Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 010-018: 0 unspecified 1 bacteriological or histological examination not done 2 bacteriological or histological examination unknown (at present) 3 tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy 4 tubercle bacilli not found (in sputum) by microscopy, but found by bacterial culture 5 tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological examination, but tuberculosis confirmed histologically 6 tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological or histological examination, but tuberculosis confirmed by other methods [inoculation of animals] For tuberculous conditions specified as late effects or sequelae, see category 137.
abdomen 014.8
lymph gland 014.8
abscess 011.9
arm 017.9
bone (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, tuberculosis) 015.9 [730.8]
hip 015.1 [730.85]
knee 015.2 [730.86]
sacrum 015.0 [730.88]
specified site NEC 015.7 [730.88]
spinal 015.0 [730.88]
vertebra 015.0 [730.88]
brain 013.3
breast 017.9
Cowper's gland 016.5
dura (mater) 013.8
brain 013.3
spinal cord 013.5
epidural 013.8
brain 013.3
spinal cord 013.5
frontal sinus - see Tuberculosis, sinus
genital organs NEC 016.9
female 016.7
male 016.5
genitourinary NEC 016.9
gland (lymphatic) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
hip 015.1
iliopsoas 015.0 [730.88]
intestine 014.8
ischiorectal 014.8
joint 015.9
hip 015.1
knee 015.2
specified joint NEC 015.8
vertebral 015.0 [730.88]
kidney 016.0 [590.81]
knee 015.2
lumbar 015.0 [730.88]
lung 011.2
primary, progressive 010.8
meninges (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0
pelvic 016.9
female 016.7
male 016.5
perianal 014.8
fistula 014.8
perinephritic 016.0 [590.81]
perineum 017.9
perirectal 014.8
psoas 015.0 [730.88]
rectum 014.8
retropharyngeal 012.8
sacrum 015.0 [730.88]
scrofulous 017.2
scrotum 016.5
skin 017.0
primary 017.0
spinal cord 013.5
spine or vertebra (column) 015.0 [730.88]
strumous 017.2
subdiaphragmatic 014.8
testis 016.5
thigh 017.9
urinary 016.3
kidney 016.0 [590.81]
uterus 016.7
accessory sinus - see Tuberculosis, sinus
Addison's disease 017.6
adenitis (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2
adenoids 012.8
adenopathy (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2
tracheobronchial 012.1
primary progressive 010.8
adherent pericardium 017.9 [420.0]
adnexa (uteri) 016.7
adrenal (capsule) (gland) 017.6
air passage NEC 012.8
alimentary canal 014.8
anemia 017.9
ankle (joint) 015.8
bone 015.5 [730.87]
anus 014.8
apex (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
apical (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
appendicitis 014.8
appendix 014.8
arachnoid 013.0
artery 017.9
arthritis (chronic) (synovial) 015.9 [711.40]
ankle 015.8 [730.87]
hip 015.1 [711.45]
knee 015.2 [711.46]
specified site NEC 015.8 [711.48]
spine or vertebra (column) 015.0 [720.81]
wrist 015.8 [730.83]
articular - see Tuberculosis, joint
ascites 014.0
asthma (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
axilla, axillary 017.2
gland 017.2
bilateral (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
bladder 016.1
bone (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, tuberculosis) 015.9 [730.8]
hip 015.1 [730.85]
knee 015.2 [730.86]
limb NEC 015.5 [730.88]
sacrum 015.0 [730.88]
specified site NEC 015.7 [730.88]
spinal or vertebral column 015.0 [730.88]
bowel 014.8
miliary 018.9
brain 013.2
breast 017.9
broad ligament 016.7
bronchi, bronchial, bronchus 011.3
ectasia, ectasis 011.5
fistula 011.3
primary, progressive 010.8
gland 012.1
primary, progressive 010.8
isolated 012.2
lymph gland or node 012.1
primary, progressive 010.8
bronchiectasis 011.5
bronchitis 011.3
bronchopleural 012.0
bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonic 011.6
bronchorrhagia 011.3
bronchotracheal 011.3
isolated 012.2
bronchus - see Tuberculosis, bronchi
bronze disease (Addison's) 017.6
buccal cavity 017.9
bulbourethral gland 016.5
bursa (see also Tuberculosis, joint) 015.9
cachexia NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
cardiomyopathy 017.9 [425.8]
caries (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
cartilage (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
intervertebral 015.0 [730.88]
catarrhal (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
cecum 014.8
cellular tissue (primary) 017.0
