Varix (lower extremity) (ruptured) 454.9
complications NEC 454.8
edema 454.8
inflammation or infection 454.1
with ulcer 454.2
pain 454.8
stasis dermatitis 454.1
with ulcer 454.2
swelling 454.8
ulcer 454.0
with inflammation or infection 454.2
aneurysmal (see also Aneurysm) 442.9
anus - see Hemorrhoids
arteriovenous (congenital) (peripheral) NEC 747.60
gastrointestinal 747.61
lower limb 747.64
renal 747.62
specified NEC 747.69
spinal 747.82
upper limb 747.63
bladder 456.5
broad ligament 456.5
congenital (peripheral) 747.60
esophagus (ulcerated) 456.1
bleeding 456.0
cirrhosis of liver 571.5 [456.20]
portal hypertension 572.3 [456.20]
congenital 747.69
cirrhosis of liver 571.5 [456.21]
with bleeding 571.5 [456.20]
portal hypertension 572.3 [456.21]
with bleeding 572.3 [456.20]
gastric 456.8
inflamed or infected 454.1
ulcerated 454.2
in pregnancy or puerperium 671.0
perineum 671.1
vulva 671.1
labia (majora) 456.6
orbit 456.8
congenital 747.69
ovary 456.5
papillary 448.1
pelvis 456.5
perineum 456.6
in pregnancy or puerperium 671.1
pharynx 456.8
placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
prostate 456.8
rectum - see Hemorrhoids
renal papilla 456.8
retina 362.17
scrotum (ulcerated) 456.4
sigmoid colon 456.8
specified site NEC 456.8
spinal (cord) (vessels) 456.8
spleen, splenic (vein) (with phlebolith) 456.8
sublingual 456.3
ulcerated 454.0
inflamed or infected 454.2
umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn 762.6
uterine ligament 456.5
cephalic (correcting previous malposition) 652.1
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
cervix- see Version, uterus
uterus (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) (see also Malposition, uterus) 621.6
forward - see Anteversion, uterus
lateral - see Lateroversion, uterus
