Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
with lung involvement 095.1
abdomen (late) 095.2
acoustic nerve 094.86
adenopathy (secondary) 091.4
adrenal (gland) 095.8
with cortical hypofunction 095.8
age under 2 years NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
acquired 097.9
alopecia (secondary) 091.82
anemia 095.8
aneurysm (artery) (ruptured) 093.89
aorta 093.0
central nervous system 094.89
congenital 090.5
anus 095.8
primary 091.1
secondary 091.3
aorta, aortic (arch) (abdominal) (insufficiency) (pulmonary) (regurgitation) (stenosis) (thoracic) 093.89
aneurysm 093.0
arachnoid (adhesive) 094.2
artery 093.89
cerebral 094.89
spinal 094.89
arthropathy (neurogenic) (tabetic) 094.0 [713.5]
asymptomatic - see Syphilis, latent
ataxia, locomotor (progressive) 094.0
atrophoderma maculatum 091.3
auricular fibrillation 093.89
Bell's palsy 094.89
bladder 095.8
bone 095.5
secondary 091.61
brain 094.89
breast 095.8
bronchus 095.8
bubo 091.0
bulbar palsy 094.89
bursa (late) 095.7
cardiac decompensation 093.89
cardiovascular (early) (late) (primary) (secondary) (tertiary) 093.9
specified type and site NEC 093.89
causing death under 2 years of age (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
stated to be acquired NEC 097.9
central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9
ataxia 094.0
paralysis, general 094.1
juvenile 090.40
paresis (general) 094.1
juvenile 090.40
tabes (dorsalis) 094.0
juvenile 090.40
taboparesis 094.1
juvenile 090.40
aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87
congenital 090.40
juvenile 090.40
remission in (sustained) 094.9
serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9
specified nature or site NEC 094.89
vascular 094.89
cerebral 094.89
meningovascular 094.2
nerves 094.89
sclerosis 094.89
thrombosis 094.89
cerebrospinal 094.89
tabetic 094.0
cerebrovascular 094.89
cervix 095.8
chancre (multiple) 091.0
extragenital 091.2
Rollet's 091.2
Charcôt's joint 094.0 [713.5]
choked disc 094.89 [377.00]
chorioretinitis 091.51
congenital 090.0 [363.13]
late 094.83
choroiditis 091.51
congenital 090.0 [363.13]
late 094.83
prenatal 090.0 [363.13]
choroidoretinitis (secondary) 091.51
congenital 090.0 [363.13]
late 094.83
ciliary body (secondary) 091.52
late 095.8 [364.11]
colon (late) 095.8
combined sclerosis 094.89
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.0
affecting fetus or newborn 760.2
condyloma (latum) 091.3
congenital 090.9
encephalitis 090.41
paresis (general) 090.40
tabes (dorsalis) 090.40
taborparesis 090.40
chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.0 [363.13]
early or less than 2 years after birth NEC 090.2
with manifestations 090.0
latent (without manifestations) 090.1
negative spinal fluid test 090.1
serology, positive 090.1
symptomatic 090.0
interstitial keratitis 090.3
juvenile neurosyphilis 090.40
late or 2 years or more after birth NEC 090.7
chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.5 [363.13]
interstitial keratitis 090.3
juvenile neurosyphilis NEC 090.40
latent (without manifestations) 090.6
negative spinal fluid test 090.6
serology, positive 090.6
symptomatic or with manifestations NEC 090.5
interstitial keratitis 090.3
conjugal 097.9
tabes 094.0
conjunctiva 095.8 [372.10]
contact V01.6
cord, bladder 094.0
cornea, late 095.8 [370.59]
coronary (artery) 093.89
sclerosis 093.89
coryza 095.8
congenital 090.0
cranial nerve 094.89
cutaneous - see Syphilis, skin
dacryocystitis 095.8
degeneration, spinal cord 094.89
d'emblée 095.8
dementia 094.1
paralytica 094.1
juvenilis 090.40
destruction of bone 095.5
dilatation, aorta 093.0
due to blood transfusion 097.9
dura mater 094.89
ear 095.8
inner 095.8
nerve (eighth) 094.86
neurorecurrence 094.86
early NEC 091.0
cardiovascular 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
paresis 094.1
tabes 094.0
latent (without manifestations) (less than 2 years after infection) 092.9
negative spinal fluid test 092.9
serological relapse following treatment 092.0
