Strabismus (alternating) (congenital) (nonparalytic) 378.9
concomitant (see also Heterotropia) 378.30
convergent (see also Esotropia) 378.00
divergent (see also Exotropia) 378.10
convergent (see also Esotropia) 378.00
divergent (see also Exotropia) 378.10
due to adhesions, scars - see Strabismus, mechanical
in neuromuscular disorder NEC 378.73
intermittent 378.20
vertical 378.31
latent 378.40
convergent (esophoria) 378.41
divergent (exophoria) 378.42
vertical 378.43
mechanical 378.60
due to
Brown's tendon sheath syndrome 378.61
specified musculofascial disorder NEC 378.62
paralytic 378.50
third or oculomotor nerve (partial) 378.51
total 378.52
fourth or trochlear nerve 378.53
sixth or abducens nerve 378.54
specified type NEC 378.73
vertical (hypertropia) 378.31
