Tab - see Tag
Tabacism 989.84
Tabacosis 989.84
Tabardillo 080
Tabes, tabetic
Taboparalysis 094.1
Taboparesis (remission) 094.1
Tache noir 923.20
Tachyalimentation 579.3
Tachyarrhythmia, tachyrhythmia - see also Tachycardia
Tachycardia 785.0
Tachygastria 536.8
Tachypnea 786.06
TACO (transfusion associated circulatory overload) 276.61
Taenia (infection) (infestation) (see also Infestation, taenia) 123.3
Taeniasis (intestine) (see also Infestation, taenia) 123.3
Taenzer's disease 757.4
Tag (hypertrophied skin) (infected) 701.9
Tahyna fever 062.5
Takayasu (-Onishi) disease or syndrome (pulseless disease) 446.7
Takotsubo syndrome 429.83
Talc granuloma 728.82
Talcosis 502
Talipes (congenital) 754.70
Talma's disease 728.85
Talon noir 924.20
Tamponade heart (Rose's) (see also Pericarditis) 423.3
Tanapox 059.21
Tangier disease (familial high-density lipoprotein deficiency) 272.5
Tank ear 380.12
Tantrum (childhood) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1
Tapeworm (infection) (infestation) (see also Infestation, tapeworm) 123.9
Tapia's syndrome 352.6
Tarantism 297.8
Target-oval cell anemia 285.8
Tarlov's cyst 355.9
Tarral-Besnier disease (pityriasis rubra pilaris) 696.4
Tarsalgia 729.2
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 355.5
Tarsitis (eyelid) 373.00
Tartar (teeth) 523.6
Tattoo (mark) 709.09
Taurodontism 520.2
Taussig-Bing defect, heart, or syndrome (transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery) 745.11
Tay's choroiditis 363.41
Taybi's syndrome (otopalatodigital) 759.89
TBI (traumatic brain injury) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
Tear, torn (traumatic) - see also Wound, open, by site
Tear stone 375.57
Teeth, tooth - see also condition
Teething 520.7
Tegmental syndrome 344.89
Telangiectasia, telangiectasis (verrucous) 448.9
Telecanthus (congenital) 743.63
Telescoped bowel or intestine (see also Intussusception) 560.0
Teletherapy, adverse effect NEC 990
Telogen effluvium 704.02
Temper tantrum (childhood) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1
Temple - see condition
Temporal - see also condition
Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome 524.60
Temporosphenoidal - see condition
Tendinitis, tendonitis (see also Tenosynovitis) 726.90
Tendon - see condition
Tendosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis
Tendovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis
Tenesmus 787.99
Tenia - see Taenia
Teniasis - see Taeniasis
Tennis elbow 726.32
Tenonitis - see also Tenosynovitis
Tenontosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis
Tenontothecitis - see Tenosynovitis
Tenophyte 727.9
Tenosynovitis (see also Synovitis) 727.00
Tenovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis
Tentorium - see condition
Teratencephalus 759.89
Teratism 759.7
Teratoblastoma (malignant) (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Teratocarcinoma (M9081/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
Teratoma (solid) (M9080/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Terminal care V66.7
Ternidens diminutus infestation 127.7
Terrors, night (child) 307.46
Terry's syndrome (see also Retinopathy of prematurity) 362.21
Tertiary - see condition
Tessellated fundus, retina (tigroid) 362.89
Testicle, testicular, testis - see also condition
Tetanus, tetanic (cephalic) (convulsions) 037
Tetany, tetanic 781.7
Tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
Tetraplegia - see Quadriplegia
Thailand hemorrhagic fever 065.4
Thalassanemia 282.40
Thalassemia (disease) 282.40
Thalassemic variants 282.49
Thaysen-Gee disease (nontropical sprue) 579.0
Thecoma (M8600/0) 220
Thelarche, precocious 259.1
Thelitis 611.0
Therapeutic - see condition
Therapy V57.9
Thermalgesia 782.0
Thermalgia 782.0
Thermanalgesia 782.0
Thermanesthesia 782.0
Thermic - see condition
Thermography (abnormal) 793.99
Thermoplegia 992.0
Thiaminic deficiency 265.1
Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1
Thickened endometrium 793.5
Thiele syndrome 724.6
Thigh - see condition
Thinning vertebra (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00
Thirst, excessive 783.5
Thomsen's disease 359.22
Thomson's disease (congenital poikiloderma) 757.33
Thoracic - see also condition
Thoracogastroschisis (congenital) 759.89
Thoracopagus 759.4
Thoracoschisis 756.3
Thoracoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure V64.42
Thorax - see condition
Thorn's syndrome (see also Disease, renal) 593.9
Thornwaldt's, Tornwaldt's
Thorson-Biörck syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2
Threadworm (infection) (infestation) 127.4
