Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
with gangrene 707.9 [785.4]
abdomen (wall) (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
ala, nose 478.19
alveolar process 526.5
amebic (intestine) 006.9
skin 006.6
anastomotic - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
anorectal 569.41
antral - see Ulcer, stomach
anus (sphincter) (solitary) 569.41
varicose - see Varicose, ulcer, anus
aorta - see Aneurysm
aphthous (oral) (recurrent) 528.2
genital organ(s)
female 616.50
male 608.89
mouth 528.2
arm (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
arteriosclerotic plaque - see Arteriosclerosis, by site
artery NEC 447.2
without rupture 447.8
atrophic NEC - see Ulcer, skin
Barrett's (chronic peptic ulcer of esophagus) 530.85
bile duct 576.8
bladder (solitary) (sphincter) 596.89
bilharzial (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9 [595.4]
submucosal (see also Cystitis) 595.1
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.1
bleeding NEC - see Ulcer, peptic, with hemorrhage
bone 730.9
bowel (see also Ulcer, intestine) 569.82
breast 611.0
bronchitis 491.8
bronchus 519.19
buccal (cavity) (traumatic) 528.9
burn (acute) - see Ulcer, duodenum
Buruli 031.1
buttock (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
decubitus (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00
cancerous (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
cardia - see Ulcer, stomach
cardio-esophageal (peptic) 530.20
with bleeding 530.21
cecum (see also Ulcer, intestine) 569.82
cervix (uteri) (trophic) 622.0
with mention of cervicitis 616.0
chancroidal 099.0
chest (wall) (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
Chiclero 085.4
chin (pyogenic) (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
chronic (cause unknown) - see also Ulcer, skin
penis 607.89
Cochin-China 085.1
colitis - see Colitis, ulcerative
colon (see also Ulcer, intestine) 569.82
conjunctiva (acute) (postinfectional) 372.00
cornea (infectional) 370.00
with perforation 370.06
annular 370.02
catarrhal 370.01
central 370.03
dendritic 054.42
marginal 370.01
mycotic 370.05
phlyctenular, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31]
ring 370.02
rodent 370.07
serpent, serpiginous 370.04
superficial marginal 370.01
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31]
corpus cavernosum (chronic) 607.89
crural - see Ulcer, lower extremity
Curling's - see Ulcer, duodenum
Cushing's - see Ulcer, peptic
cystitis (interstitial) 595.1
decubitus (unspecified site) (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00
leprous 030.1
syphilitic 094.0
trophic 707.15
varicose 454.0
inflamed or infected 454.2
frambesial, initial or primary 102.0
gallbladder or duct 575.8
gall duct 576.8
gangrenous (see also Gangrene) 785.4
gastric - see Ulcer, stomach
gastrocolic - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
gastroduodenal - see Ulcer, peptic
gastroesophageal - see Ulcer, stomach
gastrohepatic - see Ulcer, stomach
gastrointestinal - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
gastrojejunal (eroded) (peptic) 534.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 531-534: 0 without mention of obstruction 1 with obstruction
hemorrhage (chronic) 534.4
and perforation 534.6
perforation 534.5
and hemorrhage 534.6
acute 534.3
hemorrhage 534.0
and perforation 534.2
perforation 534.1
and hemorrhage 534.2
bleeding (recurrent) - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal, with hemorrhage
chronic 534.7
hemorrhage 534.4
and perforation 534.6
perforation 534.5
and hemorrhage 534.6
penetrating - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal, with perforation
perforating - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal, with perforation
gastrojejunocolic - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
genital organ
female 629.89
male 608.89
gingiva 523.8
gingivitis 523.10
glottis 478.79
granuloma of pudenda 099.2
groin (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
gum 523.8
gumma, due to yaws 102.4
hand (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
hard palate 528.9
heel (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.14
