorax 848.8
thumb 842.10
thyroid cartilage or region 848.2
tibia (proximal end) 844.9
distal end 845.00
distal 845.03
superior 844.3
toe(s) 845.10
trachea 848.8
trapezoid 840.8
ulna, ulnar (proximal end) 841.9
collateral 841.1
distal end 842.00
ulnohumeral 841.3
vertebrae (see also Sprain, spine) 847.9
cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic 847.0
wrist (cuneiform) (scaphoid) (semilunar) 842.00
xiphoid cartilage 848.49