Three-day fever 066.0
Threshers' lung 495.0
Thrix annulata (congenital) 757.4
Throat - see condition
Thrombasthenia (Glanzmann's) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary) 287.1
Thromboangiitis 443.1
Thromboarteritis - see Arteritis
Thromboasthenia (Glanzmann's) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary) 287.1
Thrombocytasthenia (Glanzmann's) 287.1
Thrombocythemia (primary) (M9962/1) 238.71
Thrombocytopathy (dystrophic) (granulopenic) 287.1
Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic 287.5
Thrombocytosis 238.71
Thromboembolism - see Embolism
Thrombopathy (Bernard-Soulier) 287.1
Thrombopenia (see also Thrombocytopenia) 287.5
Thrombophlebitis 451.9
Thrombosis, thrombotic (marantic) (multiple) (progressive) (vein) (vessel) 453.9
Thrombus - see Thrombosis
Thrush 112.0
Thumb - see also condition
Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis 370.21
Thymergasia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
Thymitis 254.8
Thymoma (benign) (M8580/0) 212.6
Thymus, thymic (gland) - see condition
Thyrocele (see also Goiter) 240.9
Thyroglossal - see also condition
Thyroid (body) (gland) - see also condition
Thyroiditis 245.9
Thyrolingual duct, persistent 759.2
Thyromegaly 240.9
Thyrotoxicosis 242.9
TIA (transient ischemic attack) 435.9
Tibia vara 732.4
Tic 307.20
Tick (-borne) fever NEC 066.1
Tick-bite fever NEC 066.1
Tick paralysis 989.5
Tics and spasms, compulsive 307.22
Tietze's disease or syndrome 733.6
Tight, tightness
Tilting vertebra 737.9
Timidity, child 313.21
Tinea (intersecta) (tarsi) 110.9
Tingling sensation (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0
Tin-miners' lung 503
Tinnitus (aurium) 388.30
Tipped, teeth 524.33
Tiredness 780.79
Tissue - see condition
Tobias' syndrome (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) (M8010/3) 162.3
Tocopherol deficiency 269.1
Toe - see condition
Toilet, artificial opening (see also Attention to, artificial, opening) V55.9
Tokelau ringworm 110.5
Tollwut 071
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 378.55
Tommaselli's disease
Tongue - see also condition
Tongue tie 750.0
Toni-Fanconi syndrome (cystinosis) 270.0
Tonic pupil 379.46
Tonsil - see condition
Tonsillitis (acute) (catarrhal) (croupous) (follicular) (gangrenous) (infective) (lacunar) (lingual) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (purulent) (septic) (staphylococcal) (subacute) (suppurative) (toxic) (ulcerative) (vesicular) (viral) 463
Tonsillopharyngitis 465.8
Tooth, teeth - see condition
Toothache 525.9
Topagnosis 782.0
Tophi (gouty) 274.03
TORCH infection - (see also Infection, congenital) 760.2
Torn - see Tear, torn
Tornwaldt's bursitis (disease) (pharyngeal bursitis) 478.29
Torpid liver 573.9
Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic) 723.5
Torula, torular (infection) 117.5
Torulosis 117.5
Touch, vitreous 997.99
Touraine's syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89
Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
Tourette's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23
Tower skull 756.0
Toxemia 799.89
Toxemica cerebropathia psychica (nonalcoholic) 294.0
Toxic (poisoning) - see also condition
Toxicemia - see Toxemia
Toxicosis (see also Toxemia) 799.89
Toxinfection 799.89
Toxocariasis 128.0
Toxoplasma infection, generalized 130.9
Toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.9
Trabeculation, bladder 596.89
Trachea - see condition
Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal) (septic) (suppurative) (viral) 464.10
Trachelitis (nonvenereal) (see also Cervicitis) 616.0
Tracheobronchial - see condition
Tracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490
Tracheobronchomegaly (congenital) 748.3
Tracheobronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho
Tracheocele (external) (internal) 519.19
Tracheomalacia 519.19
Tracheopharyngitis (acute) 465.8
Tracheostenosis 519.19
Trachoma, trachomatous 076.9
Trachyphonia 784.49
Traction, vitreomacular 379.27
Train sickness 994.6
Traits, paranoid 301.0
Tramp V60.0
Trance 780.09
Transaminasemia 790.4
Transfusion, blood
Transient - see also condition
Transitional, lumbosacral joint of vertebra 756.19
Translucency, iris 364.53
Transmission of chemical substances through the placenta (affecting fetus or newborn) 760.70
Transplant (ed)
Transplants, ovarian, endometrial 617.1
Transposed - see Transposition
Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital
Trans-sexualism 302.50
Transverse - see also condition
Transvestism, transvestitism (transvestic fetishism) 302.3
Trapped placenta (with hemorrhage) 666.0