decubitus (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.07
hemorrhoids 455.8
external 455.5
internal 455.2
hip (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
decubitus (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.04
Hunner's 595.1
hypopharynx 478.29
hypopyon (chronic) (subacute) 370.04
hypostaticum - see Ulcer, varicose
ileocolitis 556.1
ileum (see also Ulcer, intestine) 569.82
intestine, intestinal 569.82
with perforation 569.83
amebic 006.9
duodenal - see Ulcer, duodenum
granulocytopenic (with hemorrhage) 288.09
marginal 569.82
perforating 569.83
small, primary 569.82
stercoraceous 569.82
stercoral 569.82
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
typhoid (fever) 002.0
varicose 456.8
ischemic 707.9
lower extremity (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.10
ankle 707.13
calf 707.12
foot 707.15
heel 707.14
knee 707.19
specified site NEC 707.19
thigh 707.11
toes 707.15
jejunum, jejunal - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
keratitis (see also Ulcer, cornea) 370.00
knee - see Ulcer, lower extremity
labium (majus) (minus) 616.50
laryngitis (see also Laryngitis) 464.00
with obstruction 464.01
larynx (aphthous) (contact) 478.79
diphtheritic 032.3
leg - see Ulcer, lower extremity
lip 528.5
Lipschütz's 616.50
lower extremity (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic) (perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic) (tropical) 707.10
with gangrene (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.10 [785.4]
arteriosclerotic 440.24
ankle 707.13
arteriosclerotic 440.23
with gangrene 440.24
calf 707.12
decubitus (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00
with gangrene 707.00 [785.4]
ankle 707.06
buttock 707.05
heel 707.07
hip 707.04
foot 707.15
heel 707.14
knee 707.19
specified site NEC 707.19
thigh 707.11
toes 707.15
varicose 454.0
inflamed or infected 454.2
luetic - see Ulcer, syphilitic
lung 518.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.2
malignant (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant
marginal NEC - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
meatus (urinarius) 597.89
Meckel's diverticulum 751.0
Meleney's (chronic undermining) 686.09
Mooren's (cornea) 370.07
mouth (traumatic) 528.9
mycobacterial (skin) 031.1
nasopharynx 478.29
navel cord (newborn) 771.4
neck (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
uterus 622.0
neurogenic NEC - see Ulcer, skin
nose, nasal (infectional) (passage) 478.19
septum 478.19
varicose 456.8
skin - see Ulcer, skin
spirochetal NEC 104.8
oral mucosa (traumatic) 528.9
palate (soft) 528.9
penetrating NEC - see Ulcer, peptic, with perforation
penis (chronic) 607.89
peptic (site unspecified) 533.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 531-534: 0 without mention of obstruction 1 with obstruction
hemorrhage 533.4
and perforation 533.6
perforation (chronic) 533.5
and hemorrhage 533.6
acute 533.3
hemorrhage 533.0
and perforation 533.2
perforation 533.1
and hemorrhage 533.2
bleeding (recurrent) - see Ulcer, peptic, with hemorrhage
chronic 533.7
hemorrhage 533.4
and perforation 533.6
perforation 533.5
and hemorrhage 533.6
penetrating - see Ulcer, peptic, with perforation
perforating NEC (see also Ulcer, peptic, with perforation) 533.5
skin 707.9
perineum (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
peritonsillar 474.8
phagedenic (tropical) NEC - see Ulcer, skin
pharynx 478.29
phlebitis - see Phlebitis
plaster (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00
popliteal space - see Ulcer, lower extremity
postpyloric - see Ulcer, duodenum
prepuce 607.89
prepyloric - see Ulcer, stomach
pressure 707.00
abrasion, blister, partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis and/or dermis 707.22
full thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue 707.23
gangrene 707.00 [785.4]
necrosis of soft tissues through to underlying muscle, tendon, or bone 707.24
ankle 707.06
lower 707.03
upper 707.02
buttock 707.05
coccyx 707.03
elbow 707.01
head 707.09
healed - omit code
healing - code to Ulcer, pressure, by stage
heel 707.07
hip 707.04
other site 707.09
sacrum 707.03
shoulder blades 707.02
I (healing) 707.21
II (healing) 707.22
III (healing) 707.23