serology positive 092.9
paresis 094.1
relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
skin 091.3
symptomatic NEC 091.89
extragenital chancre 091.2
primary, except extragenital chancre 091.0
secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.3
relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
tabes 094.0
ulcer 091.3
eighth nerve 094.86
endemic, nonveneral 104.0
endocarditis 093.20
aortic 093.22
mitral 093.21
pulmonary 093.24
tricuspid 093.23
epididymis (late) 095.8
epiglottis 095.8
epiphysitis congenital) 090.0
esophagus 095.8
Eustachian tube 095.8
exposure to V01.6
eye 095.8 [363.13]
neuromuscular mechanism 094.85
eyelid 095.8 [373.5]
with gumma 095.8 [373.5]
ptosis 094.89
fallopian tube 095.8
fracture 095.5
gallbladder (late) 095.8
gastric 095.8
crisis 094.0
polyposis 095.8
general 097.9
paralysis 094.1
juvenile 090.40
genital (primary) 091.0
glaucoma 095.8
gumma (late) NEC 095.9
cardiovascular system 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
congenital 090.5
heart or artery 093.89
heart 093.89
block 093.89
decompensation 093.89
disease 093.89
failure 093.89
valve (see also Syphilis, endocarditis) 093.20
hemianesthesia 094.89
hemianopsia 095.8
hemiparesis 094.89
hemiplegia 094.89
hepatic artery 093.89
hepatitis 095.3
hepatomegaly 095.3
congenital 090.0
hereditaria tarda (see also Syphilis, congenital, late) 090.7
hereditary (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
interstitial keratitis 090.3
Hutchinson's teeth 090.5
hyalitis 095.8
inactive - see Syphilis, latent
infantum NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
inherited - see Syphilis, congenital
internal ear 095.8
intestine (late) 095.8
iris, iritis (secondary) 091.52
late 095.8 [364.11]
joint (late) 095.8
keratitis (congenital) (early) (interstitial) (late) (parenchymatous) (punctata profunda) 090.3
kidney 095.4
lacrimal apparatus 095.8
laryngeal paralysis 095.8
larynx 095.8
late 097.0
cardiovascular 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
latent or 2 years or more after infection (without manifestation) 096
negative spinal fluid test 096
serology positive 096
paresis 094.1
specified site NEC 095.8
symptomatic or with symptoms 095.9
tabes 094.0
latent 097.1
central nervous system 094.9
date of infection unspecified 097.1
early or less than 2 years after infection 092.9
late or 2 years or more after infection 096
follow-up of latent syphilis 097.1
central nervous system 094.9
date of infection unspecified 097.1
early or less than 2 years after infection 092.9
late or 2 years or more after infection 096
positive, only finding 097.1
date of infection unspecified 097.1
early or less than 2 years after infection 097.1
late or 2 years or more after infection 097.1
lens 095.8
leukoderma 091.3
late 095.8
lienis 095.8
lip 091.3
chancre 091.2
late 095.8
primary 091.2
Lissauer's paralysis 094.1
liver 095.3
secondary 091.62
locomotor ataxia 094.0
lung 095.1
lymphadenitis (secondary) 091.4
lymph gland (early) (secondary) 091.4
late 095.8
macular atrophy of skin 091.3
striated 095.8
maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.2
manifest syphilis in newborn - see Syphilis, congenital
mediastinum (late) 095.8
meninges (adhesive) (basilar) (brain) (spinal cord) 094.2
meningitis 094.2
acute 091.81
congenital 090.42
meningoencephalitis 094.2
meningovascular 094.2
congenital 090.49
mesarteritis 093.89
brain 094.89
spine 094.89
middle ear 095.8
mitral stenosis 093.21
monoplegia 094.89
mouth (secondary) 091.3
late 095.8
mucocutaneous 091.3
late 095.8
membrane 091.3
late 095.8
patches 091.3
congenital 090.0
mulberry molars 090.5
muscle 095.6
myocardium 093.82
myositis 095.6
nasal sinus 095.8
neonatorum NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
nerve palsy (any cranial nerve) 094.89
nervous system, central 094.9
neuritis 095.8
acoustic nerve 094.86
neurorecidive of retina 094.83
neuroretinitis 094.85
newborn (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9