Trauma, traumatism (see also Injury, by site) 959.9
Traumatic - see also condition
Treacher Collins' syndrome (incomplete facial dysostosis) 756.0
Treitz's hernia - see Hernia, Treitz's
Trematode infestation NEC 121.9
Trematodiasis NEC 121.9
Trembles 988.8
Trembling paralysis (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0
Tremor 781.0
Treponema pallidum infection (see also Syphilis) 097.9
Treponematosis 102.9
Trichiasis 704.2
Trichinella spiralis (infection) (infestation) 124
Trichinelliasis 124
Trichinellosis 124
Trichiniasis 124
Trichinosis 124
Trichobezoar 938
Trichocephaliasis 127.3
Trichocephalosis 127.3
Trichocephalus infestation 127.3
Trichoclasis 704.2
Trichoepithelioma (M8100/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
Trichofolliculoma (M8101/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Tricholemmoma (M8102/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Trichomatosis 704.2
Trichomoniasis 131.9
Trichomycosis 039.0
Trichonocardiosis (axillaris) (palmellina) 039.0
Trichonodosis 704.2
Trichophytid, trichophyton infection (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9
Trichophytide - see Dermatophytosis
Trichophytobezoar 938
Trichophytosis - see Dermatophytosis
Trichoptilosis 704.2
Trichorrhexis (nodosa) 704.2
Trichosporosis nodosa 111.2
Trichostasis spinulosa (congenital) 757.4
Trichostrongyliasis (small intestine) 127.6
Trichostrongylosis 127.6
Trichostrongylus (instabilis) infection 127.6
Trichotillomania 312.39
Trichromat, anomalous (congenital) 368.59
Trichromatopsia, anomalous (congenital) 368.59
Trichuriasis 127.3
Trichuris trichiuria (any site) (infection) (infestation) 127.3
Tricuspid (valve) - see condition
Trifid - see also Accessory
Trigeminal neuralgia (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
Trigeminoencephaloangiomatosis 759.6
Trigeminy 427.89
Trigger finger (acquired) 727.03
Trigonitis (bladder) (chronic) (pseudomembranous) 595.3
Trigonocephaly 756.0
Trihexosidosis 272.7
Trilobate placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Trilocular heart 745.8
Trimethylaminuria 270.8
Tripartita placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Triple - see also Accessory
Triplegia 344.89
Triplex placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
Triplication - see Accessory
Trismus 781.0
Trisomy (syndrome) NEC 758.5
Tritanomaly 368.53
Tritanopia 368.53
Troisier-Hanot-Chauffard syndrome (bronze diabetes) 275.01
Trombidiosis 133.8
Trophedema (hereditary) 757.0
Trophoblastic disease (see also Hydatidiform mole) 630
Tropholymphedema 757.0
Trophoneurosis NEC 356.9
Tropical - see also condition
Trouble - see also Disease
Trousseau's syndrome (thrombophlebitis migrans) 453.1
Truancy, childhood - see also Disturbance, conduct
Trunk - see condition
Trychophytide - see Dermatophytosis
Trypanosoma infestation - see Trypanosomiasis
Trypanosomiasis 086.9
T-shaped incisors 520.2
Tsutsugamushi fever 081.2
Tube, tubal, tubular - see also condition
Tubercle - see also Tuberculosis
Tuberculid, tuberculide (indurating) (lichenoid) (miliary) (papulonecrotic) (primary) (skin) (subcutaneous) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Tuberculoma - see also Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9
Tuberous sclerosis (brain) 759.5
Tubo-ovarian - see condition
Tuboplasty, after previous sterilization V26.0
Tubotympanitis 381.10
Tularemia 021.9
Tularensis conjunctivitis 021.3
Tumefaction - see also Swelling
Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
Tumorlet (M8040/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior
Tungiasis 134.1
Tunica vasculosa lentis 743.39
Tunnel vision 368.45
Turban tumor (M8200/0) 216.4
Türck's trachoma (chronic catarrhal laryngitis) 476.0
Türk's syndrome (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71
Turner-Kieser syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89
Turner-Varny syndrome 758.6
Turricephaly 756.0
Tussis convulsiva (see also Whooping cough) 033.9
Twiddler's syndrome (due to)
Twinning, teeth 520.2
Twist, twisted
Twitch 781.0
Tylosis 700
Tympanism 787.3
Tympanites (abdominal) (intestine) 787.3
Tympanitis - see Myringitis
Tympanosclerosis 385.00
Tympanum - see condition
Typhlitis (see also Appendicitis) 541
Typhoenteritis 002.0
Typhogastric fever 002.0
Typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (fever) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) 002.0
Typhomalaria (fever) (see also Malaria) 084.6
Typhomania 002.0
Typhoperitonitis 002.0
Typhus (fever) 081.9
Tyrosinemia 270.2
Tyrosinosis (Medes) (Sakai) 270.2
Tyrosinuria 270.2
Tyrosyluria 270.2