cellulitis (primary) 017.0
central nervous system 013.9
specified site NEC 013.8
cerebellum (current) 013.2
cerebral (current) 013.2
meninges 013.0
cerebrospinal 013.6
meninges 013.0
cerebrum (current) 013.2
cervical 017.2
gland 017.2
lymph nodes 017.2
cervicitis (uteri) 016.7
cervix 016.7
chest (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
childhood type or first infection 010.0
choroid 017.3 [363.13]
choroiditis 017.3 [363.13]
ciliary body 017.3 [364.11]
colitis 014.8
colliers' 011.4
colliquativa (primary) 017.0
colon 014.8
ulceration 014.8
complex, primary 010.0
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.3
affecting fetus or newborn 760.2
congenital 771.2
conjunctiva 017.3 [370.31]
connective tissue 017.9
bone - see Tuberculosis, bone
contact V01.1
converter (tuberculin skin test) (without disease) 795.51
cornea (ulcer) 017.3 [370.31]
Cowper's gland 016.5
coxae 015.1 [730.85]
coxalgia 015.1 [730.85]
cul-de-sac of Douglas 014.8
curvature, spine 015.0 [737.40]
cutis (colliquativa) (primary) 017.0
cyst, ovary 016.6
cystitis 016.1
dacryocystitis 017.3 [375.32]
dactylitis 015.5
diarrhea 014.8
diffuse (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9
lung - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
meninges 013.0
digestive tract 014.8
disseminated (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9
meninges 013.0
duodenum 014.8
dura (mater) 013.9
abscess 013.8
cerebral 013.3
spinal 013.5
dysentery 014.8
ear (inner) (middle) 017.4
bone 015.6
external (primary) 017.0
skin (primary) 017.0
elbow 015.8
emphysema - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
empyema 012.0
encephalitis 013.6
endarteritis 017.9
endocarditis (any valve) 017.9 [424.91]
endocardium (any valve) 017.9 [424.91]
endocrine glands NEC 017.9
endometrium 016.7
enteric, enterica 014.8
enteritis 014.8
enterocolitis 014.8
epididymis 016.4
epididymitis 016.4
epidural abscess 013.8
brain 013.3
spinal cord 013.5
epiglottis 012.3
episcleritis 017.3 [379.00]
erythema (induratum) (nodosum) (primary) 017.1
esophagus 017.8
Eustachian tube 017.4
exposure to V01.1
exudative 012.0
primary, progressive 010.1
eye 017.3
eyelid (primary) 017.0
lupus 017.0 [373.4]
fallopian tube 016.6
fascia 017.9
fauces 012.8
finger 017.9
first infection 010.0
fistula, perirectal 014.8
Florida 011.6
foot 017.9
funnel pelvis 137.3
gallbladder 017.9
galloping (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
ganglionic 015.9
gastritis 017.9
gastrocolic fistula 014.8
gastroenteritis 014.8
gastrointestinal tract 014.8
general, generalized 018.9
acute 018.0
chronic 018.8
genital organs NEC 016.9
female 016.7
male 016.5
genitourinary NEC 016.9
genu 015.2
glandulae suprarenalis 017.6
glandular, general 017.2
glottis 012.3
grinders' 011.4
groin 017.2
gum 017.9
hand 017.9
heart 017.9 [425.8]
hematogenous - see Tuberculosis, miliary
hemoptysis (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
hemorrhage NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
hemothorax 012.0
hepatitis 017.9
hilar lymph nodes 012.1
primary, progressive 010.8
hip (disease) (joint) 015.1
bone 015.1 [730.85]
hydrocephalus 013.8
hydropneumothorax 012.0
hydrothorax 012.0
hypoadrenalism 017.6
hypopharynx 012.8
ileocecal (hyperplastic) 014.8
ileocolitis 014.8
ileum 014.8
iliac spine (superior) 015.0 [730.88]
incipient NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
indurativa (primary) 017.1
infantile 010.0
infection NEC 011.9
without clinical manifestation 010.0
infraclavicular gland 017.2
nasal (passage) (sinus) 012.8
nasopharynx 012.8
neck gland 017.2
nephritis 016.0 [583.81]
nerve 017.9
nose (septum) 012.8
ocular 017.3
old NEC 137.0
without residuals V12.01
omentum 014.8
oophoritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6
optic 017.3 [377.39]
nerve trunk 017.3 [377.39]
papilla, papillae 017.3 [377.39]
orbit 017.3
orchitis 016.5 [608.81]
organ, specified NEC 017.9
orificialis (primary) 017.0
osseous (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
osteitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
osteomyelitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
otitis (media) 017.4
ovaritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6
ovary (acute) (chronic) 016.6
oviducts (acute) (chronic) 016.6
pachymeningitis 013.0
palate (soft) 017.9
pancreas 017.9
papulonecrotic (primary) 017.0