nodular superficial 095.8
nonvenereal, endemic 104.0
nose 095.8
saddle back deformity 090.5
septum 095.8
perforated 095.8
occlusive arterial disease 093.89
ophthalmic 095.8 [363.13]
ophthalmoplegia 094.89
optic nerve (atrophy) (neuritis) (papilla) 094.84
orbit (late) 095.8
orchitis 095.8
organic 097.9
osseous (late) 095.5
osteochondritis (congenital) 090.0
osteoporosis 095.5
ovary 095.8
oviduct 095.8
palate 095.8
gumma 095.8
perforated 090.5
pancreas (late) 095.8
pancreatitis 095.8
paralysis 094.89
general 094.1
juvenile 090.40
paraplegia 094.89
paresis (general) 094.1
juvenile 090.40
paresthesia 094.89
Parkinson's disease or syndrome 094.82
paroxysmal tachycardia 093.89
pemphigus (congenital) 090.0
penis 091.0
chancre 091.0
late 095.8
pericardium 093.81
perichondritis, larynx 095.8
periosteum 095.5
congenital 090.0
early 091.61
secondary 091.61
peripheral nerve 095.8
petrous bone (late) 095.5
pharynx 095.8
secondary 091.3
pituitary (gland) 095.8
placenta 095.8
pleura (late) 095.8
pneumonia, white 090.0
pontine (lesion) 094.89
portal vein 093.89
primary NEC 091.2
anal 091.1
and secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.9
cardiovascular 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
extragenital chancre NEC 091.2
fingers 091.2
genital 091.0
lip 091.2
specified site NEC 091.2
tonsils 091.2
prostate 095.8
psychosis (intracranial gumma) 094.89
ptosis (eyelid) 094.89
pulmonary (late) 095.1
artery 093.89
pulmonum 095.1
pyelonephritis 095.4
recently acquired, symptomatic NEC 091.89
rectum 095.8
respiratory tract 095.8
late 094.83
neurorecidive 094.83
retrobulbar neuritis 094.85
salpingitis 095.8
sclera (late) 095.0
cerebral 094.89
coronary 093.89
multiple 094.89
subacute 094.89
scotoma (central) 095.8
scrotum 095.8
secondary (and primary) 091.9
adenopathy 091.4
anus 091.3
bone 091.61
cardiovascular 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
chorioretinitis, choroiditis 091.51
hepatitis 091.62
liver 091.62
lymphadenitis 091.4
meningitis, acute 091.81
mouth 091.3
mucous membranes 091.3
periosteum 091.61
periostitis 091.61
pharynx 091.3
relapse (treated) (untreated) 091.7
skin 091.3
specified form NEC 091.89
tonsil 091.3
ulcer 091.3
viscera 091.69
vulva 091.3
seminal vesicle (late) 095.8
with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site and stage
with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site or stage
follow-up of latent syphilis - see Syphilis, latent
only finding - see Syphilis, latent
seventh nerve (paralysis) 094.89
sinus 095.8
sinusitis 095.8
skeletal system 095.5
skin (early) (secondary) (with ulceration) 091.3
late or tertiary 095.8
small intestine 095.8
spastic spinal paralysis 094.0
spermatic cord (late) 095.8
spinal (cord) 094.89
paresis 094.1
tabes 094.0
spleen 095.8
splenomegaly 095.8
spondylitis 095.5
staphyloma 095.8
stigmata (congenital) 090.5
stomach 095.8
synovium (late) 095.7
tabes dorsalis (early) (late) 094.0
juvenile 090.40
tabetic type 094.0
juvenile 090.40
taboparesis 094.1
juvenile 090.40
tachycardia 093.89
tendon (late) 095.7
tertiary 097.0
with symptoms 095.8
cardiovascular 093.9
central nervous system 094.9
multiple NEC 095.8
specified site NEC 095.8
testis 095.8
thorax 095.8
throat 095.8
thymus (gland) 095.8
thyroid (late) 095.8
tongue 095.8
tonsil (lingual) 095.8
primary 091.2
secondary 091.3
trachea 095.8
tricuspid valve 093.23
tumor, brain 094.89
tunica vaginalis (late) 095.8
ulcer (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3
late 095.9
perforating 095.9
foot 094.0
urethra (stricture) 095.8
urogenital 095.8
uterus 095.8
uveal tract (secondary) 091.50
late 095.8 [363.13]
uveitis (secondary) 091.50
late 095.8 [363.13]
uvula (late) 095.8
perforated 095.8
vagina 091.0
late 095.8
valvulitis NEC 093.20
vascular 093.89
brain or cerebral 094.89
vein 093.89
cerebral 094.89
ventriculi 095.8
vesicae urinariae 095.8
viscera (abdominal) 095.2
secondary 091.69
vitreous (hemorrhage) (opacities) 095.8
vulva 091.0
late 095.8
secondary 091.3