IV (healing) 707.24
unspecified (healing) 707.20
unstageable 707.25
primary of intestine 569.82
with perforation 569.83
proctitis 556.2
with ulcerative sigmoiditis 556.3
prostate 601.8
pseudopeptic - see Ulcer, peptic
pyloric - see Ulcer, stomach
rectosigmoid 569.82
with perforation 569.83
rectum (sphincter) (solitary) 569.41
stercoraceous, stercoral 569.41
varicose - see Varicose, ulcer, anus
retina (see also Chorioretinitis) 363.20
rodent (M8090/3) - see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant
cornea 370.07
round - see Ulcer, stomach
sacrum (region) (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
Saemisch's 370.04
scalp (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
sclera 379.09
scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
scrotum 608.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.5
varicose 456.4
seminal vesicle 608.89
sigmoid 569.82
with perforation 569.83
skin (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic) (non-healing) (perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic) 707.9
with gangrene 707.9 [785.4]
amebic 006.6
decubitus (see also Ulcer, pressure) 707.00
with gangrene 707.00 [785.4]
in granulocytopenia 288.09
lower extremity (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.10
with gangrene 707.10 [785.4]
arteriosclerotic 440.24
ankle 707.13
arteriosclerotic 440.23
with gangrene 440.24
calf 707.12
foot 707.15
heel 707.14
knee 707.19
specified site NEC 707.19
thigh 707.11
toes 707.15
mycobacterial 031.1
syphilitic (early) (secondary) 091.3
tuberculous (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
varicose - see Ulcer, varicose
sloughing NEC - see Ulcer, skin
soft palate 528.9
solitary, anus or rectum (sphincter) 569.41
sore throat 462
streptococcal 034.0
spermatic cord 608.89
spine (tuberculous) 015.0 [730.88]
stasis (leg) (venous) 454.0
with varicose veins 454.0
without varicose veins 459.81
inflamed or infected 454.2
stercoral, stercoraceous 569.82
with perforation 569.83
anus or rectum 569.41
stoma, stomal - see Ulcer, gastrojejunal
stomach (eroded) (peptic) (round) 531.9
Note Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 531-534: 0 without mention of obstruction 1 with obstruction
hemorrhage 531.4
and perforation 531.6
perforation (chronic) 531.5
and hemorrhage 531.6
acute 531.3
hemorrhage 531.0
and perforation 531.2
perforation 531.1
and hemorrhage 531.2
bleeding (recurrent) - see Ulcer, stomach, with hemorrhage
chronic 531.7
hemorrhage 531.4
and perforation 531.6
perforation 531.5
and hemorrhage 531.6
penetrating - see Ulcer, stomach, with perforation
perforating - see Ulcer, stomach, with perforation
stomatitis 528.00
stress - see Ulcer, peptic
strumous (tuberculous) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
submental (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.8
submucosal, bladder 595.1
syphilitic (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3
late 095.9
perforating 095.9
foot 094.0
testis 608.89
thigh - see Ulcer, lower extremity
throat 478.29
diphtheritic 032.0
toe - see Ulcer, lower extremity
tongue (traumatic) 529.0
tonsil 474.8
diphtheritic 032.0
trachea 519.19
trophic - see Ulcer, skin
tropical NEC (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, ulcer
tunica vaginalis 608.89
turbinate 730.9
typhoid (fever) 002.0
perforating 002.0
umbilicus (newborn) 771.4
unspecified site NEC - see Ulcer, skin
urethra (meatus) (see also Urethritis) 597.89
uterus 621.8
cervix 622.0
with mention of cervicitis 616.0
neck 622.0
with mention of cervicitis 616.0
vagina 616.89
valve, heart 421.0
varicose (lower extremity, any part) 454.0
anus - see Varicose, ulcer, anus
broad ligament 456.5
esophagus (see also Varix, esophagus) 456.1
bleeding (see also Varix, esophagus, bleeding) 456.0
inflamed or infected 454.2
nasal septum 456.8
perineum 456.6
rectum - see Varicose, ulcer, anus
scrotum 456.4
specified site NEC 456.8
sublingual 456.3
vulva 456.6
vas deferens 608.89
vesical (see also Ulcer, bladder) 596.89
vulva (acute) (infectional) 616.50
Behçet's syndrome 136.1 [616.51]
herpetic 054.12
tuberculous 016.7 [616.51]
vulvobuccal, recurring 616.50
x-ray - see Ulcer, by site
yaws 102.4