parathyroid glands 017.9
paronychia (primary) 017.0
parotid gland or region 017.9
pelvic organ NEC 016.9
female 016.7
male 016.5
pelvis (bony) 015.7 [730.85]
penis 016.5
peribronchitis 011.3
pericarditis 017.9 [420.0]
pericardium 017.9 [420.0]
perichondritis, larynx 012.3
perineum 017.9
periostitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]
periphlebitis 017.9
eye vessel 017.3 [362.18]
retina 017.3 [362.18]
perirectal fistula 014.8
peritoneal gland 014.8
peritoneum 014.0
peritonitis 014.0
pernicious NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pharyngitis 012.8
pharynx 012.8
phlyctenulosis (conjunctiva) 017.3 [370.31]
phthisis NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pituitary gland 017.9
placenta 016.7
pleura, pleural, pleurisy, pleuritis (fibrinous) (obliterative) (purulent) (simple plastic) (with effusion) 012.0
primary, progressive 010.1
pneumonia, pneumonic 011.6
pneumothorax 011.7
polyserositis 018.9
acute 018.0
chronic 018.8
potters' 011.4
prepuce 016.5
primary 010.9
complex 010.0
complicated 010.8
with pleurisy or effusion 010.1
progressive 010.8
with pleurisy or effusion 010.1
skin 017.0
proctitis 014.8
prostate 016.5 [601.4]
prostatitis 016.5 [601.4]
pulmonaris (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pulmonary (artery) (incipient) (malignant) (multiple round foci) (pernicious) (reinfection stage) 011.9
cavitated or with cavitation 011.2
primary, progressive 010.8
childhood type or first infection 010.0
chromogenic acid-fast bacilli 795.39
fibrosis or fibrotic 011.4
infiltrative 011.0
primary, progressive 010.9
with gangrene 707.00 [785.4]
ankle 707.06
lower 707.03
upper 707.02
buttock 707.05
coccyx 707.03
elbow 707.01
head 707.09
heel 707.07
hip 707.04
other site 707.09
sacrum 707.03
shoulder blades 707.02
dendritic 054.42
diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) 250.8 [707.9]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.9]
lower limb 250.8 [707.10]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.10]
ankle 250.8 [707.13]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.13]
calf 250.8 [707.12]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.12]
foot 250.8 [707.15]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.15]
heel 250.8 [707.14]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.14]
knee 250.8 [707.19]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.19]
specified site NEC 250.8 [707.19]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.19]
thigh 250.8 [707.11]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.11]
toes 250.8 [707.15]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.15]
specified site NEC 250.8 [707.8]
due to secondary diabetes 249.8 [707.8]
Dieulafoy - see Lesion, Dieulafoy
due to
infection NEC - see Ulcer, skin
radiation, radium - see Ulcer, by site
trophic disturbance (any region) - see Ulcer, skin
x-ray - see Ulcer, by site
duodenum, duodenal (eroded) (peptic) 532.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 531-534: 0 without mention of obstruction 1 with obstruction
hemorrhage (chronic) 532.4
and perforation 532.6
perforation (chronic) 532.5
and hemorrhage 532.6
acute 532.3
hemorrhage 532.0
and perforation 532.2
perforation 532.1
and hemorrhage 532.2
bleeding (recurrent) - see Ulcer, duodenum, with hemorrhage
chronic 532.7
hemorrhage 532.4
and perforation 532.6
perforation 532.5
and hemorrhage 532.6
penetrating - see Ulcer, duodenum, with perforation
perforating - see Ulcer, duodenum, with perforation
dysenteric NEC 009.0
elusive 595.1
endocarditis (any valve) (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 421.0
enteritis - see Colitis, ulcerative
enterocolitis 556.0
epiglottis 478.79
esophagus (peptic) 530.20
with bleeding 530.21
due to ingestion
aspirin 530.20
chemicals 530.20
medicinal agents 530.20
fungal 530.20
infectional 530.20
varicose (see also Varix, esophagus) 456.1
bleeding (see also Varix, esophagus, bleeding) 456.0
eye NEC 360.00
dendritic 054.42
eyelid (region) 373.01
face (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
fauces 478.29
Fenwick (-Hunner) (solitary) (see also Cystitis) 595.1
fistulous NEC - see Ulcer, skin
foot (indolent) (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.15
perforating 707.15
vocal cord 456.8
vulva 456.6
in pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 671.1
